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Visual Quiz for this Christmas Season Start now!.

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1 Visual Quiz for this Christmas Season Start now!

2 Question #1: Annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church. New Year Christmas Noche Buena Show Score End Quiz

3 Wrong!  Proceed to the next next question Proceed to the next next question

4 Correct! Proceed to the next question Proceed to the next question

5 Question #2: An English Christmas carol that enumerates in the manner of a cumulative song a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the Christmas days. 12 days of Christmas Joy to the World Feliz Navidad Show ScoreEnd Quiz

6 Correct! Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

7 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question.

8 Question #3: When counting the Twelve days of Christmas, it starts from… Before Christmas day After Christmas Day During Christmas Day Show Score End Quiz

9 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

10 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question.

11 Question #4: Epiphany is being celebrated at what day of January? January 5th January 4th January 6th Show ScoreEnd Quiz

12 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

13 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

14 Question #5: The Son of God; symbolizing the partridge on a pear tree. Abraham Jesus Christ Noah Show Score End Quiz

15 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

16 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

17 Question #6: All are included in the four Gospels except: Matthew Mark Genesis Show Score End Quiz

18 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

19 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

20 Question #7: The first five books in the Bible that symbolizes the five gold rings is known as the: Pentateuch Old Testament Gospels Show ScoreEnd Quiz

21 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

22 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

23 Question #8: One of the seven gifts of the Holy spirit which means; the foretelling or prediction of what is to come. Ministry Exhortation Prophecy End Quiz Show Score

24 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

25 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

26 Question #9: The six days of creation that confesses God as Creator and Sustainer of the world is the analogy of six.. Geese a Laying Maids a Milking Swans a Swimming End Quiz Show Score

27 Correct! Proceed to the next question.

28 Wrong!  Proceed to the next question. Proceed to the next question.

29 Question #10: Statement 1: Christmas is celebrated as the day of the Birth of Christ into this world Statement 2: Christmas symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Only 1 st statement is true Both statements are true Only 2 nd statement is true End Quiz Show Score

30 Correct! Visual Basic Quiz Done! Visual Basic Quiz Done!

31 Wrong!  Visual Basic Quiz Done! Visual Basic Quiz Done!

32 Correct Answers: 2 Wrong Answers : 0


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