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Create your civilization. Grab the paper off the podium Use your imagination Make sure you think about where in the world you would establish your civilization.

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Presentation on theme: "Create your civilization. Grab the paper off the podium Use your imagination Make sure you think about where in the world you would establish your civilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Create your civilization. Grab the paper off the podium Use your imagination Make sure you think about where in the world you would establish your civilization (included this on the paper). You have 15 min You can use the maps around the room to assist you

2 Features of a stable civilization Physical Ocean, mountain, forest, ore (minerals) -Alaska Canada- trees Coal traded for drugs-meat eaters need live stock. Volcanos (defense) & oceans Good farm land Human Religious monarchy, capitalist economy, governors, medical, laws are based off the religion Trade, hunter gather society, communist government/ socialist economy. religion based off children's shows. No government, trade with world powers Democracy, monotheistic religion-but practice toleration, open trade, edu for all.

3 Grab your new vocab off the podium and get started on the definitions. There will be binder quizzes over this material.

4 Understanding Human Geography (population, culture and economy) Chapters 5-6

5 World Population

6 Population Distribution page. 89 – People are not spread evenly around the world-why? Location of favorable settlement areas 90% of world pop Northern Hemisphere Civilization development page 119-124 – Early humans Hunted & gathered Establish Permanent settlements – Agriculture – Animal Domestication

7 permanent settlements develop p.120 – Urbanization (growth of people living in towns & cities) p.120 Not everyone farms – Merchants –trade – Government Types of settlements page 121-122 » Villages » Towns » Cities Near key factors (resources, defendable, transportation) Central Place Theory Pattern of urban development

8 Urbanization Today page 123-124 – Urbanization in undeveloped nations is increasing jobs Urban land use in cities – City center (CBD) central business districts – Large stores, offices and buildings – Center of transportation – Outside city –edge cities (large buildings & store outside city) – Suburbs -subdivisions Urban problems – Pollution

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