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Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project What are Essential Oils? Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project Essential Oils are  natural aromatic compounds.

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2 Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project

3 What are Essential Oils? Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project Essential Oils are  natural aromatic compounds that are found in the seeds, bark, stem, roots, flowers and other parts of plants  Pure  Opposed to common belief, they aren't oily  Absorbed immediately into the skin  Used to treat physical and emotional ailments

4 How do Doterra Oils differ from others? Doterra OilsOther Oils No additivesContains fillers and additives All oils are safe to ingest Use caution when ingesting due to additives More effective because they are 100% pure extract from source Less effective due to fillers and additives 100% free from pesticidesSome may contain pesticides Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project

5 Grades of Essential Oil  Synthetic : No therapeutic quality  Food: FDA approved oils  Therapeutic: Considered health standard by industry  CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) Highest grade of oils. 100% pure Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project

6 How are essential oils used? Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project The three main ways essential oils are used include:  Topical  Internal  Aromatic

7 Topical Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project  Rub on pressure points  Use during massage  Rub on neck  Rub on temples The ailment in which is being treated determines where the oil is applied.

8 Internal The most effective way to use Essential Oils is internally. However, make sure that the oils that you are taking are free from any additives or fillers and are marked CPTG (certified pure therapeutic grade). Ways to ingest CPTG Essential Oils include:  Putting a drop of oil under your tongue  Diluting the Oils with water and drink the mixture  Putting Oils into a capsule and swallow Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project

9 Aromatic Diffusing Essential Oils releases a pleasurable aroma and attacks airborne pathogens. Ways to use Essential Oils Aromatically include:  Using a diffuser to release Oils into the Air  Rubbing oils onto hands and inhale  Rubbing onto neck and wrists as perfume Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project

10 Who Can Use Doterra Oils? Because of their superior quality, Doterra Essential Oils are safe to be used by everyone. That even includes… Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project

11 Benefits  No negative side effects  Ability to be in control of your health and your loved ones health  Preventative care as well as fighting a sickness  Cost effective  Less visits to the doctor Carissa Kartchner CIS 1020 Final Project


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