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. Ask your teacher(s) if they will write a letter of recommendation for you. They are not obligated to do so! Asking them in person is thoughtful and.

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Presentation on theme: ". Ask your teacher(s) if they will write a letter of recommendation for you. They are not obligated to do so! Asking them in person is thoughtful and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ask your teacher(s) if they will write a letter of recommendation for you. They are not obligated to do so! Asking them in person is thoughtful and considerate. You want your teacher to write you a glowing recommendation, so treat them with respect and be considerate of their time. Teacher recommendations are submitted electronically. Once your teacher agrees to write the letter, you must submit your request electronically via Naviance. This gives your teacher the ability to upload your letter electronically, and allows them to review your Recommendation Data Sheet that will contain all your accomplishments and goals. You should allow up to 4 weeks for your letter to be completed!

3 1. Go to Neshaminy High Schools Website 2. Click on the Naviance-Family Connection link on the left hand side 3. Enter your student id (7 digit number) and password (the one you use to log-in to NHS’s computers!) 4. Click Log In

4 1.Under the ABOUT ME tab, under surveys to take, click on Recommendation Data Sheet (all) 2.Answer the questions as accurately as possible. Focus on your accomplishments and strengths! Your teachers and counselor needs this form to highlight your best qualities! Click “Update” when finished Colleges will NOT see this data sheet. It will only be accessed by teachers and counselors as needed. Once updated, your teachers will be able to access it, you don’t have to print it out!

5 1.Go to the Colleges Tab, Go to “Colleges I’m Applying to” 2.Scroll down to Teacher Recommendations, click add/cancel request and a drop down menu will appear

6 3.Select Teacher from Drop-Down Menu and write a short note. Thank them for writing your letter of recommendation and ask them to fill out the Common App Teacher Evaluation form if needed. Click Update Requests. 4.An email will be automatically sent to your teacher with your request. Your will upload your recommendation electronically to Naviance. REMEMBER: Always ask IN PERSON before requesting through Naviance!

7 Will I be able to view my letters of recommendations? No. Your letter is confidential. You will only be able to read your letter if your teacher provides you with a copy. The status of my letter says “in progress” but my teacher told me she finished it! “In progress” is changed to “completed” by your teacher. If this is not done, your letter will show “in progress” even if it is uploaded and complete. Your counselor will be able to verify it was received. I don’t see the teacher(s) listed in the Drop Down Menu. How do I ask for a recommendation? If the teacher is a Neshaminy staff member, we may be able to add him or her. See your counselor. If it is someone outside of the district (coach, youth group leader, former teacher from another school), it is best to provide each recommender with a stamped, addressed envelope(s) and ask them to send it directly to your schools. My school doesn’t accept letters of recommendation. Should I send them anyway? No. If your school doesn’t accept them, don’t send them. Follow their directions! My school only accepts 2 letters but I have more. Should I send them all? No. We are only able to electronically send what is accepted by the school. Can I chose which recommendations I want to send to each school? Yes, however, you won’t be able to read the letters without the teachers’ permission. We require you to specify which letters you would like us to send on each transcript request form. My school says letters of recommendations are optional. What should I do? Optional = DO it! We suggest you send at least 1-2 letters highlighting why are a good fit for that school. Do I have to fill out my applications before I can ask for letters of recommendation? No, you can ask for letters via Naviance at anytime. Who should I ask to write letters for me? Any teacher who can attest to your work ethic, academic abilities, and your potential for college. Choose a teacher who knows your well. It is not necessary to choose a science teacher if you are going into a science field (or other fields that relate) if you have a stronger relationship with another teacher. You can also ask teachers from prior grades, but 11 th -12 th grade teachers are recommended. Some schools request letters only be written by core course teachers!

8 Mrs. Kimberly Gibbons..........A – Bux Mrs. Patience Burton...........By – Don Mrs. Jill Ortman....................Doo – Gr Mrs. Casey Rodgers..............Gu - Kis Mrs. Susan Fennecken.… Kit - McCle Ms. Traci Hindle.................McCli – Os Mrs. Jennifer Coe...................Ot - Rz Mrs. Heidi Wilson.....................S - The Mrs. Heather Krajcer................Thi – Z Counselor Assignments by Student Last Name

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