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A, B, Sea Let’s “sea” what’s in it for you. Outline the progress or results of existing E&T projects Outline concepts currently in the pipeline Summarise.

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Presentation on theme: "A, B, Sea Let’s “sea” what’s in it for you. Outline the progress or results of existing E&T projects Outline concepts currently in the pipeline Summarise."— Presentation transcript:

1 A, B, Sea Let’s “sea” what’s in it for you

2 Outline the progress or results of existing E&T projects Outline concepts currently in the pipeline Summarise the opportunities available NOW to everyone Today I am going to:

3 Program 3 To refresh: E&T has two focus areas: science training and industry training $7.6 million in budget  5 strategies to achieve 5 outcomes

4 E&T Outcomes Provide academic researchers with specialist skills and knowledge specific to the seafood industry Ensure CRC industry participants have the necessary skills to implement CRC research results. Create a “new breed of seafood managers”. Improved ability to attract, train and retain staff Create a retail revolution through training  39 E&T projects have already been completed or are in progress towards these outcomes!

5 A,B, Sea Strategies STRATEGY 1 PROJECTS: Develop and Coordinate a Comprehensive Student Program All 3 concepts have been approved by the Board All projects all in progress No concepts for development

6 1A. CRC Post Grad Program 19 approved PhD projects 15 enrolled PhD students 4 PhD projects waiting for an owner Target = 40 PhDs (37.5% the way there)  Target = 10 Masters (0% the way there)  Target = 10 Honours (30% the way there) 

7 1A. CRC Post Grad Program Opportunities available NOW: 21 more PhD projects required Big benefits for a CRC PhD 10 Masters by Research projects required Same provisions and benefits as a PhD 7 Honours projects required – Grant of $2500 Next call: July 2009

8 1A. CRC Post Grad Program Student Project Rules: Operating costs need to be well justified International or Aussie? Conferences for students – who pays for that?

9 Six Post Docs appointed  Two Post Docs in the pipeline Develop capacity for seafood industry Located within one or more research providers Strong industry interaction is expected High quality research output is required 1B. CRC Post Docs

10 Mentoring Project Details: Students and Post Docs have a project partner and an industry mentor Mentors are put through a day of mentoring training CRC provides a two-day interactive “retreat” each year which will contain activities such as specialist workshops (YSWS), lab and farm exchanges and educational seminars 2. Mentoring & YSWS A Mentoring Exchange

11 The E&T Team’s Vision: Industry Ready graduates and Post Docs Communication to industry about R&D enabling industry to see and value the benefit Confidence and communication skills Link graduate students with positions in the industry or universities Retain graduates in the industry New skills for industry FIRST RETREAT TO BE HELD BY IN CONJUNCTION WITH CRC AGM IN OCTOBER – STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILS Theme – “If only I knew then, what I know now” Mentoring & YSWS

12 Opportunities Available NOW: Become a mentor – do you wish to be involved and help give an industry perspective to a young scientist and for you to learn more about R&D? Can we come to your lab or farm or processing facility for a field trip? Opportunity for more personal development and training Have a warm and fuzzy: Give back to the next G Mentoring & YSWS 

13 Some questions I pose to you all: Is this the right approach? Do you think we will get commitment from mentors? How do we get mentors? Feel good factor and training opportunities enough of a drawcard? Should students choose own mentors or should the CRC pick them ourselves? 2. Mentoring & YSWS

14 A,B, Sea Strategies STRATEGY 2 PROJECTS: Conduct Training Required to Implement CRC Findings 5 concepts approved and developed in to projects 2 concepts waiting for approval 3 concepts approved for development (but not right time)

15 TNA Training Needs Analysis – Pilot Project (to test methods) TNA Project – Completed We needed to know: What training do our participants actually want? What training can our participants already provide? What training identified by our participants is already out there and available by others? What training can we develop at the CRC for our Participants? What training can the CRC send off to others to develop?

16 TNA Findings were: The most critical skill sets were identified as those relating to: working effectively together general administration risk management business and strategic management NB: Critical defined as “selected in more than 50% of the responses”

17 TNA The top critical things the CRC CAN develop (as core business) are courses in: Communications and working in teams* Conflict management and negotiation* Strategic planning and business development+ Business planning, structure and legal requirements+ Leadership, industry representation, community liaison and public speaking*  HANG ON! WE ARE ALREADY DOING ALL THOSE! * The CRC are providing opportunities in this area through sponsorship of participants to attend NSILP and for PhDs and Post Docs through the YSWS + The CRC are already providing opportunities in this area through the Seafood Success Professional Diploma (Entrepreneurship) program

18 TNA The top 5 critical things we CAN’T do at the CRC (not our core business) but CRC participants could provide: Licensing and compliance requirements (inc. corporate governance) Budgeting and preparing financial statements (long term) Accounting/cash flow (daily/weekly) Financial planning (inc. interpreting financial statements) Occupational health and safety Infrastructure emergency procedures

19 TNA Opportunities Available NOW: Opportunities for CRC participants to develop customised training in the identified and critical and high priority areas Facilitation of “training” incubators or training road shows * The E&T PM will be providing results of the TNA to CRC participants to highlight opportunities and partnerships very soon

20 1 -2 day specialist, focused workshops for participants 2 Master Classes conducted to date with another 2 on the way  Others in the pipeline include nursery training, bio-economics, retail innovation, specialist food safety etc. Master Classes

21 Opportunity Available NOW: Do you want a Master Class on a specific topic? Speak to Emily, Graham or Jayne

22 Provides training for participants with a “seafood business idea” to develop the skills and knowledge to commercialise new seafood products and technologies The program will help test or turn a business idea into a reality Reduce risks and work out the ROI for your idea Step-by-step support for the development of business plans 8 residential sessions over 8 months lasting 3 days in duration Conducted by the University of Sunshine Coast, University of Adelaide and Curtin University Interactive course lectures and workshops on topics such as business planning, creative thinking, understanding finances, learning how to give an effective sales pitch etc. Entrepreneur Program

23 Opportunities Available NOW: Attend the whole course or one or more modules of interest Run again in 2010 if enough interested people Next session is in Adelaide (12 th – 14 th June) Topic is ‘Business Planning for New Ventures’ Free to CRC participants – a similar course would easily be $20K+ to enrol in = B.A.R.G.A.I.N Entrepreneur Program

24 Concepts Not Yet Initiated in Strategy 2: CRC Case Studies – waiting on examples of brilliant and life-changing uptake by industry of CRC outputs – CRC not quite 2 years in! Professional Diploma Series (one course started) but other topics to come Post grad quals – Waiting to get further in to the CRC research before we develop workshops for uni grads VET related subjects - Waiting to get further in to the CRC research before we provide specialist educational content for TAFES and RTO’s A,B, Sea Strategies

25 STRATEGY 3 PROJECTS: Provide travel bursaries, organised learning activities and visiting experts 4 concepts approved and in progress 1 concept approved for development 3 concepts not yet approved A,B, Sea Strategies

26 Grants n’ Bursaries Have awarded 5 research travel grants  Have awarded 6 industry bursaries  Have sponsored 6 people to attend leadership course 

27 Grants n’ Bursaries The Rules: Research or collaborative activities – not just conferences! Bring back new technologies and ideas to implement in businesses – no conferences on their own! Where’s the innovation?!! Where’s the dynamic ideas?

28 Grants n’ Bursaries Opportunities Available NOW: Next call July PMs will be developing some ideas for bursaries to offer Vital you talk to the PM before developing the application – they are there to help you not only enhance your idea but make sure it is relevant to CRC outcomes and for you to get the most out of the opportunity Talk to PMs, meet with PMs, let the PMs help you!

29 Visiting Experts Information from international specialists Enhance collaboration with international institutions Exchange of information between industry and R&D providers Have sponsored 6 visiting experts to date  Professor Michael Crawford Dr Pierre Boudry and Dr Helen McCombie Professor Daniel Khan and Dr Mike Dillon Professor Clemens von Schacky

30 Visiting Experts The Rules: Have to be BIG names Have to come for a specific purpose Maximum $20,000 per expert Opportunities Available NOW: Talk to JG, Emily or Graham about ideas for visiting experts but be aware resources are getting slim!

31 Opportunity for our participants to go work/stay in another country to learn new techniques, methods or ideas. Some exchanges on the boil include: NOFIMA Grimsby Institute Kinki University Information Exchanges

32 Barriers to Recruitment  STRATEGY 4 PROJECTS: Barriers to Recruitment and Development of Solutions 2 concepts have been approved by the Board 1 concept ready for approval

33 ALife: Career Profiles for Gen X and Y Stimulate interest from school leavers to enter a career in the seafood industry Uses technology that excites Gen x and Y Promotion and endorsement from Rove McManus, Ada Nicodemou and Jason Hodges Over 55,000 disks distributed to all secondary schools in Australia (3500) since Nov 08 Huge promotional campaign in media

34 National seminars with parents, teachers and career advisors Linkages with and Offers complete educational pathways Already incorporated in to SA and NT PLP curriculum materials with other states to follow Lesson plans developed and used ALife: Career Profiles for Gen X and Y

35 ALife TV Foxtel documentary series in negotiation Cover mounts in teen mags Seafood CRC 16 th most downloaded profile Need and want more! ALife: Career Profiles for Gen X and Y

36 Ada from Home and Away says it best: ALife: Career Profiles for Gen X and Y

37 Opportunities Available NOW: Industry participants for profiles Research participants for profiles University participants for career pathways Consultation: What profiles do you need (e.g. deckhand, hatchery manager, logistics manager, food scientist, export manager, marketer) ALife: Career Profiles for Gen X and Y

38 Retail Revolution STRATEGY 5 PROJECTS: Training staff at the customer interface for seafood retailing and hospitality 2 projects completed in SellFish concepts for approval (Master classes and retail transformation training)

39 Our education and training program focuses on academic and industry training We offer a wide variety of interactive and specialised training options for our participants and the Australian seafood industry Opportunities are available now – you just need to engage with the relevant PM or talk to Emily! Summary 

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