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Mr. Bunnell’s 2 nd Grade Class Curriculum Night September 4, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Bunnell’s 2 nd Grade Class Curriculum Night September 4, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Bunnell’s 2 nd Grade Class Curriculum Night September 4, 2012

2 Attendance/ Tardy  8:00: Students come into room to start our day  If your child comes in the room after 8:30, he/she will be counted tardy.  Absent: your child must have a note for their absence to be excused. Please do not write these notes in their agendas as they are turned in to the front office.  Pre-arranged absences must be approved by administration at least 5 days in advance.  As much as possible, please avoid checking your student out at the end of the day as I teach bell to bell and it is very disruptive to my classroom.

3 Mandatory Uniforms Tops: Knit polo style collared shirts in navy, white, light blue, pink, or hunter green. Official Lost Lake T-shirts may be worn on Fridays. Bottoms: Shorts (fingertip length) or long pants (not baggy or form fitting), skirts, skorts, jumpers, or culottes in black, navy or khaki (solid color only).

4 Uniforms Continued Fridays only: Jeans on Friday must be fully intact appropriately worn jeans without fashionable rips or tears. Footwear: Tennis shoes or shoes with an enclosed heel are preferred. Sandals must have a heel strap.

5 Consequences for Dress Code Violations 1 st offense: Agenda/Folder reminder of policy 2 nd offense: Parent phone call for a change of clothes/copy of signed policy sent home in agenda 3 rd offense: Uniform pass to administrator/ phone call home for change of clothes/lunch detention 4 th offense: Discipline referral/ phone call home for change of clothes/School plus 5 th offense: Discipline referral/phone call home for change of clothes/In-School suspension

6 Reading  Reading series: “Storytown”  Whole group Instruction  Vocabluary  Spelling/phonics  Grammar  Writing  Guided reading  Centers/ Small groups (Daily 5)  Guided reading/fluency  Vocabulary  Phonic/spelling  Grammar  Writing  Arts/crafts

7 Reading Grades Robust Vocabulary = 20% (weekly test) Oral Reading Fluency = 20% (biweekly) Cold Read = 35% (1 per week) Comprehension = 25% (weekly test = comprehension, written response and high frequency words)

8 Language Arts Writing Grammar Spelling (Please check the “Fridge Fact” sheet in your child’s weekly homework folder for the required DICTATION SENTENCE.)

9 Language Arts Grading Writing = 40% (biweekly) Grammar = 35% (1 grade per week) Spelling = 25% (weekly 15 words plus dictation sentence)

10 AR  Accelerator Reader  Students have an opportunity DAILY to take AR tests  Students take quizzes over books they have read.  Must have an 80% average to get prize  Points give students tags and prizes

11 AR Prizes  10 Points : Independent Reader Tag  15 Points: Treasure box  20 Points: Rising Reader Tag  25 Points: Book from Book Room  30 Points: Super Reader Tag  35 Points: Popsicle  40 Points: Advanced Reader Tag  50 Points: Star Reader Tag  60 Points: Free homework pass  65 Points: Chili’s dinner coupon  75 Points: Classic Reader Tag  90 Points: Lunch with teacher  100 Points: Honors Reader Tag

12 Math:1 st Nine Weeks  Place value through thousands  Expanded notation through thousands  Comparing/Ordering Numbers through thousands  Skip counting  Odd/even numbers  Patterns

13 Math Grading Tests = 60% (Unit tests if at the end of the unit) Assignments = 40% (At the end of weeks without completing a full unit) FOR ALL SUBJECTS: Set up an online account on eSembler!

14 Homework  Homework packets are sent home on Mondays and are due on Fridays  Weekly assignments:  Read 15 minutes every night (initial reading logs)  Spelling practice sheet (tests are on Fri.)  Simple spelling sentences  Math worksheets  Fluency sheet (initial each night)  Homework is checked for completion

15 Agendas  Agendas are to be signed and returned to school daily.  Read your child’s sentence about their day and discuss what they have written  I mark in them on how their day was:  Transportation notices need to be on a separate piece of paper and given to me in the morning.

16 Class Rules 1.We will respect ourselves, others and property. 2.We will listen carefully and follow directions. 3.We will keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves and always walk in the classroom. 4.We will work quietly and complete all our work. 5.We will raise our hands.

17 Lost Lake Elementary PBS(Positive Behavior Support) Mission Statement: To provide a safe learning environment where students enjoy learning and can grow. School-wide Behavior System: Hallways, Cafeteria and Classrooms Rewarding students for POSITIVE Behavior


19 Reward System  Pink Lion Loot-Cafeteria  Given only by lunchroom assistant  Earn loot as a class  Must follow posted lunchroom behavior  Reward once a month for top class from each grade level and top class overall  Blue Lion Loot-Specials  Given only by a special area teacher  Earn loot as a class  Follow the rules for special areas  Reward once a semester  Establish own guidelines for Lion Loot day

20 Yellow Lion Loot-Hallways and Classroom  Given in Hallways for:  Being quiet  Keeping hands to your side  Single file line  Keeping to the right  Classroom teachers may reward students with Yellow Lion Loot for following classroom rules set by the teacher.  Students may redeem for rewards. They may redeem on designated days or save for a larger reward and redeem later. Rewards are:  5=Homework Pass  10=Fun Book  15=VIP Lunch  20=Game Day  25=Dance Party  30=Sing Day

21 Rewards and Consequences  Each student has a card.  If they break one of the rules, they move their card.  No Move (green) = good day (2 hole punches)  1 st move (yellow) = warning (1 hole punch)  2 nd move (orange)= note in agenda (0 punches)  3 rd move (red)= recess time, sentences for HW, call home (0 punches)  Excellent Behavior move up (blue)= Bonus punches on punch card  Everyday they get a sticker, or mark (star, smiley face, etc.) in their agenda that coordinates with the color they were on for that day.  Character Counts (please sign agreements/leave on desk)

22 Lunch  11:00-11:30  Lunch money:  In envelope with name  Lunch account  Lunch number  Pay online:  Yellow cards are given out to students who are not following cafeteria rules. It will be sent home in agenda.  Pink Lion Loot awarded to class

23 Enrichment  MTTF 12:15-1:00  Wed 11:45-12:20  Enrichment is on a 9 day rotation.  Make sure students have appropriate shoes for PE  Check agendas for daily color and schedule  Red=PE; Orange=Fine Arts; Yellow=PE; Green=PE; Blue=Media; White=PE; Purple=PE; Silver=Science; Brown=PE

24 Birthdays We will no longer have birthday treats in our classroom per administration. Birthday treats may be sent in in the morning with your child. They may NOT be homemade. It needs to be something simple as lunch time is limited. Cookies or small cupcakes are recommended. They will be served to the students in the cafeteria at lunch time. Please do no send in birthday party invitations for your child to pass out unless EVERYONE in the class is invited as this may cause hurt feelings.

25 Volunteers Only APPROVED volunteers will be permitted to join us on field trips. If you have previously been a volunteer at LLE, please see Karen Hart in the front office to update your information if necessary If you have not been a volunteer at LLE, fill out a blue volunteer application from the front office ASAP.

26 Contact Information  If you have any questions or concerns:  E-mail:  Phone: 352-243-2433 from 8:00-8:30 and 3:00-3:30  Attach a note in your child’s agenda  My e-mail is a public record, therefore, I will not discuss personal information

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