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MINERALS OOH, PRETTY.. WHAT IS A MINERAL? A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a crystal structure and a characteristic chemical composition.

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Presentation on theme: "MINERALS OOH, PRETTY.. WHAT IS A MINERAL? A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a crystal structure and a characteristic chemical composition."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS A MINERAL? A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a crystal structure and a characteristic chemical composition Naturally occurring— Appears in nature; not made by people Inorganic— Isn’t made of living (or formerly living) things Solid— not liquid or gas Crystal— Is built in a regular pattern Characteristic chemical composition— Is made up of specific elements in specific proportions

3 1. NATURALLY OCCURRING Minerals appear in nature. Naturally occurring: Quartz Emerald Ruby Salt (halite) ALL MINERALS! NOT naturally occurring: Cubic zirconia Opalite Made in labs = NOT MINERALS!

4 2. INORGANIC Minerals do not contain high amounts of carbon and hydrogen because they are non-living. Inorganic: Diamond Pyrite MINERALS! Organic: Bone Shells From living things = NOT MINERALS!

5 3. SOLID Minerals must be solid (not liquid or gas) Solid: Ice MINERAL! Liquid or Gas: Liquid water Water vapor NOT MINERALS!

6 4. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE Minerals have repeating, specific structure at the atomic level Crystalline: Quartz Salt MINERALS! Non-crystalline: Glass No regular structure = NOT MINERAL!

7 5. CHARACTERISTIC CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Specific minerals are made up of specific combinations of elements Specific makeup: Hematite Fe 2 O 3 Two irons for every 3 oxygens MINERAL! Non-specific makeup: Soil— made of different things depending on different regions NOT A MINERAL!


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