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MVC Controller Architecture Deep Dive. Holistic Look Where do controllers fit?

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Presentation on theme: "MVC Controller Architecture Deep Dive. Holistic Look Where do controllers fit?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MVC Controller Architecture Deep Dive

2 Holistic Look Where do controllers fit?

3 Simple Application A web site Abstraction costs higher than return Does not integrate with business processes Solo project

4 Simple Application Controller is the life of this app!

5 Simple Application Model View Controller

6 Layered Application More thought placed in design Integrates into larger infrastructures Abstraction necessary for reuse Team project

7 Layered Application Controller is the public interface

8 Layered Application Workflow Component Model Business Layer DAL Component Gateway Data Access Layer Controller View ViewModel Presentation Layer Crosscutting Concerns

9 Enterprise Application Complexity determined by business needs –But strive for simplicity And reusability Will integrate into larger infrastructure

10 Enterprise Application Controller is still the public interface

11 Enterprise Application BUT

12 Enterprise Application It may be the life of an app if small…

13 Enterprise Application DB Workflow Service Data Service Business Service WPF App Console App Web App This is reduced… Public Service

14 Enterprise Application It probably looks like this...

15 The Controller Designing the perfect cog

16 Question Should I use repositories?

17 Should I Use Repositories? Yes

18 Should I Use Repositories? Only composition logic Encapsulate and abstract other logic

19 DEMO Encapsulation is simple

20 Question Do I need one repository per model?

21 One Repository Per Model? No

22 One Repository Per Model? Probably

23 Repository Style Coarse-Grained Fine-Grained IEventRepository IAttendeeRepository

24 Question How do I transition to n-tier?

25 Transition to n-tier? Easier

26 Transition to n-tier? If you followed my previous recommendations

27 Breaking It Up Workflow Component Model Business Layer DAL Component Gateway Data Access Layer Controller View ViewModel Presentation Layer Crosscutting Concerns

28 DEMO Moving to a tier Without affecting your Controller!!!

29 Considerations Flexibility Maintainability Related entities Are you using more than one repository per controller?

30 The Controller Routing Verbs Action Results Standard Controllers Custom Controllers

31 Routing HTTP Request web.config Global.asax Favor Resources

32 Routing Logical Physical Controllers Routes

33 DEMO Routing

34 Verbs HTTP Methods AcceptVerbs Attribute RESTful CRUD –GET –PUT –POST –DELETE


36 DEMO Verbs

37 Action Results Controllers do something when called Standard action results –ViewResult –JsonResult –ContentResult –EmptyResult –FileResult –HttpUnauthorizedResult

38 Action Results More Standard actions –JavaScriptResult –RedirectResult –RedirectToRouteResult Make your own!

39 DEMO Custom Action Results

40 Standard Controllers Great for standard web applications Convention-based –Even non-standard controllers are convention based when used with views

41 Custom Controllers Can decorate the standard class Can inherit from ControllerBase Can implement IController Use for non-standard applications –or for more control

42 DEMO Custom Controllers

43 Controller as a Service MVC apps are typically web sites They can also be web services Do you have a mixed site/service? It can also be a pure service without JSON

44 DEMO Controller as a Service

45 Resources Software Application Developers Infrastructure Professionals msdnindia technetindia @msdnindia @technetindia

46 © 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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