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Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Recruitment and Selection in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism.

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1 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Recruitment and Selection in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism

2 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Introduction In this session, you will be finding out about the key stages involved in recruitment and selection in the travel and tourism industry. As you’ll see, it’s not quite as simple as you might think!

3 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed What are the stages involved in recruitment and selection? We will identify 7 stages in the process These stages will differ slightly according to the job involved Each stage is essential if organisations in the industry are to get effective people into the right jobs Being aware of the stages will help you maximise your job-seeking chances

4 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed The 7 Stages Identifying a need Analysing the job Attracting candidates Pre-selection Selection Appointment Induction

5 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 1. Identifying a Need Why does the organisation need new staff? A process of job analysis is needed to identify the need for new staff It could be that there is no need and staff could just be organised better If new staff are needed, then stage 2 starts….

6 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 2. Analysing the Job What will the job involve? Skills analysis – what competences will be needed for the job? Specifying the job – what’s needed to be done? Describing the job – main activities, training provided, terms, location described. Specifying the person – qualifications, experience, skills needed

7 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 2. Analysing the Job (cont’d) This stage is where the key documents involved in recruitment and selection are created: The job description The person specification These documents are crucial for working out if you have the ‘right’ candidate. At this stage, an information pack for applicants could be created.

8 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 3. Attracting candidates Internally – are there suitable candidates for the job already working in the organisation? Externally – will the organisation work with an agency or directly through the media? Workplace notice boards, local or national press, internet-based agencies may be used.

9 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 4. Pre-selection Short listing – eliminating unsuitable applicants by measuring each application against criteria in job description and person specification Who to involve? Consistency important in assessing applications fairly Inform unsuccessful candidates

10 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 5. Selection Often a mix of presentation, testing and interview. Essential that interviewers/assessors are trained for the task, and that they follow an agreed procedure.

11 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 6. Appointment Making the appointment of the selected candidate Agreeing terms and conditions, start date Reference checks made if not carried out earlier Relevant criminal records checks made. Inform unsuccessful candidates.

12 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 7. Induction Crucial to enable new starter to fit in as soon as possible. May involve: Training activities Presentations from key areas of the organisation Technical training in use of ICT systems, policies and procedures used in organisation

13 Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed 7. Induction (cont’d) Induction should flow into an ongoing performance review system. This will identify training and development needs and form a continuous process.

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