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Methods for measuring perceived qualities in the landscape - from quantitative to qualitative research Project B: Socio-cultural effects Sofia Jönsson,

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Presentation on theme: "Methods for measuring perceived qualities in the landscape - from quantitative to qualitative research Project B: Socio-cultural effects Sofia Jönsson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods for measuring perceived qualities in the landscape - from quantitative to qualitative research Project B: Socio-cultural effects Sofia Jönsson, Marianne Lindström University of Kalmar

2 Aim of study Part of Include project B: mapping theories and methods Litterature study inspired by the research of Swaffield & Fosters (”Community perception of landscape values in the South Island high country”, 2000) Broad theoretical approach => concrete examples of methods

3 Short introduction Perceptions of the landscape - How to ”look” at the landscape - Landscape preferences - Identity Sustainable development and the concept of ”landscape”: economic interests vs. environmental interests tangible values vs. intangible values

4 Paradigmes of perception (Zube et al 1984) Approach Expert (aestetic or ecological) PsychophysicalCognitiveSocio- cultural Experiental Human perspective Passive (looking at the landscape) Active (identity) LandscapeDimensionalHolistic

5 Methods within each approach EXPERTPSYCHO- PHYSICAL COGNITIVESOCIO- CULTURAL EXPERIENTAL USER INDEPENDENTUSER DEPENDENT Mainly quantitative (Looking at the landscape; ”Top-down”) Mainly quantitative (Preferences) Mainly qualitative (Identity; ”Bottom-up”) ”Ecological” Field study (inventories) GIS-analysis Systematic valuations of the biophysical landscapes (ecology and biodiversity) ”Aesthetic” Field study Systematic valuation of visual and physical characters (ranking methods) Expert valuation through philosophical principles of aesthetics Quasi- experimental examinations of landscape users (ranking methods, physiological measurements, questionnaires) Quasi- experimental evaluations of picture preferences (ranking methods) Quasi- experimental evaluations of questionnaries Qualitative evaluations (observations, interviews, focus groups) Activity mapping (visitors studies) Etnografic evaluations of ’key informants’ (interviews) Qualitative analysis and interpretations (interviews and focus groups) Self reflection of a landscape (identity)

6 Summary and discussion Broad variety of research on landscape perception. Small representation of studies within the socio-cultural approach. Swaffield & Foster argues: this approach has high credability on common preferences and is to prefer when conducting policies and guidelines in authority activities.

7 Important to focus on a more qualitative approach in landscape perception reserach: identifying intangible values and embracing interdisciplinary science. Approach Expert (aesthetic or ecological) PsychophysicalCognitiveSocio-cultural Experiental Human perspective Passive (looking at the landscape) Active (identity) LandscapeDimensionalHolistic

8 Communicate soft values Additional step in landscape perception research Landscape values institute, Australia. Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS)

9 Thank you! Sofia Jönsson Marianne Lindström,

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