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Outline Single-factor ANOVA Two-factor ANOVA Three-factor ANOVA

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1 Multifactor Analysis of Variance ISE 500 University of Southern California 11/14/2013

2 Outline Single-factor ANOVA Two-factor ANOVA Three-factor ANOVA
Randomized block experiment Three-factor ANOVA

3 Single-factor ANOVA Analysis of Variance(ANOVA)[1]:
A collection of statistical models used to analyze the differences between group means and their associated procedures ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are equal Observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation

4 Single-factor ANOVA Factor Levels Treatment
Variable that is studied in the experiment, e.g. single variable: temperature Levels In order to study the effect of a factor on the response, two or more values of factors are used Treatment Combination of factor levels

5 Single-factor ANOVA Hypotheses:
Test statistic for single-factor ANOVA is: Treatment sum of squares(SSTr) is also called between-treatment sum of squares Error sum of squares(SSE): within-treatment sum of squares No difference btw treatment SST is a measure of the total variation in the data—the sum of all squared deviations about the grand mean SSTr is the amount of variation (between rows) that can be explained by possible differences in the treatment SSE measures variation that would be present (within rows) whether H0 is true or false, and is thus the part of total variation that is unexplained by the status of H0.

6 Two-factor ANOVA In many experimental situations, there are two or more factors that are of simultaneous interest. Use I to denote the number of levels of the first factor (A) and J to denote the number of levels of the second factor (B). IJ different treatments: there are IJ possible combinations consisting of one level of factor A and one of factor B.

7 Two-factor ANOVA Example
Compare three different brands of pens and four different wash treatments with respect to their ability to remove marks on a particular type of fabric The lower the value, the more marks were removed

8 Two-factor ANOVA

9 Two-factor ANOVA Linear model for two-way layout is:
is the true grand mean (mean response averaged over all levels of both factors) is the effect of factor A at level i (measured as a deviation from ), and is the effect of factor B at level j. Unbiased (and maximum likelihood) estimators for these parameters are: No interaction effect

10 Two-factor ANOVA Multiple replicates main effects for factor A
No interaction effect main effects for factor B Interaction parameters

11 Two-factor ANOVA Test hypotheses
1. Different levels of factor A have no effect on true average response. 2. There is no factor B effect.

12 Two-factor ANOVA Sum of squares

13 Two-factor ANOVA F test

14 Two-factor ANOVA ANOVA table for previous example

15 Two-factor ANOVA Multiple comparisons Tukey method
Find pairs of sample means differ less than w E.g. significant differences among the four washing treatments Washing treatment 1 appears to differ significantly from the other three treatments

16 Randomized block experiment
Single-factor experiment: Test the effects of treatments, experimental units are assigned to treatments randomly Heterogeneous units may affect the observed responses E.g: apply drugs to patients: males and females Variation exist in males and females would affect the assessment of drug effects

17 Randomized block experiment
A group of homogeneous units e.g. males, females For blocking to be effective, units should be arranged so that: Within-block variation is much smaller than between-block variation

18 Randomized block experiment
Paired comparison is a special case of randomized block design Similar to two-factor experiment: One treatment factor: with k levels One block factor: each block has size of k Within each block, all treatments are assigned to k units randomly

19 Randomized block experiment
Compare the annual power consumption for five different brands of dehumidifier Power consumption depends on the prevailing humidity level Resulting observations (annual kWh)

20 Randomized block experiment
ANOVA Same procedures as two-factor ANOVA Block difference is significant Tukey method is applied to identify significant pair of treatments Difference btw RBD and Two – way layout In two-way layout: IJ units of each replicate are randomly assigned to IJ level combinations of two factors. More replicates In RBD, no block x treatment interaction, single replicate: the interaction sum of squares and the residual sum of squares are identical

21 Three-Factor ANOVA Extension of two factor ANOVA
Linear model of three factor layout: Two-factor interactions Three-factor interactions

22 Three-Factor ANOVA Estimation:

23 Three-Factor ANOVA Test of hypotheses:

24 Latin square design Complete layout: at least one observation for each treatment. E.g: factor A,B and C with I,J and K levels, total IJK observations This size is either impracticable because of cost, time, or space constraints or literally impossible Incomplete layout: A three-factor experiment in which fewer than IJK observations

25 Latin square design All two- and three-factor interaction effects are assumed absent Levels of factor A and B: I =J = K Levels of factor A are identified with the rows of a two-way table Levels of B with the columns of the table Every level of factor C appears exactly once in each row and exactly once in each column

26 Latin square design Examples of Latin square design I=J=3 I=J=4

27 Latin square design

28 Reference [1]
[2] Jay L. Devore. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, eighth edition

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