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2 Initiative Changes Deletion: Develop teaching and learning strategies specifically designed to enhance online courses.

3 Current Initiatives Integrate instruction in learning strategies across the curriculum. Establish learning communities as a way to improve students’ learning strategies. Establish an alternative learning strategies course available to all students.

4 Tailor Learning Center and Library services to promote student and faculty awareness of various learning styles and learning strategies and their relationship to student success.

5 Establish a professional development program for faculty that provides training in the areas of general learning strategies, discipline specific learning strategies, multiple learning styles, and teaching in learning communities.

6 Student Learning Outcomes Students will demonstrate their ability to apply effective learning strategies to enhance their success in courses across the curriculum. Students will demonstrate their use of academic support services designed to enhance their learning strategies. Students will demonstrate academic success in key gateway courses.

7 Assessment Issues Students will demonstrate their ability to apply effective learning strategies to enhance their success in courses across the curriculum. We must assess students’ ability to do this and we need to consider them in terms of direct and indirect assessment.

8 Two Types of Assessment Direct assessment: assessing what students know and can do example--using common rubrics such as those linked to course embedded assessments Indirect assessment: assessing perceptions example--student and faculty surveys

9 Potential Key Learning Strategy Concepts Read to understand Listen actively Organize for effectiveness (organize thoughts, materials, and time) Review effectively Learn through group study Take tests intelligently Seek support

10 Direct Assessment Example Concept: Listen actively 1. Note-taking a.Develop note-taking rubric for application to multiple note-taking methods b.Introduce note-taking strategy(ies) c.Assess student note-taking competency against the rubric

11 Sample Note-taking Rubric 0 points—Not enough information to make a judgment. 1 point—The student’s notes do not contain the relevant information presented in the learning experience.

12 2 points—The student’s notes are missing some important information or are not organized in a way that captures the main ideas and important supporting ideas. 3 points—The student’s notes contain the relevant information presented in the learning experience and are organized in a way that captures the main ideas and any important supporting ideas.

13 4 points—The student’s notes contain the relevant information presented in the learning experience and are organized in a way that captures the main ideas and any important supporting ideas. In addition, the format of the student’s notes make it easy to see the relationship among the information.

14 Performance Indicator X% of students being assessed for competency in note taking as an active listening strategy will score X% or better.

15 Related Benchmark Data Faculty learning styles assessment Faculty teaching styles assessment Number of student visits to teacher’s office Number of late assignments

16 Student Learning Outcome 2 Students will demonstrate their use of academic support services designed to enhance their learning strategies.

17 Assessment Track student use of Learning Center and library services, including tutoring, writing consultation, research assistance, and group study. We need to begin gathering benchmark data, including multiple sites.

18 Performance Indicator The number of students accessing the services of the Learning Center and/or library will increase by 30% over the course of the project period.

19 Performance Indicator 60% or more of surveyed students who have used services of the Learning Center and/or library will report an improvement in academic performance (test scores and/or grades).

20 Student Learning Outcome 3 Students will demonstrate academic success in key gateway courses.

21 Gateway Courses: Assessment Track student success (grades of A,B,C) in Composition I College Algebra against peers using data from the National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP).

22 Performance Indicators Roane State students will meet or exceed national and peer median percentages for successful completion of Composition I. Roane State students will meet or exceed national and peer median percentages for successful completion of College Algebra.

23 “New” Expanded Subcommittees Faculty Development/Integration of Instruction Learning Communities Learning Strategies Course Learning Center/Library

24 Leadership Team Notes from Minutes

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