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Cat-Scratch Disease By Ashley Beamon.

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Presentation on theme: "Cat-Scratch Disease By Ashley Beamon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cat-Scratch Disease By Ashley Beamon

2 What Is it? Cat scratch disease is an infection with Bartonella bacteria that is believed to be transmitted by cat scratches and bites. (Bartonella- cause several diseases in humans. The three most common are cat scratch disease, trench fever, and Carrión's disease.)

3 Symptoms Bump or blister at site of bite or scratch Fatigue
Fever ( only in some patients) Head ache Swelling of lymph nods

4 Tests and Exams If you have swollen lymph nods and a scratch or bite from a cat, your health care provider may suspect cat scratch disease. A physical examination may reveal an enlarged spleen. A lymph nod biopsy may also be done to look for other causes of swollen glands. Before After

5 Treatment Generally, cat scratch disease is not serious.
Medical treatment may not be needed. In some cases, treatment with antibiotics such as azithromycin can be helpful. Azithromycin- used to treat certain bacterial infections in many different parts of the body. In AIDs patients and other people who have a weakened immune system, cat scratch disease is more serious, and treatment with antibiotics is recommended.

6 Cited Work


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