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Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Guaranteed.

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1 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Guaranteed services in heterogeneous wireless access networks Giulio Iannello Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

2 Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Who we are Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma: young institution borne in 1993 around a Faculty of Medicine In 1999 started a Faculty of Engineering with a course in Biomedical Engineering Tight integration between the two Faculties Fields of interest: informatics, system modeling, biomaterials, biomedical instruments, robotics

3 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Who we are Research group on Computer Networks and Advanced Distributed Applications –COFIN project: Scalability and Quality of Service in Web Systems (closed) –FIRB project: Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services (active) –Hospital Information System for Students (HISS) project funded by Hewlett-Packard (active)

4 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Who we are Contributors: –Filippo Cacace –Maria Cinque –Michele Crudele –Stefano Za –Massimo Bernaschi (CNR IAC) –Pierluigi Salvo Rossi (Napoli Federico II, DIS) –Luca Vollero (Napoli Federico II, DIS)

5 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Motivations Making Internet services accessible anywhere, anytime, anyhow, and by anyone is a research field that emerged recently W3C Device Independence (DI) Activity focuses on making Web accessible anytime and anyhow –many access mechanisms (including mobile devices) –many modes of use (including multimedia ones)

6 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Motivations DI can be considered from three perspectives: –user –authoring techniques –delivery mechanisms Our activity focuses mainly on the third item and concerns system support to service guarantees in the Device Independence vision

7 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Motivations Delivery mechanisms perspective

8 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Motivations The delivery subsystem should be able to reserve resources needed to deliver services in a highly dynamic environment Our activity on these traditional Quality of Service issues is currently focused on: –heterogeneous wireless access networks –dynamic changes in network configuration and workload

9 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Motivations Service adaptation: a complementary concept to provide effective support to universal access: Adaptation to access media –bandwidth, reliability, security Adaptation to the interface (terminal device) –screen, power consumption, computing power Adaptation to the context –localization, time, other circumstances, preferences

10 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services QoS support in 802.11 Supporting traffic differentiation in 802.11 WLAN (infrastructured configurations) –layer 3 management for downstream traffic –for upstream traffic we have proposed a minor modification to MAC protocol at the base station (called Frame Dropping ) –can be implemented at firmware level, no change required to mobile stations

11 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services QoS support in 802.11 if ACKs are dropped, the MS perceives channel congestion MS increase its CW and this induces traffic differentiation

12 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services QoS support in 802.11 Channel utilization (saturation)

13 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services QoS support in 802.11 Comparison with DFS (CBR flows)Overall channel utilization (CBR flows)

14 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services QoS support in 802.11 Forthcoming standard 802.11e –advanced protocol with enhanced scheduling mechanisms at MAC layer –performance modeling of throughput and delay in saturation and non saturation conditions (Luca Vollero visiting Albert Banchs/MadridCarlos III) –medium term goal: strategies for on-line configuration of MAC parameters

15 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Mobility and seamless connectivity Integration of WLANs and 2.5G/3G cellular networks Loosely-coupled approach: Mobile IPv6 Focus on multi-homed mobile hosts: vertical handoff –seamless and efficient handoffs –handoff policies –cooperative multi-homed connectivity

16 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Mobility and seamless connectivity IPv6 Mobility Testbed Operative at Campus Bio-Medico

17 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Mobility and seamless connectivity Vertical handoff performance improvement Performance analysis of transport protocols during handoffs –TCP –UDP/RTP Intelligent handoffs through rule-based management –merging of preferences and other context information

18 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Mobility and seamless connectivity handoff vs. offered workload forced handoff (WLAN 3G)

19 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Adaptive streaming CC/PP capable clients and web servers –Intel CC/PP framework, Java-based adaptation modules –Profile Resolution Engine (DICOUNIMI) –on-line assessment of network performance Transcoding modules –algorithms for trading-off reproduction quality and bitrate –real-time multimedia processing (RT-MMP) toolkit Adaptive RTP server

20 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Adaptive streaming Intel CC/PP framework

21 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services Adaptive streaming Web Server Video Server + degradator Client Profiles repository Adapter engine (servlet) HTTP Request + CC/PP Probing 1. Client Profile learning 2. Environment learning RTP 3. Info merging 1.The device requests a web page via HTTP Using CC/PP, it sends also its infos HTTP Response Profile 2.The web server (CC/PP aware) supplies to load devices profile into a DB 3.The server replies to the client with an adapted web page in which there is movies list 4.After clients choice, the server calls the Adapter Engine 5.This servlet retrives clients info, from repository, to know its constrains 6.The servlet now has to contact the right Video Server, supplying to it clients ID 7.The Video Server sendes probe traffic to the client to know the networks status 8.This infos are sent to the Adapter 9.Now the Adapter Engine determines the bottelneck and how to adapt the video (degradator factor) 10.A connection via RTP is estabilished for the streaming video

22 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Facoltà Di Ingegneria Ingegneria Biomedica Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services End Thank you Questions?

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