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Published byEmery Nichols Modified over 9 years ago
Supplemental Instructional Materials Aligned to the Common Core State Standards
It will take a number of years to develop new curriculum frameworks and instructional materials aligned to the CCSS. In the interim, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction invited publishers and producers of mathematics and English-language arts materials to submit supplemental instructional materials that bridge the gap between the existing programs currently being used by districts and the CCSS. The intention of this process is that supplemental materials include the minimum amount of content needed to fully address the CCSS and that the costs for districts to purchase and implement the supplements be kept low. Publishers were encouraged to submit their instructional materials in digital format.
Review Process Not a State Adoption
Only the State Board of Education has the authority to adopt instructional materials Suspended until after June 30, 2015 Service to districts, voluntary process California Department of Education Note: Assembly Bill X4 2 (Chapter 2, Statutes of Fourth Extraordinary Session) signed on July 28, 2009, suspended the process and procedures for adopting instructional materials, including framework revisions, until the school year. Senate Bill 70 (Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2011) extended that suspension until the school year. In order to provide school districts greater budgetary flexibility the state legislature and governor suspended the authority of the SBE to adopt new instructional materials until after June 30, 2015, unless specifically authorized by law. The review process is a low-cost way to begin implementing the CCSS. Publishers also did not have to participate in this process. *Since this supplemental approval process Assembly Bill 1246 signed on September 27, 2012 authorized the State Board of Education to conduct a primary adoption of Kindergarten through grade eight instructional materials in mathematics aligned to the Common Core State Standards. This took effect on January 1, 2013.
Organization of the English Language Arts Standards
College and Career Anchor Standards 4 Strands Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language Research, technology and multimedia skills blended into standards, not separate California Department of Education Recognizing these are probably a review for most of you it’s still important that all of us have the same common understanding of the CCSS. Organized around the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards, These are the broad end results expectations to prepare students for career/college There is an integrated model of literacy, with shared responsibility for students’ literacy, including expectations for reading and writing in the social and natural sciences. “The need to conduct research and to produce and consume media is embedded into every aspect of today’s curriculum. In like fashion, research and media skills and understandings are embedded throughout the Standards rather than treated in a separate section.” Council of Chief State School Officials and National Governor’s Association (2010) Common Core State Standards
Key Instructional Shifts
Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts. Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text. Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary. The shifts are a high-level summary of the biggest changes signified by the adoption of the CCSS. They represent the most significant shifts for curriculum materials, instruction, student learning, and thinking about assessment. Taken all together, they should lead to desired student outcomes. Communicate the shifts to everyone who will listen! Everyone working in your school and district should have a solid understanding of the shifts required in both ELA/Literacy and Mathematics. They are a great starting point for learning about and understanding the CCSS. You can test any message or effort regarding the CCSS against these touchstones. From state, district, school, or classroom – how does X support the ideas of the shifts? They are meant to be succinct and easy to remember. We’ll discuss them each in turn.
Key Advances: Reading More Emphasis on Informational Text
Rationale: Until now, students were required to read very little informational text in elementary and middle school. Non-fiction makes up the vast majority of required reading in college and the workplace. Informational text is harder for students to comprehend than narrative text. literacy plays a role in science and technology, history and social studies and in classes focused on the Arts – and in English Language Arts. Background knowledge has long been connected to comprehension. Reading informational text is essential in building background knowledge. The standards demand that students work on literacy in all the content areas, not as a distraction or as an addition to their study of content, but to build their understanding of the content being studied. This is displayed most prominently in two ways. 1) At every grade level, there are a set of standards for informational text and a set for literary standards. 2) Reading Standard 10 calls for students to read a wide range of informational text. It is actually a standard to read informational text. Source: Achieve the Core
Emphasis on Informational Text
The Standards aim to align instruction with the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) framework Percentages do not imply that high school ELA teachers must teach 70% informational text; they demand instead that a great deal of reading should occur in other disciplines. Distribution of Literary and Informational Passages by Grade in the 2009 NAEP Reading Framework Grade Literary Information 4 50% 8 45% 55% 12 30% 70% An awareness of the emphasis on Informational Text is critical in ensuring student success. The standards aim to align with NAEP in the distribution of literary and informational text. This emphasis on informational text must begin K-3, because as you can see, by Grade 4 the distribution is 50/50. Note that literary non-fiction is included in the Literary category, and this includes essays, speeches, and biographies. Therefore, the actual weight in informational text may be even higher than what is outlined in this table. It is important to note that the high percentages of informational text in high school is a shared responsibility between ELA teachers other disciplines. This does not mean that all 70% of informational reading needs to happen in the ELA classrooms.
What is Informational Text ??
Literary Text Informational Text Fiction Literary nonfiction, such as essays, speeches, and autobiographies or biographies • Poetry Exposition • Argumentation and persuasive text • Procedural text and documents Source: Reading Framework for the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress, September 2010
Reading Areas of Emphasis:
Questions and tasks that are text dependent, where use of supporting evidence is text based Careful selection of texts, meeting the complexity requirements at each grade Connections between reading and writing across the curriculum California Department of Education Most college and career writing requires students to take a position or inform others citing evidence from the text, not provide a personal opinion. Across the grades, and even across the content areas, students need to develop the skill of grounding their responses in evidence from the text. Requiring students to use evidence can and should occur during oral discussions with “read alouds” in the youngest grades and continue across all grades and content areas. This is a sharp departure from much current practice where the focus is commonly to relate the text to yourself in narrative expressive pieces, where students share their views on various topics.
Writing Shifts focus of student writing to:
Three identified types and purposes of writing K-12 Opinions/Arguments Informative/Explanatory Narratives California Department of Education Writing emphasizes use of evidence from sources to inform or make an argument. One reason for this shift in the organization of writing standards is to better prepare students for college and career writing. This shift matches the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) framework. Research—both short, focused projects (such as those commonly required in the workplace) and longer term in-depth research —is emphasized throughout the standards but most prominently in the writing strand since a written analysis and presentation of findings is so often critical.
Speaking and Listening
Shifts in instruction ask students to: Engage in collaborative conversations between students and adults Come prepared Pose and respond to questions to clarify, contribute, and elaborate on remarks of others Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker of media source provides California Department of Education The expectation is both in working together in small groups and one on one, and making formal presentations. Again, the emphasize is to prepare all students to be college and career ready.
Language Shifts focus on vocabulary acquisition and use
Engage in the study of vocabulary, emphasizing academic vocabulary Understand figurative language, word relationships, and nuances Conventions of Language Use standard English grammar when writing, speaking, listening, and reading California Department of Education CCSS require students to learn a variety of strategies to discern meaning of words in the context they are used. The strand is vitally important in order for students to be successful in the reading, writing, and speaking and listening strand.
Integration of Technology and Multimedia
Use as sources of information and tools for communication: Create audio recording of stories or poems; add drawing or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. (SL.2.5) Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem). (RL.5.7) California Department of Education Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others. (W.8.6) These are just a few examples of technology and multimedia, this begins in Kindergarten. Now Anthony Quan our STEM consultant will share the mathematics shifts.
Common Core Standards for Mathematics
Category 1 submissions only Will not affect the process for reviewers Working toward full adoption in mathematics in time frame California Department of Education
Common Core Standards for Mathematics
California Department of Education
Common Core Standards for Mathematics
Two Types of Standards Mathematical Practice (recurring throughout the grades) Mathematical Content (different at each grade level) California Department of Education
Category 1 Supplement specific 2008 ELA SBE-adopted programs same publisher, 2007 SBE-Adopted Mathematics CDE reviewed current adoptions for gaps in standards 7 ELA Programs 7 Mathematics Programs Adapted from the California Department of Education The materials must be aligned to the CCSS For Mathematics adopted by the SBE on Nov. 8, 2007 those publishers could submit supplemental programs K-7 because the 1997 Ca standards and CCSS for mathematics do not match at grade 8. Reading/Language Arts/English Language Development programs adopted by the SBE Nov 5, 2008 K-8 grade. There are no state adoptions for grades LEA governing boards have the authority and responsibility under EC to adopt instructional materials for use in the high schools. There are standards maps available for publishers for grades 9-12. Each publisher was given a specific standards map that the CDE did not believe the grade level was in alignment to the CCSS. Supplemental materials, in conjunction with adopted materials must meet all CCCSS for that grade level. In Mathematics, “all of the Ca CCSS include the mathematical practices standards as well as the grade specific content standards. Publishers could only cite content from the same grade level as evidence that a certain grade-level CCSS is covered in their program, not a different grade. (require multiple grade level texts for each grade)
Category 2 Supplements that can be used by any basic program currently being used by school districts Publishers must demonstrate coverage of a specific subset of the CCSS Standards Maps 6 ELA Programs Adapted from the California Department of Education Any publisher or producer could submit a general supplement that could be used with any existing instructional materials program. These materials had to align with all the CCSS except the literacy standards in grades 6-8. The suspension was due to not having enough reviewers. Reviewers do not receive any stipend for their service and it takes about 100 hours to complete a review. Of the 42 mathematics submissions, 34 were in Category 2. Good News the review is now in process, the reviewers have been approved by the SBE in Jan. and the training for them was Feb 8. SBE action is July 2013.
Evaluation Criteria Category 1 and Category 2 supplemental materials do not include the standards for literacy in History-Social Science, Science, and Technical Subjects. Adapted from the California Department of Education
All Supplemental Materials were evaluated for:
Evaluation Criteria All Supplemental Materials were evaluated for: Social Content requirements in the Education Code and State Board guidelines Accuracy, assessments, universal access that provides comprehensive instructional support for all students Adapted from the California Department of Education Students are often swayed by what they see, hear, and read. Social Content includes instructional resources that could develop student attitudes and beliefs (erroneous stereotypes, not represent the cultural and racial diversity of our society, negatively represent ethnic groups, the disabled, the elderly, both males and females, inappropriate references to commercial brand names, products or company logos, and religion) these are listed on the CDE website for more details The materials must be accurate, use proper grammar and spelling and be free of all errors before they are sold to school districts. (ED CODE, section 60045 Where assessments are present in the supplemental materials, they must provide sufficient evidence for teachers to evaluate student progress toward proficiency in the content outlined in the CCSS Where appropriate, the supplemental instructional materials must present comprehensive guidance for teachers in providing effective, efficient instructional for all students. (Including EL’’s, advanced-learners, students below grade level in reading and writing and students with disabilities. Clear instructions must be provided for teachers on how to use and integrate the supplemental instructional materials.
Evaluation Criteria Clear instructions on how to use and integrate the supplemental materials Adapted from the California Department of Education The materials should provide a clear road map for teachers to follow when they are planning instruction. The materials should include specific direction on how to integrate the supplemental materials into existing curricula. For category 1 submissions, the direction should include guidance for using the supplemental in conjunction with the existing state-adopted program. For category 2 submissions, the direction is more general but should show teachers when to use the supplements to address the gaps between the 1997 standards and the CCSS.
Consideration The SBE Action on the Supplemental Instructional Materials was November, 2012 The new ELD standards were SBE adopted November 7, 2012 Adapted from the California Department of Education The ELD standards and proficiency levels will be the old ELD standards and proficiency levels. Please refer to the your handout, the Supplemental materials that will have the new ELD standards and proficiency levels will be march-May 2014.
What Funds Can Be Used to Purchase?
Proposition 20 lottery funds Unrestricted general funds January 1, 2013 Categorical Program Flexibiliity Funds, including instructional materials funds Adapted from the California Department of Education EC Section stipulates that item (instructional materials funds of the Budget Act is include in the flexibility provisions. For 2013, EC Section (e) (A) was significantly changed as a result of the passage of AB 1246 (Brownley) to state the following: “Any instructional materials purchased by a local educational agency for Kindergarten and grades 1-8 inclusive, and for grades 9 to 12 inclusive, shall be aligned with the state standards adopted pursuant to Section or and shall also meet the reporting and sufficiency requirements continued in Section Now absent from this is any requirement that such materials be state-adopted.
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