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Claremont, California 1. Community Emergency Response Team (pgs 47-48)  Volunteers trained in basic disaster response skills, including Fire safety Light.

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1 Claremont, California 1

2 Community Emergency Response Team (pgs 47-48)  Volunteers trained in basic disaster response skills, including Fire safety Light search and rescue Disaster medical operations Team organization  Claremont CERT members work under the direction of the Claremont Police Department 2 Claremont CERT

3 3

4 Be Ready! Expect the Unexpected! Claremont CERT

5  What disasters are likely in Claremont? Earthquake (pages 73-76)* Cal Tech: Expect an 8.0+ earthquake within 5-10 years Fire (pages 61-65) Storms, Floods & Mud Slides (pages 66-69) Hazardous & Chemical Spill (pages 70-72) Pandemic Flu (pages 77-79) Terrorism (pages 80-81) * Referenced pages are in County of Los Angeles Emergency Survival Guide 5 Claremont CERT

6  Prepare in advance of a disaster event  Help Yourself Your family Your neighborhood Your community  So that you can do the greatest good for the greatest number of people after a disaster 6 Claremont CERT

7  You and your spouse or partner  Children/grandchildren  Grandparents  Extended family  Pets 7 Claremont CERT

8  Develop a communication plan  Develop emergency information  Develop an evacuation plan  Learn how to turn off utilities  Learn how to use a fire extinguisher  Determine what to put in emergency supply kits (page 20 and 37-39) 8 Claremont CERT

9 Home Work School Shopping Out of town At an event (movie, church, concert) On the Road ??? Plan for the Unexpected 9 Claremont CERT

10  Designate a family contact person  Emergency contacts (page 13-14)  Out-of-state contacts (page 14)  Add Claremont police numbers to cell phone Business: 909-399-5411 911 : 909-626-1296  ICE (In Case of Emergency) nbrs. in cell 10 Claremont CERT

11 11 Claremont CERT  Claremont Police will notify you with critical information regarding: severe weather unexpected road closures missing persons evacuation of buildings or neighborhoods criminal activity emergency preparedness information.  Enroll at

12  Special program for homebound residents or those unable to care for themselves Applications Available 12 Claremont CERT

13  Know the schools plan (pages 21-22)  Keep contact information current  Know authorizations needed to release a child  Discuss with your children and their caregivers 13 Claremont CERT

14  Alternate meeting locations  Discuss when you would go there  Outside your home Front yard Neighbors home or yard  Away from home (in case of evacuation) Place of worship Park School  What to do if you can’t get there 14 Claremont CERT

15 Diagram escape routes from your home (pages 15-17) Show escape route for each room Establish meeting spot outside the house 15 Claremont CERT

16  Prepare and maintain family emergency plan  Practice plan at least every 6 months  Quiz all household members  Conduct home drills Fire/Evacuation  Include special needs persons (page 18) Homebound individuals Non-English-speaking  Develop pet evacuation plans (page 51) 16 Claremont CERT

17 Appliance Gas Shutoff Valve To turn off the gas at the gas appliance, rotate the valve a quarter turn. Turn OFF only if you: smell gas hear gas see open flame On Off 17 Claremont CERT

18 Gas Service Shutoff Valve (page 26) To turn off gas valve, use a 12 to 15 inch adjustable pipe or crescent-type wrench, give the valve a quarter turn in either direction. DO NOT TURN GAS BACK ON - THIS MUST BE DONE BY GAS COMPANY 18 Claremont CERT

19  Push largest service panel switches to OFF Exploded view 19 Claremont CERT

20  All electrical panels are not the same (page 27)  Find out what type you have and how to use it  Consult Edison before turning back ON 20 Claremont CERT

21  At the House Rotate handle one-quarter turn, or turn valve handle clockwise until water shuts off (page 27) 21 Claremont CERT

22  At the Curb Special wrench is required Rotate wrench one- quarter turn until water stops flowing completely Valve is in ON position 22 Claremont CERT

23 P - Pull pin A - Aim at base of fire S - Squeeze handle S - Sweep side-to-side Use short bursts, 1/2 second to 1 second each Extinguisher should be Class ABC 23 Claremont CERT Filled with monosodium phosphate (leaves slightly caustic residue)

24  Develop a method to keep contaminated air out of your home  Close and lock all windows and doors  Turn off all fans and air conditioning systems  Get your emergency supply kit  Store supplies in safe room 24 Claremont CERT (page 19)

25  Determine what items to put in each kit (pages 36-39) Home Car Work (page 23) Go Bag (Evacuation) 25 Claremont CERT

26  Supplies for at least 3 to 7 days  Basic items (pages 36-41) Water Food First Aid Kit Clothing and Bedding Tools and Supplies Specialized Items 26 Claremont CERT

27  Water - 1 gallon/person per day  Food - canned, dehydrated, powdered Manual can opener High-energy food bars  Change of clothes 27 Claremont CERT

28  Flashlights w/extra batteries Store batteries outside of flashlight  Waterproof matches  Sturdy walking shoes  Work gloves 28 Claremont CERT

29  Blankets/sleeping bags  Toilet paper/paper towels  Plastic trash bags  Hand sanitizer 29 Claremont CERT

30  First-Aid Kit w/manual  Portable battery-operated radio with extra batteries Emergency radio stations (page 44)  Fire extinguisher  Medications  Extra eyeglasses  Whistle 30 Claremont CERT

31  Special Supplies for Children Elderly Physically Challenged Pets (pages 30-33 and 41-42) 31 Claremont CERT

32  Backpack, trash bin, plastic bin  Place somewhere accessible quickly – near exits  Away from water heater, dryer or anything combustible  In garage along outside wall 32 Claremont CERT

33  Cash - $1.00 & $5.00 bills (Or Even $10.00 & $20.00 Bills)  Important documents Copies of insurance Birth Certificates Passports Social Security cards  Pictures of family members  Telephone numbers 33 Claremont CERT

34  Keep gas tank at least half full  Spare tire  Water / snacks  First aid kit  Fire extinguisher  Reflectors or flashers  Medications  Flashlight  Blanket  Walking shoes 34 Do NOT store extra gasoline in your garage Claremont CERT

35  Replace stored water and food in kits every six (6) months  Test smoke alarms  Install and test carbon monoxide (CO) alarms  Check your fire extinguisher 35 Claremont CERT

36  Prepare a neighborhood network and work together (page 46)  Introduce yourself and your family to your neighbors  Make a map of your neighborhood  Talk with your neighborhood’s local emergency personnel 36 Claremont CERT

37  Develop a list of neighbors’ skills and special equipment that could be used in an emergency  Prepare back-up plan for neighborhood children, elderly, and other special needs  Establish a neighborhood meeting place 37 Claremont CERT

38 MYTH Disasters Bring Out the Worst in People FACT In disasters the majority of people respond spontaneously and generously. Dr. Eric Noji, M.D., M.P.H IT’S NOT IF – IT’S WHEN 38 Claremont CERT

39  We want to present this program to smaller groups in neighborhood homes  Would you be willing to invite some of your neighbors to your home so that they could see this presentation?  Do you know anyone else in your neighborhood who would be willing to do this as well? 39 Claremont CERT

40 Los Angeles County Emergency Survival Program State California Emergency Management Agency Federal Federal Emergency Management Agency 40 Claremont CERT

41  Protective safety helmet safety goggles CPR face mask/shield emergency poncho (4) dust masks (2) emergency blankets 2 oz. bottle hand sanitizer  Tools 4-in-1 gas/water shutoff tool box cutter knife 9” folding camper saw 100 ft. nylon rope folding shovel  Sustenance (24) 4.2oz. packets water (12) 16oz. fortified food bars  Communication hand crank flashlight/radio/cellphone charger whistle/compass/signal mirror/flint starter/ storage for matches – with lanyard  Help Aids first aid kit sewing kit (travel size) waterproof matches (10) emergency glow sticks 2 gallon collapsible water container 41 Claremont CERT

42 Claremont, California 42

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