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Successful Facility Assessments: Savings through Facility Manager and A/E Partnerships May 27, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Facility Assessments: Savings through Facility Manager and A/E Partnerships May 27, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Facility Assessments: Savings through Facility Manager and A/E Partnerships May 27, 2014

2  Understand how facility management software and analytics can help to better manage facilities  The data needed to conduct an assessment and the results  The downside of poor planning or planning by reaction  How energy management professionals provide valuable input to the overall process Learning Objectives

3 Georgia Gwinnett College Frank Covington. Assoc. VP for Facilities Pond & Company Mark Levine, AIA Associate / Higher Education Practice Leader Van Lynn, PE, Mechanical Design Director Today’s Speakers

4  Frank earned his bachelors degree from Cameron University in 1996 and his post graduate degree from Clemson University in 2001  29+ years of preventative maintenance experience Frank Covington

5  Pond & Company Higher Education Practice Leader.  Mark earned his bachelors degree in Architecture from the University of New Mexico in 1984.  28+ years of award winning educational facility design experience  Projects in 5 states: GA, FL, MI, HI and NM Mark Levine, AIA, LEED AP

6  Van received his bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1999  14+ years of experience in Mechanical Engineering and Commissioning  Mechanical Commissioning: 139K Sq Ft of Building Space and $21.5M in Construction Costs  Life Safety Commissioning: 1.1M Sq Ft of Building Space and $150M in Construction Costs Van Lynn, PE

7 7000+ Public Buildings Assessed $1 Billion Existing Structures and Building Systems Analyzed for Renovations and Improvements 10 Million Square Feet of Renovation Projects Pond & Company

8  Fastest Growing Institution in the University System of Georgia  1 st 21 st Century Campus in the US: The “Campus of Tomorrow”  Opened 2006! Georgia Gwinnett College

9  Approx. 9,400 students - 11,000 Projected for the Fall of 2014  Highest Utilization Rate in the University System of Georgia Georgia Gwinnett College

10 Enrollment

11 Campus Master Plan


13  Renovations to Bldg “D” –Student Affairs / Faculty Offices  Re-purposing of existing warehouse – 40,000 SF  Multiple Stakeholders  New Front Door  Start to completion in just 7 months! A Successful Partnership

14 Building D

15 Transformational Design

16 Building D


18  Facility operators are faced with maintaining same size or growing campuses with shrinking budgets  Need to find ways to leverage funds available as much as possible Successful Facility Assessments: A Value Proposition

19  Outsourced Maintenance for college since college’s inception  Poor feed back from the maintenance contractor of maintenance procedures  Limited manpower for proper oversight of the maintenance contractor Challenges for GGC

20  A Brief History…..  As a normal standard of care Architects and Engineers conduct a facility condition assessment before starting design  In the late 70s this became a separate scope which was delivered in a Narrative form  Computers improved and the first computerized maintenance management systems were developed  Currently these have been developed to allow predictive modeling of assessments Facility Assessments

21  From narrative format to a calculated facility condition index, what to do next….  Better management of maintenance funds  Future large capital projects funding  Check of current maintenance strategies  Highlight areas of focus Facility Assessments - Purpose

22  A good facility assessment allows for…  Mitigates Risk, by prioritizing problems  Enables proactive identification of deficiencies to extend asset service life  Justifies cost (LCCA)  Takes the guess work out of project planning Planning NOT Reacting

23  Database Software that gathers information on all the parts of all the assets in a facility  By summing the condition of the parts and using historical data on asset life and cost, a condition index is created  Aggregating all the condition indexes creates an overall facility condition index Technology

24  Can Prioritize projects based on a number of criteria  Remaining service life  Condition Index  Asset Type  Etc.  Many programs can also create costs associated with replacement/ improvement projects Applying Technology

25  Buildings are the limit  Each asset can be broken down to the parts or a general assessment of the whole asset.  The further you break down each asset the more objective the results become What Data is Gathered?

26  Need to understand the ultimate use of the results  Grading Maintenance  Project planning  Identifying future failures  Etc.  Each report should be tailored to the user Project Planning

27  In house Maintenance  Find areas where more time should be spent  Find shortfalls in maintenance procedures  Changes may need to be made as equipment is upgraded  Outsourced Maintenance  Verify Quality of Service  Verify if major equipment replacements are a result of poor maintenance practices Grading Maintenance

28  Focused on Exterior Envelope and Mechanical Systems  Concerned about Roof condition and condition of storefront systems  Concerned about condition and level of maintenance of Mechanical Systems GGC Facility Assessment

29  Found areas of roof near failure, was able to identify and have repairs made before warranty ran out  Found flaws and neglect in maintenance of HVAC systems  Was able to identify equipment failures as a lack of maintenance and offset equipment replacement costs for GGC GGC Facility Assessment

30 Final Point  Extending the life of existing buildings….true practice of sustainability…..

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