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Barnabas Foundation Helps Your Church Develop Good Stewards.

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Presentation on theme: "Barnabas Foundation Helps Your Church Develop Good Stewards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barnabas Foundation Helps Your Church Develop Good Stewards

2 Barnabas Foundation... Is a charitable organization with nearly 200 Christian ministry members Offers stewardship education and development for churches Helps Christians with decisions about transfer of financial resources (results in millions of $’s to ministries, including churches)

3 Our Perspective Stewardship is spiritual Stewardship is a lifestyle How we handle money matters to God Churches can effectively teach and encourage stewardship Estate planning is a ministry opportunity

4 Stewardship Services Resources Good Steward Ministry program Legacy Foundation Estate/gift planning

5 Sermon ideas Offering ideas Stewardship Spotlight newsletter Small group and education resources Website Stewardship Resources

6 Good Steward Ministry Benefits for Churches Helps congregations experience a more vibrant intimate walk with the Lord. Cultivates generous and joyful financial giving. Motivates volunteers to contribute their talents in ministry. A stewardship program that helps churches tap into the treasures of God’s gifts in their congregations.

7 How does it work? Pastor and leadership approve and support Good Steward Ministry. We provide support and guidance in developing an intentional stewardship program. Church officers and ministry leaders work with their stewardship team in strategy implementation.

8 Legacy Foundation for Churches A turnkey program designed to manage estate gifts that will benefit the long-term needs of the church

9 Benefits to Churches Barnabas Foundation manages the details Professional investment expertise Provides documentation needed for operation of Foundation Consistent management and administration Promotional resources for congregation

10 Benefits to Church Members Will allow members to give tax- efficiently Will encourage members to give purposefully to kingdom causes Will not overwhelm church budget and discourage others from giving

11 Meets with church members to help them make decisions about the transfer of their financial resources No charge No obligation No solicitation Confidential

12 Help church members transfer financial resources in a way that honors God, provides for their families and provides for Kingdom causes close to their hearts. Provide Christians with analysis from which their attorney drafts their plan.

13 Why does every Christian need a plan? (Will and/or Trust) Act of individual stewardship Provides for family and kingdom causes close to heart Living legacy for generations to come

14 For your church Barnabas Foundation provides estate planning presentations for: –Seniors –Young Couples –Adult Education

15 For church members We assist individuals with: –Estate Planning –Business Transition Plans –Charitable Trusts –Gift Annuities –Stewards Fund (our Donor Advised Fund). We encourage gifts of assets.

16 Times when we can be of great value to church members Stocks/Investments transfer Real estate sale Sale of a business Second home sale IRA distributions

17 Summary of Our Stewardship Services Help church members make tax-wise decisions regarding the transfer of their financial resources Provide stewardship resources for churches Consult with churches through the Good Steward Ministry program Offer a church foundation to help manage estate gifts

18 Stewardship is a way of life. Living generously is an expression of God’s love.

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