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: CATHY JONES, Math Instruction Specialist Center for Mathematics and Science Education Arkansas NASA Education Resource Center 346 N. West Avenue, Room.

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Presentation on theme: ": CATHY JONES, Math Instruction Specialist Center for Mathematics and Science Education Arkansas NASA Education Resource Center 346 N. West Avenue, Room."— Presentation transcript:

1 : CATHY JONES, Math Instruction Specialist Center for Mathematics and Science Education Arkansas NASA Education Resource Center 346 N. West Avenue, Room 202 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 (479) 575-3875 (479) 575-5680 (FAX) e-mail: Web: Wiki: Place Value Football Math Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.3

2 Reading and writing decimal numbers… The numbers below have the same three digits, in the same order, yet they are all different. Take a look at them. * Notice, the word AND is only used to signify the placement of the decimal. It means plus. If there are numbers to the right of the decimal the final word names the last decimal place. A is a whole number, and would be read…… “six hundred, twenty-five”. B contains a decimal point, marking the end of the whole number, and would be read…… “sixty-two AND five tenths”. C contains a decimal point, and would be read…… “six AND twenty-five hundredths”. Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.3

3 Twenty-seven and five tenths is written….. Nine and six hundredths is written…… One hundred and one hundred two thousandths is written…… Practice Writing Numbers…………. 27.5 9.06 100.102

4 PLACE VALUE FOOTBALL Have two teams of 11 players. Each player gets a card numbered 0-9 and one gets a decimal card. Other students in the room are divided evenly per team. They CALL THE PLAYS by writing and reading decimal numbers one to 10 digits long, with no numbers repeating. When a number is read, the team must line up in the correct order. Players not needed for that number must be on the sidelines. If the teams both line up correctly, or both incorrectly, at the end of the allotted time (when the WHISTLE BLOWS) they have BLOCKED one another and there is no score. If one team is not lined up correctly then the one that is correct scores a TOUCHDOWN…6 points. Teams take turns reading the numbers and if the writers/readers make a mistake the other team will score a SAFETY…2 points.

5 RESOURCES Example of numbers to use for Place Value Survivor Football and The Football Marks the Spot. **You cannot repeat digits in the same number and you need to be very random so that everyone is a part of the game. In the numbers below each digit is used an equal amount of times. 1.23390.86245.9015.74 526.98 86.796.014507.4678.523 213.98 6.058762.08917.32413.4950.945 602.591123.87634.8731..09214.307 46.758

6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. THE FOOTBALL MARKS THE SPOT! WRITING DECIMALS ASSESSMENT Each student will have a set of 10 football symbols with numbers and one with a decimal. Listen as the numbers are read. Arrange them in the correct order then write the numbers correctly in the boxes. Name:___________________________ Date: ___________________________

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8 0 12 8 0 79 1 2 43 56 7 34 9 56 8

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