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Finding what you need in the Library and online Clare Ackerley, Academic Liaison Librarian for Computer Science May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding what you need in the Library and online Clare Ackerley, Academic Liaison Librarian for Computer Science May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding what you need in the Library and online Clare Ackerley, Academic Liaison Librarian for Computer Science May 2015

2 Session aims After today you should: be aware of the resources available be able to select appropriate resources to use know some effective searching techniques

3 Planning your search Define what you want Identify your search terms Select sources to search Conduct search Record references and strategy Obtain relevant articles, books, etc Evaluate information This all takes time!

4 Find key search terms »Synonyms butterfly/lepidoptera, cancer/neoplasm »Plurals liberty/liberties, child/children, mouse/mice »Word stems educat* will find education, educational, educationalist, educating »Alternative spellings organi?ation will find organisation or organization Phrase searching "mental health", "higher education" Proximity advertising NEAR/2 campaign Synonyms OR neoplasm Additional keywords/concepts AND therapy Excluding irrelevant results NOT drug Search strategy techniques

5 Use OR to combine search terms of similar meaning. Particularly useful when there are many appropriate terms that could be used to search one concept. For example: »cancer OR tumour OR tumor OR neoplasm »“higher education” OR university OR college »child OR children OR girl OR boy OR minor OR searches for any of the words in a record OR will make your search broader, retrieves more results Combining your search terms with OR

6 Use AND to combine the different concepts of your search. For example: »cancer AND chemotherapy AND children »business AND survive AND recession »"art history" AND teaching AND multimedia AND finds documents in which all terms occur AND retrieves fewer records, narrows down the results Combining your search terms with AND

7 Library resources

8 Searching the catalogue Only view items that are available Refine by Subject

9 Searching everything Choose to expand search beyond our resources if you wish Limit to peer- reviewed journals Refine your results to select resource type. E.g. conference proceedings

10 Your Subject Guide

11 Subject guides – journals and databases Provides links to the most relevant databases and full- text journal collections for you BUT…. Not everything For a comprehensive list use the e-resources guidee-resources guide

12 Emphasis on peer-reviewed (high quality) titles within specific subject areas Sophisticated search capabilities »e.g. can combine searches using your search history to produce more complex strategies Systematic indexing »many have own subject headings i.e. controlled terminology Good options for saving search results Why use the “paid-for” databases?

13 Paid-for (subscription) databases »require a login Interdisciplinary databases, for example: »Web of Science, Scopus Subject databases, for example: »INSPEC, PsycINFO, MathSciNet, MEDLINE, EconLit, Business Source Premier, Westlaw UK, ERIC, Empire Online, ARTbibliographies Modern, ABELL Access via E-Resources Guide or Subject Guides Subject database searching

14 Some key Computer Science databases Web of Science Core Collection – General Computer Science 1900 - date – citation searching – Proceedings section for conferences & meetings 1990 - present – Register to customize your search experience – Recorded training materials available. Links on the database.

15 Some Key Computer Science Databases INSPEC leading abstract publication for information in physics, electronics, electrical engineering, computer science and information technology. - updated weekly - 1969-present - Also an archive available dating back to 1898

16 Electronic resources – e-journals IEEE Xplore All IEEE and IET journals, magazines, transactions and conference proceedings, and all approved and published IEEE standards, excluding drafts. – Complete backfiles to 1988 – Selected content back to 1913 ScienceDirect – World’s largest full text database of scientific journals, 2,500 journals and 20,000 ebooks

17 Locating full text of the papers you discover Look for Find It @ York button

18 Electronic resources – e-books Lecture Notes in Computer Science – archive also available. Access through Computer Science subject guide or YorSearch. There are also many more e-books available on YorSearch from other e-book providers such as Dawsonera and MyiLibrary

19 Electronic resources – theses York theses »finding York theses in the Library and online »White Rose eTheses online Theses in the UK »ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland (E-resources guide) »EThOS International theses »Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations »DART-Europe Etheses Portal »OAIster (Open access resources)

20 Electronic resources – web search engines and subject gateways Web search engines Google and Google Scholar CiteSeer – scientific literature digital library and search engine CiteSeer Internet subject gateways TechXtra – cross searches 31 different collections for articles, websites, books, latest news, theses, in engineering, maths and computing TechXtra

21 Electronic resources – web search engines

22 Google Scholar Full text freely available Available from York

23 Google Scholar off campus Go to: Settings Library links Enter University of York Save

24 Google Scholar AdvantagesDisadvantages More results – a range of resource types, e.g. books, journal articles, theses Too many results(?) Simple to searchLess quality control. Coverage: what is and is not covered? Duplication. Inclusion of some non-academic materials Links to full text items available at YorkInconsistent bibliographic information Few sophisticated search options, e.g. difficult to apply limitations

25 Effective Searching - Reviewing When you have some results ask yourself – do they answer your question? – are they appropriate for your needs and of sufficient quantity AND quality Be prepared to search more than one database for a comprehensive search – INSPEC does NOT cover everything you need – if you are unsure of which ones to use - ask! Leave enough time to find, and read the full articles!!!

26 You need to evaluate the information you find: information Look at the section on evaluating information Evaluating your results

27 Troubleshooting Searches Too few or no results? – are my keywords the right ones? – am I using the ‘right’ database for the subject? Too many results? – should I include more specific term(s)? – could I eliminate unwanted concepts from my results?

28 British Library »minibus to British Library at Boston Spa (Near Wetherby) »further information at: library library SCONUL Access »enables you to visit and borrow from other institutions, apply online libraries/sconul/ libraries/sconul/ 28 Other libraries – for items not at York

29 White Rose Research Online »York, Leeds and Sheffield shared repository »access to material normally behind a subscription barrier (Open Access) »items can also be deposited »more information about WRRO at: Other repositories »SHERPA Search of UK repository content: »OpenDOAR global search: Repositories

30 University of York supported packages: »EndNote (Desktop) and EndNote Web/Online »Integrates with Word, IT Services courses and tutorial »Paperpile »Web-based via Chrome, integrates with Google Docs and Google Scholar Other packages: »Mendeley, Zotero, etc freely available but not supported at York »Plugins not installed on IT Services computers See Organising your references: » Managing information

31 Information for Researchers web pages » Subject Guides » University Library web pages » Where to find more information

32 Getting Help Clare Ackerley

33 Thank you for listening Find resources for your subject: Find us on Slideshare: Find us on Twitter: UoYLibraryUoYLibrary The Digital Scholarship blog:

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