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Presentation on theme: " CH4LLENGE has just started its series of online learning courses! We offer a SUMP Basics online course and four in-depth courses."— Presentation transcript:


2 CH4LLENGE has just started its series of online learning courses! We offer a SUMP Basics online course and four in-depth courses on the four challenges: CH4LLENGE Online Learning Participation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to successfully engage citizens and stakeholders in SUMP development Institutional Cooperation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to collaborate and work jointly within and across organisations in order to develop and implement a SUMP Measure selection for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Approaches and evidence on identifying measures Monitoring and Evaluation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to assess the impact of measures and evaluating the mobility planning process

3 All CH4LLENGE online courses are self-paced, allowing participants to complete it on a schedule that works for them Courses are open to participants from cities and regions across Europe (and even beyond) and are free of charge They are intended for those working in the field of urban mobility (e.g. transport planners, mobility experts, students and young professionals) No detailed pre-knowledge of the topic is required! CH4LLENGE Online Learning

4 All courses are hosted on an interactive e-learning platform (Moodle) Courses run moderated for four weeks and are available as on- demand courses afterwards (continuously but without moderation) – SUMP Basics: on-demand (continuously) – Participation: 13 April – 15 May 2015 (you can still join this course!) – Cooperation: 13 May – 10 June 2015 – Measure selection: 29 July – 26 August 2015 – Monitoring & evaluation: September 2015 (dates to be announced soon) CH4LLENGE Online Learning

5 CH4LLENGE Online Learning

6 Course examples SUMP Basics - Introduction to sustainable urban mobility planning Participation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning - How to successfully engage citizens and stakeholders in SUMP development

7 This course gives an overview of the SUMP concept and its benefits, describes the ever-growing importance of SUMPs in Europe, and has a closer look at the SUMP development process as well as the challenges cities often face when developing and implementing a SUMP SUMP Basics – Introduction to sustainable urban mobility planning Image: Harry Schiffer

8 SUMP Basics – Introduction to sustainable urban mobility planning Unit 1: Introduction – 1.1 Welcome – 1.2 About this course Unit 2: Background and context – 2.1 Transportation trends and impacts – 2.2 Why a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan? Unit 3: Introduction to sustainable urban mobility planning – 3.1 Main characteristics of a SUMP – 3.2 The sustainable urban mobility planning process Unit 4: Developing a SUMP I (Prepare well!) – 4.1 How to get started with improving existing transport planning practices? – 4.2 Defining the development process and scope of the plan – 4.3 Analysing the mobility situation and developing scenarios

9 SUMP Basics – Introduction to sustainable urban mobility planning Unit 5: Developing a SUMP II (Get the best from transport!) – 5.1 Developing a common vision – 5.2 Setting priorities and measurable targets – 5.3 Developing effective packages of measures Unit 6: Developing a SUMP III (Generate momentum!) – 6.1 Agree on clear responsibilities and allocate funding – 6.2 Build monitoring and assessment into the plan – 6.3 Adopt the sustainable urban mobility plan – 6.4 Implement the plan, communicate well and learn the lessons Unit 7: Conclusion – 7.1 Reviewing – 7.2 Other resources

10 This course gives an overview about the relevance of participation in SUMP preparation provides insights into managing participatory transport planning, identifying stakeholders, and working with interested parties, the public and the media explores how to select appropriate involvement formats and looks at the practical work of conducting a participation process Participation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to successfully engage citizens and stakeholders in SUMP development Image: CH4LLENGE/ M. Lindenau

11 Unit 1: Introduction – 1.1 Welcome – 1.2 About this course Unit 2: Background and context – 2.1 The planning concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans – 2.2 Participation in sustainable urban mobility planning – 2.3 Policy frameworks for participation Unit 3: How to lay the groundwork for participation – 3.1 Preparing and managing participation – 3.2 Developing an engagement strategy – 3.3 Establishing quality and control procedures Participation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to successfully engage citizens and stakeholders in SUMP development

12 Unit 4: How to foster connections for participation – 4.1 Working with the media – 4.2 Getting to know the community Unit 5: How to engage with stakeholders and the public – 5.1 Determining levels of involvement – 5.2 Selecting participation methods Unit 6: How to conduct an effective participation process – 6.1 Integrating participation in the SUMP development process – 6.2 Managing conflicts Unit 7: How to learn from experiences – 7.1 Evaluating the participation process Unit 8: Conclusion Participation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to successfully engage citizens and stakeholders in SUMP development

13 Register for our online courses on our project website and learn more about SUMP from the comfort of your office or home! For more information, visit Course registration

14 Join us in workshops and summer schools Learn with us online Expand your horizons Share SUMP project experience Thank you for your attention! Contact Susanne Böhler-Baedeker, Rupprecht Consult, +49 221 6060 55 14 Miriam Lindenau, Rupprecht Consult, +49 221 6060 55 16

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