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By: Ben Brodowicz and Jake Aschenbrenner.  An inflammation disease characterized at first by a rash, headache, fever, and chills, and later by possible.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ben Brodowicz and Jake Aschenbrenner.  An inflammation disease characterized at first by a rash, headache, fever, and chills, and later by possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ben Brodowicz and Jake Aschenbrenner

2  An inflammation disease characterized at first by a rash, headache, fever, and chills, and later by possible arthritis and neurological issues/problems.  Caused by Deer Ticks  It can 1 year all the way to 3 years or more.

3 S1 (Early localized Lyme Disease)  Chills, fever, headache, muscle pain, and stiff neck  Lightheadedness or fainting S2 (Early disseminated Lyme Disease)  Paralysis or weakness of muscles in face  Swelling or pain in knees,  Heart problems (such as skipped heart beats) S3 (Late disseminated Lyme Disease)  Abnormal muscle movement  Muscle weakness  Numbness and tingling  Speech problems

4  Yale investigation on Lyme disease  They are specifically trying to figure out a cure for this disease.  The doctors who treat the disease give anti- bodies that only slows the process down.  Caused by a spiral bacteria  This bacteria causes syphilis  Lyme Disease has not been proven to be contagious  There has not been a precise cure for this disease. Your body will eventually fight it off.

5  Have to have been in fields  Most foreign countries ex. Australia  Jump from animals to humans ex. Dogs sleep with you, a tick can jump.  Usually people who work with animals  Don’t notice the tick until the tick is on them or has already sucked their blood.


7 Lyme Disease Veggeberg, Scott Enslow Publications Berkely Heights, NJ 0002296/

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