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Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Medical Faculty, Medical University – Sofia Dr. Rumen Nikolov, PhD Liquid dosage forms.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Medical Faculty, Medical University – Sofia Dr. Rumen Nikolov, PhD Liquid dosage forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Medical Faculty, Medical University – Sofia Dr. Rumen Nikolov, PhD Liquid dosage forms

2 Liquid dosage forms are prepared: (1) by dissolving the active drug substance(s) in an aqueous or nonaqueous (e.g. alcohol, ether, glycerin) solvent, (2) by suspensing the drug in appropriate medium, or (3) by incorporating the drug substance into an oil or water phases.

3 Liquid dosage forms can be administered: Topically - lotions or suspension applied to the skin, eye drops, nasal drops, ear drops Orally (p.o.) - oral suspension and solution Parenterally - subcutaneous injection (s.c.), intramuscular injection (i.m.) and intravenous administration (i.v.)

4 Solution (solutio) Solutions are prepared by dissolving a solid or liquid drug in distilled water (aqua destillata) Solutions are intended for topical, oral, and parenteral administration. Solutions for local administration usually called lotions.

5 Suspension (suspensio) A suspension consists of a dispersion of relatively coarse particles, usually in aqueous vehicle. Suspensions may be used for oral and topical administration. Like solutions, oral suspensions are useful in children and patients who cannot tolerate a solid dosage form.

6 Drops (guttae) Drops are solutions, tinctures or mixtures of high-potent drug substances Drops are prescribed in small quantity (10  30 g)

7 Drops are intended to be administered orally or externally (as eye drops, nasal drops and ear drops). eye drops (collyrium): Timolol nasal (nose) drops: Olynth 0,1% ear drops: Furotalgin

8 Emulsion (emulsio)  Emulsions are two-phase systems consist of liquid drug substances.  They are classfied as: oil-in-water emulsion (O/W) water- in-oil emulsion (W/O)  Emulsions can be administered topically, orally, and I.M.

9 Liniment (linimentum) Liniments are milk-like liquids for topical administration. Example:  Carmolis fluid  Nival

10 Infusions and decoctions Infusion (infusum) is a dilute solution of the readily soluble constituents of crude drugs (from the soft parts of plants). Fresh infusions are prepared by macerating the drugs for a short period of time (15 min) with boiling water.

11 Decoction (decoctum) Decoctions is an extract of the water-soluble and heat-stable constituents of crude drugs (from the hard parts of plants) by boiling in water for 30 min, and cooling. Infusions and decoctions are of short duration (no more than 3 days).

12 Mixture (mixtura)  Mixtures contain two or more active drug substance, dissolved, suspensed, or dispersed in a suitable liquid base.  Syrups are added as remedium corrigens, in quantity of 20 % or 30 % of the total volume.  Oral and topical administration

13 Medical nail lacquers Such dosage form contains antifungal drugs for topical treatment of onychomycosis Example:  Batrafen nail lacquer 8 %  Loceryl nail lacquer 8 %

14 Medical shampoo  Selected topical formulations for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis are: Nizoral shampoo Selsun shampoo

15 Sterile dosage forms for injection  These forms contain solutions, powder or lyophilized powder ready to be dissolve, suspensions, and emulsions. They are packaged in ampoules, vials, plastic bags, one-point cut ampoules, and prefilled disposable syringes.

16 10.a) Solutions can be prescribed in two forms (short or enlarged). in short form the strength of a solution is expressed as the quantity of solute in sufficient solvent to make 100 ml (percentage strength) Rp/ Sol. Natrii citratis 4% 150 g D.S. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.

17 in enlarged form the total dose of the active substance, the name of the solvent, and the total volume of the solution are filled in praescriptio Rp/ Natrii citratis 6 g Aquae destillatae ad 150 g M.D.S. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily. M.D.S. = Misce. Da. Signa.

18 10.b) Rp/ Sol. Iodi spirituosae 5% 100 g D.S. For external use. 11.) Rp./Fl. Tussiroli 140 ml D. t.d. № 1 S. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily. D.t.d. = Da tales doses

19 12.) Rp/ Infusi radicis Primulae 6 g/180 g Ephedrini hydrochloridi 300 mg Liquoris Ammonii anisati 3 g Natrii benzoatis 3 g Sirupi Althaeae ad 225 g M. f. mixtura D.S. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.

20 12.) Calculation of the total dose of each drug of the mixture: one tablespoon contains 15 ml (g) the total number of doses is equal to the whole volume of mixture divided by the volume of the one tablespoon: 22 5 g : 15 = 15 the total dose of each drug substance is equal to the total number of doses multiplied by the single dose of the drug

21 12.) Ephedrini hydrochloridi single dose = 20 mg total dose = 15 x 20 mg = 300 mg Liquoris Ammonii anisati single dose = 200 mg total dose = 15 x 200 mg = 3 g Natrii benzoatis single dose = 200 mg total dose = 15 x 200 mg = 3 g

22 13a) Tinctura (T-ra) Rp/ T-ra Valerianae 20 g D.S. Take 20 drops 3 times daily.

23 13.b) Drops Rp/ Fl. Xylomethazolini 0,1% 10 ml D. t. d. № 1 S. Put 2 drops into nose 4 times daily.

24 14.) Suspensions Rp/ Fl. Cefuroxime 25 mg/5 ml D. t. d. № 1 S. Take 2 ml every 12 hours.

25 14.) Calculation of the single dose of Cefuroxime axetil for a child with body weight 10 kg: -- Daily dose = 10 mg x 10 kg = 100 mg -- The daily dose is divided by 2 equal applications: 100 mg/2 = 50 mg -- One ml (or 1 division) of suspension contains 25 mg of Cefuroxime or single dose = 100 mg/2 mg = 2 ml

26 15.) Infusions and decoctions Rp/ Decocti fol. Uvae ursi 10 g/200 g D. S. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.

27 16) Rp/ Sol. Lydoli 5% 2 ml D. t. d. № 10 in amp. S. One ampule S.C. Pethidine – INN (Lydol ® ) (Meperidine - USA)

28 17) Rp/ Fl. Benzylpenicillini 500 000 UI D. t. d. № 20 S. One vial I.M. every 6 hours, after dissolving in 5 ml distilled water.

29 18a) Rp/ Fl. Fentanyli 0,005% 10 ml D. t. d. № 1 S. Injected 2 ml I.M. 18b) Rp/ Fl. Droperidoli 0,25% 10 ml D. t. d. № 1 S. Injected 2 ml I.M.

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