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Classification Study Guide Helps communicate with other scientists Learn how organisms are related to other organisms Learn about organisms Make sense.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Study Guide Helps communicate with other scientists Learn how organisms are related to other organisms Learn about organisms Make sense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Study Guide Helps communicate with other scientists Learn how organisms are related to other organisms Learn about organisms Make sense of our world

2 Classification Study Guide Sorting organisms into groups based on similarities and differences Occurs everywhere: library, store, your closet at home Developed by Carolus Linneaus; he is referred to as the Father of Taxonomy

3 Classification Study Guide Taxonomy is the study of classifying or grouping organisms A branching key is another name for a dichotomous key A dichotomous key is a special guide developed by taxonomists to aid in identifying unknown organisms by answering yes or no questions

4 Classification Study Guide There are seven groups that organisms can be arranged in Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species The taxonomy for humans is as follows: Animalia, Chordata, Manmalia, Primata, Hominidae, Homo, Homo sapien

5 Classification Study Guide Kingdom Animalia. Man is part of the animal kingdom, the top grouping. Phylum Chordata. This phylum consists of animals with spinal cords. Class Mammalia. Man is a mammal, a warm-blooded animal who bears its young live. Order Primates. This order includes humans and all apes, monkeys, gorillas, etc. Five fingers and toes, eyes facing forward Family Hominidae. The hominids include man and his closest cousins, chimps and gorillas. Walk upright on two legs. Genus Homo. The family of man, including our extinct predecessors, Homo erectus and the Neanderthals. Species sapiens. You and me.

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