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Understanding 20 th and 21 st Century Music Technology Listen to the following recording and identify the style of this music from the following options,

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding 20 th and 21 st Century Music Technology Listen to the following recording and identify the style of this music from the following options,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding 20 th and 21 st Century Music Technology Listen to the following recording and identify the style of this music from the following options, providing a reason for your answer;recording  Jazz funk  Soul/R’n’B  Indie  New Wave  Electroacoustic  Reggae  World Music  20 th /21 st Century Classical


3 What is New Wave Music? New wave music is an umbrella term for several late-1970s to mid-1980s pop/rock musical styles with ties to 1970s punk rock A Typical New Wave band would be made up of vocals, backing vocals, drum kit, bass guitar, electric guitar, percussion instruments and synthesisers Bands include Blondie, The Police, Duran Duran and Ian DuryDuran

4 What is New Wave Music? Cont.  Emerged in the 1970s and gained in popularity as the influence of Punk music came to an end  Many of the bands were influenced by Punk and had lyrics which dealt with political and social issues  The launch of MTV in 1981 also had an influence on New Wave music  Recent developments of synthesiser technology resulted in New Wave groups replacing standard instruments like Bass Guitar, Keyboard and Electric Guitar with Synthesisers. The Drum kit was frequently replaced with a drum machine

5 KEY CHARACTERISTICS Agitated feel Choppy guitar rhythms Stop/start melodies High pitched vocals Use of synthesizers and drum machines Contrasted with the Blues/Rock n Roll music of the time. Click on the picture opposite

6 BLONDIE Listen to ‘Heart of Glass’ by clicking on the link opposite. Complete the song plan sheet (shown on the next slide) in your record of work.


8 Listen to the following excerpt and discuss the concepts you hear under the following headings;excerpt Melody/Harmony Rhythm/Tempo Texture/Structure/Form Timbre/Dynamics

9 Melody/HarmonyRhythm/TempoTexture/Structure / Form Timbre/Dynamics Major Minor Pitch Bend Riff Glissando Simple Time Compound Time Syncopation Moderato Allegro Ritardando Anacrusis Irregular Time Strophic Instrumental Break Bridge/Link Passage Middle 8 Through Composed Baritone Electric Guitar Bass Guitar Distortion Electronic Drum Kit Percussion Synthesiser Backing Vocals Use the concepts from the table below to complete the question

10 Melody/HarmonyRhythm/TempoTexture/Structure / Form Timbre/Dynamics Major Minor Pitch Bend Riff Glissando Simple Time Compound Time Syncopation Moderato Allegro Ritardando Anacrusis Irregular Time Strophic Instrumental Break Bridge/Link Passage Middle 8 Through Composed Baritone Electric Guitar Bass Guitar Distortion Electronic Drum Kit Percussion Synthesiser Backing Vocals Use the concepts from the table below to complete the question

11 Complete your listening log with the concepts you have agreed on as a class

12 EURYTHMICS – SWEET DREAMS Listen to the track by clicking on the link opposite. Complete the listening log (shown on the next slide) in your record of work


14 HOMEWORK Create a poster which contains the following information about New Wave Music: (At least) Three attributes (or key characteristics) of new wave music One or more technologies that are essential to this genre A key innovator of this genre Any pieces of music that you have listened to in class or out with class that have helped develop your understanding of this genre Understanding 1.1

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