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Ángeles Macías García EULARINET Manager Coordinator MICINN-Spain
EULARINET - Concept and Objectives
The EULARINET (7FP) Project (European Union - Latin American Research and Innovation NETworks) is a 4 years Coordination Action (INCO.Net) (March February 2012) whose main goal is to strengthen the bi-regional dialogue on S&T between EU Member States (MS), Associated States (AS) and Latin American Partner Countries (LAPC) , at policy, programme and institutional (research entities) level, thus contributing to a three fold objective: Promote the joint identification, setting up, implementation and monitoring of mutual interest priorities of future work programmes across the Specific Programmes of FP7. b) Joint definition of S&T co-operation policies c) Support and stimulate the participation of LAPC in FP7
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ( Spain) Germany BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research DLR International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Austria ZSI Centre for Social Innovation Spain UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid CSIC Spanish Council for Scientific Research Finland AKA Academy of Finland France IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement CIRAD Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développment Norway RCN The Research Council of Norway Portugal ADI Agência de Inovação FCT Fundaçao para Ciencia e Tecnología Argentina MINCYT Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología Chile CONICYT Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Colombia COLCIENCIAS Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología Mexico CONACYT Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Nicaragua Consejo Nicaragüense de Ciencia y Tecnología Brasil CNPq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Uruguay MEC-CUBIST Ministry of Education and Culture-CUBIST
EULARINET – Work Packages (WPs)
WP1: Analysis, Monitoring and Review WP Leader: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD-France) WP co-Leader: Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica (CONICYT-Chile) WP2: Strengthening the participation of LA in FP7 WP Leader: International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (DLR-Germany) WP co-Leader: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – (CNPq-Brazil) WP3: Bi-regional Policy Dialogue Leader WP3: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN-Spain) Co-Leader WP3: Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (MINCYT-Argentina) WP4: Bi-regional Science - Industry Relationships Leader WP4: Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD-France) Co-Leader WP4: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT-Mexico) WP5: Raising awareness and Dissemination activities WP 5 Leader: Fundaçao para Ciencia e Tecnología (FCT-Portugal) WP 5 Co-Leader: Consejo Nicaragüense de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICYT-Nicaragua) WP6: Project Management Leader: Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN-Spain)
WP1: Analysis, Monitoring and Review: Laying the ground - A complete statistical overview has been produced based on the available information from DG-RTD about past FP6 and ongoing FP7 cooperation activities between EU and LA partners. A questionnaire to qualitatively survey the strengths and weaknesses of the participation of Latin American research institutions in FP7 was developed and sent to 163 project holders in the region - S&T indicators are produced on the basis of a consensus of main observatories involved in measuring S&T cooperation between LA and EU countries.
WP1: Analysis, Monitoring and Review: Laying the ground (Cont.) EVENT: ¨International thematic Workshop on Indicators of bi-regional Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I)¨. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on July 18th The main objective of this workshop was to promote a meeting between experts of indicators of ST&I representing different observatories, so as to debate on a pertinent set of indicators able to monitor the evolution of the cooperation between Latin America and the European Union. A complete view of the modalities of the bi-regional cooperation led at the level of EU member states in Latin America (S&T cooperation schemes) has been conducted through means of qualitative questionnaires to LA funding agencies. SELECTED DOCUMENTS PRODUCED IN WP1 S&T Indicators based on publications (IEDCYT/CSIC- Spain) Analysis of patents collaborations between Latin America and Europe (IEDCYT/CSIC- Spain) Deliverable. 1.1: Statistical report on bi-regional ST&I activities under FP6 (IRD-France) Deliverable.1.2: Report on indicators of ST&I bi-regional activities (IEDCYT/CSIC- Spain)
WP2: Strengthening LA participation in FP7 A NCP-workshop was realised back to back with the consortium’s annual meeting in Lisbon in March 2009 in order to find out in detail about the NCPs strengths, weaknesses and priority interests. It was organised in collaboration with INCONTACT A new questionnaire was elaborated to get more and precise background information on the conditions of work of NCPs in Latin America and sent to all 13 Latin American NCPs in October 2009 Contact lists of European Thematic NCPs or Thematic Networks were produced and offered as incentives for questionnaire responses -EVENT: ¨NCP Training course¨: Florianopolis, Brazil, November 4-6th 2009
WP2: Strengthening LA participation in FP7 (Cont.) EVENT: ¨Latin American-European Environment Workshop¨: Bogotá, Nov Experts were highly qualified and very dedicated to fulfill the workshop’s goals, and as a result a list of ten SICA-proposals was presented to the Thematic Directorate Environment In DG RTD EVENT: ¨EU-LA ICT Gateway – Workshop on EU-LA cooperation possibilities¨, Brussels, September 2010 EVENT: ¨Joint INCO.NET Workshop on KBBE¨, Montpellier, October 2010 EVENT: ¨Thematic Workshop on Health¨, Buenos Aires, Nov. 2010 SELECTED DOCUMENTS PRODUCED IN WP2 Questionnaire for NCPs and NIPs Deliverable.2.2.Final Report Environment Workshop - Deliverable 2.3 “Recommendations for SICA-topics and other topics highly relevant for the cooperation between Europe and Latin America¨
WP3: Top-down policy driven on Research Sub-regional dialogues are organised annually in the three sub-regions, as preparation to Bi-regional dialogue to be held in Mexico on Sep. 7-8th 2010 EVENTS: Sub-regional R&I dialogue with Mexico & Central America (Mexico) First: November 21st 2008, Mexico DF, Mexico Second: 18-19th of November 2009 Mexico DF, Mexico Sub-regional R&I dialogue with Andean countries (Colombia, Chile) First: March 16th 2009 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Second: Santiago, Chile, on the 14th and 15th of January 2010 Sub-regional R&I dialogue with MERCOSUR (Brazil) First: November , Buenos Aires, Argentina Second: Brasilia, on the 23rd and 24th of November 2009
WP3: Top-down policy driven on Research (Cont.) SELECTED DOCUMENTS PRODUCED IN WP3 First Sub-Regional Conferences EULARINET Aclaratory Notes for the Approach of the Su-regional meetings– MICINN-Spain Deliverable 3.2. Specific report on research needs Deliverable 3.4. Specific reports on research needs Second Sub-Regional Conferences ¨Guidelines for the organisation of the EULARINET Sub‐regional Conferences¨: MICINN-Spain “Towards a new approach for a co‐operation in science and technology between Latin America and the European Union¨: MICINN-Spain Deliverable 3.5. Synthesis Document: MICINN-Spain→ Presented at the SOM
WP4: Bi-regional Science-Industry Relationships EVENT: Workshop: "Successful experiences of cooperation between the Science and the Industry in European Union and Latin America“, Mexico DF EVENT: OPENING KNOTS- Workshop on looking for the solutions foe EU- Latin American Industry- Academia cooperation. Helsinki, Finland, June 17 and EVENT: Bi-regional expert Electronic Forum, held during Sept-Oct 2009 EVENT: Workshop in Science nd Industry on Food, ICT and Health, Montevideo, Uruguay, June/August 2009 EVENT: LA-EU Worshop on technology transference and Innovacion, Dec. 7 and 8th 2009, Montevideo, Uruguay SELECTED DOCUMENTS PRODUCED IN WP4 Enhancing research-industry alliances, innovation and technology transfer EU-LA: UPM-Spain, CONACYT-Mexico and CIRAD-France.
WP5: Raising the Awareness and Dissemination Activities EULARINET Webpage (a new Web is currently being developed) ( EULARINET Newsletter EULARINET Flyer and corporative design EULARINET Poster EULARINET Website
Highlight of Main Results of the Project (1/2)
A complete statistical overview has been produced based on the available information from DG-RTD about past FP6 and ongoing FP7 cooperation activities between EU and LA partners A complete view of the modalities of the bi-regional cooperation led at the level of EU member states in Latin America (S&T cooperation schemes) has been conducted through means of qualitative questionnaires to LA funding agencies Report on the mapping of European and Latin American science and technology cooperation scheme patterns which focuses on the bilateral S&T agreements between both regions Contact lists of Latin American NCPs or European Thematic Networks were produced and offered as incentives for questionnaire responses
Highlight of Main Results of the Project (2/2)
A list of ten SICA-proposals was presented to the Thematic Directorate Environment in DG RTD Background reports for future EU-Latin American cooperation in the ICT theme, including national priorities in ICT research have been produced for Argentine, Chile, Nicaragua and Switzerland EULARINET will provide to the European Commission with eight theme profiles as recommendation for its future Work programme formulation (2012 and beyond) on the Health theme.
Work out common reserach topics through the organisation of a new series of Thematic Workshops and videoconferences aimed at encouraging the participation of Latin American research organisations; Matchmaking events and specific Infodays to promote LA participation in the FP call, in collaboration with other connected projects.
Future challenges for EULARINET in S&T DIALOGUE
Identifying EULARINET role in contributing to the implementation of the EU-LAC Summit commitments. Consequently, define the objectives of the future dialogue meetings Possible avenues: Broaden the scope of the paper «Towards a new approach to EU – LA S&T cooperation » to encompass an analysis of MS programmes, drawing from the results of EULANEST; Open up a dissemination and consultation process within the Commission (RELEX, AIDCO, etc.), within SFIC, etc.; What technical support can be provided to the EU-LAC process?
Strengthening links with innovation policies and programmes Explore needs for LA in Infrastructures Identifying experiences that can be taken up in the setting up of Knowledge and Innovation Centres, e.g. AL-INVEST, country programmes.
Important particulars of the EULARINET Project
¨ The WPs in which the EULARINET project is divided are equally led by one institution from EU and one from LA¨ ¨The EULARINET project serves as an umbrella for the on-going EU – LAC cooperation in S&T¨ ¨EULARINET structures the EU-LAC dialogue in S&T¨ ¨The recently renewed EULARINET Website serves both for diffusion of the project activities and as a portal that collects EU-LAC cooperation initiatives ¨ (
Thank you for your attention!
Ángeles Macías García Manager Corrdinator of EULARINET Ministry of Science and Innovation – MICINN (Spain)
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