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Mitigation of non CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture

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1 Mitigation of non CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
Presentation to the in-session workshop of the Ad-hoc Working Group New Zealand Delegation to COP/MOP12

2 Agriculture greenhouse gas emissions
Represents ~14% of global GHG emissions Represents ~7.4% of Annex 1 emissions Represents ~26% of non-Annex 1 emissions Mitigation options are relatively limited

3 Agriculture is important
Agriculture supplies food to the world – population expected to increase from 6 billion to 9 billion by 2050 Agriculture is important for the sustainable development of communities and national economies, for both developed and developing countries

4 Energy – other processes 15.1%
New Zealand emissions Waste 2.5% (mainly methane) Transport 19.2% (CO2) Energy – other processes 15.1% Industrial processes 5.6% (mainly CO2) Solvents 0.1% Agriculture 49.4% (methane and nitrous oxide) Electricity 8.1% fertiliser 3% urine 15% methane 31% air travel 1.3%

5 NZ agriculture situation
A reliance on the export of primary products Dynamic land use – meeting market demand 49% of total GHG emissions from agriculture (highest of any developed country) Highly efficient production

6 NZ’s agriculture emissions profile

7 The challenge Biological systems are complex
64% of New Zealand’s agricultural emissions have no current feasible mitigation solution At present, practical mitigation options for grazing ruminants and grazed pastures are limited More research is required globally, however, this is of a lower priority in most developed countries

8 Current focus in agriculture
PGGRC – a government/sector partnership for agriculture research Measurement crucial Technology adoption becoming more of a focus

9 Mitigation of ruminant methane emissions
Animal variability Genetics (variation between animals – g-CH4/kg dm intake) Nutrition Production system Microbial Direct modification of microbial processes: Protozoa, Acetogens, Phage, Methanogens Vaccination Monensin (up to 10%) - in grain diets – forage diets 0% Medium chain fats Plants Plant extracts Plant species (tannins up to 10%) High sugar grasses

10 Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions
Reduce the amount of excreta N Replace N boosted grass with maize silage High sugar grasses Shift N balance from urine to dung Increase N efficiency of excreta and N fertiliser Restricted grazing of dairy and beef animals Effluent utilisation on dairy farms Nitrogen fertiliser timing, rates and forms Nitrification inhibitors – DCD has real promise and is commercially available in NZ Avoid anaerobic soil conditions Improve drainage Avoid compaction

11 Conclusions There is no simple single solution for CH4 and N2O from agriculture - a package of measures will be required Reducing methane emissions from grazing ruminants currently has limited options available Options need to be evaluated at the farm scale and for all three major GHGs collectively – GHG footprint of total system GHG measurement will continue to be an issue Increased international effort – particularly in ruminant methane mitigation in pastoral agriculture is needed


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