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Evolution and Genetics
Unit 2
Outline Evolution: Theory and Fact Genetics
Mendel’s Experiments Independent Assortment and Recombination Biochemical or Molecular Genetics Cell division Crossing over Mutation Population Genetics and Mechanism of Genetic Evolution Natural selection Random Genetic Drift Gene flow The Modern Synthesis Punctuated Equilibrium Outline
Evolution What are some ways we adapt to our environment?
What ways are cultural and what ways are biological? Evolution
Originally, believed humans came from the story of Genesis from the Bible
Creationism Characteristics of life forms could not change Biblical scholars James Usher and John Lightfoot traced creation to October, 23, B.C. at 9AM Evolution
In your table groups, read through the Biblical account of creation
Is this a scientific theory? Why or why not? Activity Time
Carolus Linnaeus developed the first comprehensive taxonomy (classification)
Grouped life forms on basis of similarities and differences in their physical characteristics Evolution
Fossil discoveries in 18th and 19th centuries started to raise doubts about creationism
Modified explanation combining creationism and catastrophism arose Fires, floods, and other catastrophes had destroyed ancient species After each destructive event, God created again Evolution
Alternative to creationism and catastrophism was transformism or evolution
Species arise through a long and gradual process of transformation or descent with modification Charles Darwin best known Theory and Fact
Charles Darwin influenced by Sir Charles Lyell, father of geology
Introduced idea of uniformitarianism Natural forces at work today also explain past events Cast doubt on theory that Earth was only 6,000 years old Darwin applied to living things Theory and Fact
Darwin offered theoretical framework for understanding evolution
Proposed the theory of evolution with natural selection as the mechanism to explain diversity, origin, and similarities Theory is a set of ideas formulated by reasoning from a known factor to explain sometimes. Natural selection is the selection of favored forms through differential reproduction Theory and Fact
Genetics: science that emerged after Darwin that helps us understand the causes of biological variation DNA molecules make up genes and chromosomes which are basic hereditary units Mutations in DNA provide much of the variety on which natural selection operates Mendelian genetics studies ways chromosomes transit genetic material through generations Biochemical genetics examines structure, function, and changes in DNA Population genetics investigates natural selection and other causes of genetic variation, stability, and change in breeding population Genetics
STOP – Activity Time You will be put into 3 groups
Each group will be given a different topic – Mendelian genetics, biochemical genetics, and population genetics You will look over the information and create a summary of the important points You will then teach those points to the rest of the class Everyone will record their notes on the provided graphic organizer You will only be given today and some time tomorrow to do this STOP – Activity Time
Today’s view on evolution is known as the “modern synthesis”
Combination of Darwin’s theory of evolution and Mendel’s genetic discoveries Microevolution – genetic changes over few, several, or many generations but without speciation Macroevolution – refers to larger-scale or more significant changes in a population or species, usually over a long time period which results in speciation Speciation – the divergence of one ancestral species into two or more descendent species Modern Synthesis
Punctuated Equilibrium
Model of evolution that points to the fact that long periods of stability may be interrupted by evolutionary leaps Could be caused by extinction of another species followed by invasion by another Example: Sea species dies out because water dries up, while a closely related species survives in deeper waters. Later, when water levels rise again, protected species goes to first area Punctuated Equilibrium
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