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Management and Leadership VATL Meeting. Management  What is Management?  McLaughlin (1994) says that:  “Management can be defined as the effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Management and Leadership VATL Meeting. Management  What is Management?  McLaughlin (1994) says that:  “Management can be defined as the effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management and Leadership VATL Meeting

2 Management  What is Management?  McLaughlin (1994) says that:  “Management can be defined as the effective utilization of resources (both human and material) to achieve an organization’s objectives”. (p.3)  Hunter (1991) “In some ways the task of supervising is more demanding than that of more senior management. The managing role can be described under five headings […]. These are:  Planning  Organising  Directing  Controlling  Staffing.”

3 The Management Process

4 Management Theories  Weber: Bureaucratic Model of Management: Chain of Command  Taylor: Scientific management: time and motion  Mayo: Norms powerful control over workers  Maslow: Needs Hierarchy  McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y  Hertzberg: Hygiene or Motivation theories  Likert: Human behavior/motivation and leadership style associations.

5 Leadership: A Facet of Management  Managers think incrementally  Leaders think radically “  Managers do things right, while  Leaders do the right thing” (Pascale)  Managers follow the rules; Leaders follow their intuition  Leaders stand out by being different.  They question assumptions and are suspicious of tradition.  They seek out truth and make decisions based on fact not prejudice  Leaders are observant and sensitive people. They know their team and develop mutual confidence within it (Fenton)

6 Management Vs Leadership

7 SubjectLeaderManager EssenceChangeStability Focus Leading people Managing work HaveFollowersSubordinates HorizonLong-termShort-term SeeksVisionObjectives Approach Sets direction Plans detail DecisionFacilitatesMakes Power Personal charisma Formal authority Appeal to HeartHead EnergyPassionControl DynamicProactiveReactive PersuasionSellTell RulesBreaksMakes LikesStrivingAction RisksTakesMinimizes ConflictUsesAvoids Direction New roads Existing roads CreditGivesTakes BlameTakesBlames


9 Change

10 Factors Needed for Successful Change


12  Quotes:  Heraclities 535 ‑ 475 BC notes that there is nothing permanent except change.  Anatole France all changes, even longed for change have their melancholy, for what we leave behind us is part of ourselves; we must die one life before we can enter another  Alfred North Whitehead Accept change and get stability ‑‑ resistance produces chaos. He suggests that the art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to pressure change among order.  "The past is gone; the present is full of confusion; and the future scares the hell out of me" (D.L. Stein).  Advanced Library and Cultural Studies Project2008.doc Advanced Library and Cultural Studies Project2008.doc Advanced Library and Cultural Studies Project2008.doc

13 Adoption of Change

14 Rate of Change




18 Bibliography  McGowan, John, Miller, Paul, Management vs Leadership in the School Adnimistrator, 2001 er=3225&unitemnumber=&pf=1&snitemnumber=950 er=3225&unitemnumber=&pf=1&snitemnumber=950 er=3225&unitemnumber=&pf=1&snitemnumber=950  The difference between management and leadership  Leadership vs management in  The difference between leadership and management basics.html

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