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Implementing Check-In/Check-Out

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1 Implementing Check-In/Check-Out
An Efficient Intervention for Mentoring and Behaviour Support Don Chapman Nicci Beninger Acknowledgement: Kent McIntosh, University of Oregon


3 Goals for the session 1. Very brief review/intro to PBS and triangle
2. Focus on Tier 2: Check in-Check Out: What is needed to implement? How to train staff. How to evaluate and decision make. How to fade out.

4 What is PBS? a decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students.

5 Intensive Individual Interventions: Specialized Individualized
Systems for Students with High-Risk Behaviour CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT Targeted Group Interventions: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behaviour Universal Interventions: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings – why focus on these student here? (NOT B/C we’re giving up!) 2 reasons – b/c prevention works! AND cut down to reasonable # will this be enough for all students? NO

6 A Day in the Life Hsin Hsin’s parents work long hours. She doesn’t seem to have any friends, and she is wary of teachers. No adults in the school can say they really know her. Hsin comes to school without breakfast, tries to make as little noise as possible, eats lunch alone, and makes her way through the day without any human contact. She returns home to do homework and chores alone. What does Hsin need to be successful?

7 A Day in the Life Eddie Eddie is a talkative, charming guy. He has regularly struggled with basic organisational skills. He is impulsive, inattentive, late, and never turns his homework in. Everyone in the school knows him by name. Eddie tries to make it to class on time, but there are just too many people to tell what happened to him yesterday. He does his homework but forgets to turn it in. Eddie gets the “you need to get your act together” talk from at least half of his teachers every day. What does Eddie need to be successful?

8 Kevin A Day in the Life Kevin has been in foster care since grade 1 and now splits his nights between his foster home and the street. Kevin is a non-reader and has difficulties with peers. He has been abusing alcohol and tobacco for 3 years. Kevin gets to school mid-morning, trying to give it another go. He is confronted at the door by the VP and spends the morning in her office. He gets into a fight in the hall, gets suspended, and takes off a few more days for good measure. What does Kevin need to be successful?

9 A Day in the Life Sarah Sarah is known by her teachers as a hard worker and role model for her peers. She has a few close friends and enjoys school. Sarah comes to school early to help her last year’s teacher prepare for class. She excels in her classes. After school, she tutors some of the younger students in the school who need additional help. What does Sarah need to be successful?

10 Eddie Hsin Kevin Sarah YOUR SCHOOL

11 Hsin Eddie Sarah The Three Tier Model Kevin Intensive Intervention
For students with significant challenges Eddie Targeted Intervention For students at risk for challenges Kevin Universal Prevention For all students (prevent challenges) Sarah

12 Targeted Interventions
Efficient systems for students who need additional support beyond universal programs Continuously available Rapid access (within 72 hrs.) Consistent with school-wide system All school staff have access/knowledge Should work for most (but not all) students

13 Targeted Interventions: Common Features
Increased structure and feedback Social/social-emotional skills instruction Regular & frequent opportunities for success (and recognition) Academic assistance Examples: Homework Club, Rule School, Contracting, Social Skills Groups, Grief/Loss/Friendship Groups…

14 Practical use of scarce resources (strengthen what you have)
Efficient system of identification, support planning, implementation & monitoring Use your data to determine who needs extra support Grades, attendance, problem behaviour, Technical competence Function-based assessment & support plan design Information collection and use Build on available resources Match function of behaviour to available resources Team-based Do not create a team unless you really don’t have an existing team to manage this effort

15 Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)
A program to add: Mentoring by an adult in the school who looks out for the student Structured process of feedback and recognition to a school day Instruction in needed skills School-home communication Built-in monitoring of student progress

16 CICO Features Mentoring Increased Structure and Feedback
Adult in school (not the student’s teacher) Opportunity for non-evaluative relationship Increased Structure and Feedback Clear expectations Rating of behaviour Opportunities for success and accountability School-Home Communication Parents are integral parts

17 CICO is about CONNECTING:
Connecting students with caring and supportive adults Connecting students and teachers through meaningful performance feedback Connecting home and school through increased communication Connecting student needs and support delivered through efficient progress monitoring

18 How is CICO Different from Other “Behaviour Card” Interventions
How is CICO Different from Other “Behaviour Card” Interventions? (Hawken, 2005) A Targeted Intervention Implemented Within a School-Wide System of Behaviour Support Behaviour Cards typically classroom interventions Implemented in all settings, throughout the school day All teachers and staff are trained Students identified proactively & receive support quickly Team uses data for decision making to determine progress

19 Is CICO right for your school?
How many students in your school need moderate support? If > 10 students, consider CICO If < 10 students, focus on individualized interventions (which might be CICO-like) A CICO system typically supports 15 to 30 students per year (in larger schools)

20 What does CICO look like?

21 Student Recommended for CICO Check-In/Check-Out System
CICO is Implemented CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Morning Check-in Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Bi-weekly SBT Meeting to Assess Student Progress Afternoon Check-out Continue Program Revise Program Fade Program

22 Student Recommended for CICO Check-In/Check-Out System
CICO is Implemented CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Morning Check-in Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Bi-weekly SBT Meeting to Assess Student Progress Afternoon Check-out Continue Program Revise Program Fade Program

23 CICO Startup Process School team identifies student
Teacher nomination and/or Multiple office referrals/behaviour log entries Student must choose to participate Teach routines to students, teachers, & parents Establish school & home recognition system

24 Student Recommended for CICO Check-In/Check-Out System
CICO is Implemented CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Morning Check-in Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Bi-weekly SBT Meeting to Assess Student Progress Afternoon Check-out Continue Program Revise Program Fade Program

25 CICO Daily Cycle 1. Student checks in with mentor at arrival to school
Acknowledge student for checking in Prepare student for day Do they have materials? Do they need neutralizing activity? Turn in previous day’s signed card Pick up day’s card Review/reteach daily goals Precorrections for appropriate behaviour

26 CICO Daily Cycle 2. At each class period
Student brings card to teacher Teacher acknowledges student for checking in Teacher rates & provides feedback 3. Check out with mentor at end of day Review day’s points & goals Mentor acknowledges and/or encourages Take successful card home for parent signature

27 CICO Daily Cycle 4. Give successful card to parent/
Parent acknowledges/recognizes successes Acknowledgement Encouragement for next time Parent signs card 5. Student returns signed card next day 6. Coordinator enters daily point data

28 CICO Card

29 0 = Needs work, 1 = “OK” 2 = Nice Job
Sample CICO Card Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________ 0 = Needs work, 1 = “OK” 2 = Nice Job Safe Responsible Respectful Morning Work Reading Lunch/Recess Math PE/Music/Block Today’s goal Today’s total points Comments:

30 Date ________ Student _______________Teacher___________________
HAWK Report Date ________ Student _______________Teacher___________________ 0 = Not Yet 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Your Personal Best Teacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Working in class Class Recess Lunch Total Points = Points Possible = Today ______________% Goal ______________%

31 CICO Self-Monitoring Card
Name: ____________________________ Date: _____________ 3 = Great 2 = Okay 1 = Hard Time + = Accurate = Not accurate Safe Kind Responsible Homeroom English Math History Elective Today’s goal: Today’s total points: Today’s Accuracy Goal: Today’s Accuracy Total:

32 What motivates students?
Compliments & recognition (not necessarily public) Late start/early departure Social contact with peers Discounted/free activities Reduced work Extra credit opportunities Choice Independence Deletion of a poor assignment

33 Are “rewards” dangerous?
“…our research team has conducted a series of reviews and analysis of the literature; our conclusion is that there is no inherent negative property of reward. Our analyses indicate that the argument against the use of rewards is an overgeneralization based on a narrow set of circumstances.” Cameron, 2002 See also: Cameron & Pierce, 1994, 2002 Cameron, Banko & Pierce, 2001

34 Effective and ethical use of acknowledgement systems
Highlight the natural consequences for prosocial behaviour Most powerful reward: Close second: attention Provide as little reward as is needed to encourage behaviour Move from tangible to natural as soon as possible SUCCESS

35 Rewards & Home Component
Students earn rewards once they have earned enough points. Points needed to earn specific rewards are negotiated with the CICO coordinator CICO Trading Post Maintaining Consequence Wants Attention Wants something Wants to escape attention Wants to avoid something 100 pts Complete assignment with a peer Chose order of class activities Choose a snack / tangible Choose a 5 min. activity School wide reward card Computer time by self Work in separate part of room Short break Alternative activity 250 pts Class teaching assistant for a period. More time for selected activity Free ticket to sporting event / dance / etc. Time alone Independent work space Alternative assignment 400 pts Lunch for peer and student for FREE Class reward: free time, or pizza party New school /art supplies Get out of school early

36 Training for Classroom Teachers and Supervisors

37 Class by Class Check-In
Student gives CICO card to teacher at the beginning of class Location in room that does not draw peer attention Greet student positively… “Nice to see you today, Joe. Great job being on time.” Depending on time, may or may not give a brief prompt about class. “Today we’re talking about photosynthesis. We’re going to take notes and then complete a worksheet together.”

38 Class by Class Check In Hello! Great to see you today Olivia!
Greeting, Non Examples Greeting Examples Hello! Great to see you today Olivia! Nice shirt! Glad to see you on time today! Hey Donovan, we’re going to have a quiz today on graphing. You can take the next 2 minutes to look through your notes. It’s about time you got to class. We’re having a test today and you haven’t been here to get the class notes. I hope today is better than yesterday.

39 Class by Class Check-Out
Within last 5 minutes of class: Teacher provides a SCORE that reflects class behaviors (in consideration of school-wide rules) Teacher can provide a comment positive comments encouraged “Thanks for being on time!” “Great questions!” Nice work having homework done.”

40 Class by Class Check-out
Exit, Examples Exit Non-Examples Great job, you got a 2 today! I really like the way you were on time and participated in the class discussion, thanks! Nice work getting your homework done! I appreciate your comments today. I like how you were paying attention while I was talking today. Too bad, try again tomorrow. Maybe if you got here on time you’d get a 2 AND actually learn something. Homework #2 still not done. Last test score was a 35.

41 Class by Class Check-In Check-Out
Goal of class by class checks: Increase positive interactions with adults Positive verbal and written feedback Get feedback about classroom performance Score Use feedback to create, modify and track CICO goals Give the student a mechanism for approaching teachers. Fade class by class check over time to increase self-management skills.

42 Class by Class Check-In Check-Out
Score reflects performance. If you can make verbal suggestions for improving performance using POSITIVE language, do so. “Great job being on time. If you bring your homework next time you’ll get a 2!” If you cannot make a suggestion for improvement using positive language then don’t focus on negative -- say nothing.

43 Class by Class Check-In Check-Out
Students report the #1 reason they do not get the card scored by teachers is because of negative verbal or written feedback. Written comments should ALWAYS be positive. “Catch” them behaving appropriately. Find something about their time in class to reward with verbal or written praise

44 Student Recommended for CICO Check-In/Check-Out System
CICO is Implemented CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Morning Check-in Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Bi-weekly SBT Meeting to Assess Student Progress Afternoon Check-out Continue Program Revise Program Fade Program

45 Evaluating CICO Progress
Team meetings at least every other week Evaluate point data for current students Coordinator provides graphs for all students Troubleshoot students not making progress Consider graduation for successful students

46 Evaluating CICO Progress: Sample Agenda
CICO Team Meeting Agenda Date:____________ Note Taker:___________ Team Members Present:___________________________ List of Priority Students: 1) Evaluate Current Student Progress (priority students) 2) Discuss New Referrals 3) Identify Students to Receive Extra Acknowledgment 4) Other CICO Issues or Students

47 Does CICO work?

48 Research on CICO Combination of effective strategies
Mentoring Daily Point Card Performance Feedback School-Home Notes (see Crone, Horner, & Hawken, 2003)

49 Research on CICO to date: 11 studies (9 in peer reviewed journals)
Public schools with typical resources No “hired guns” Implemented with fidelity Rated by teachers and students as efficient, effective, and acceptable Results for most students (grade 1 to 8): Reductions in problem behaviour Increases in academic engagement Reduced ratings of problem behaviour Increased ratings of prosocial behaviour

50 Why does CICO work? Improved structure in all locations
Links student with multiple school staff Prompts are provided throughout the day for correct behaviour Student is set up for success First contact each morning is positive “Blow-out” days are pre-empted First contact each class period is positive and provides momentum Increase in performance feedback and recognition Feedback occurs more often & tied to student behaviour Inappropriate behaviour is less likely to be ignored or rewarded Mentor recognition at end of day (tangible optional) Linking school and home support Provide format for positive student/parent contact The ultimate goal is student self-management Increases ability to self-monitor performance/progress

51 How do we implement CICO?

52 CICO Readiness Checklist (Crone, Horner, & Hawken, 2004)
School-wide (“green zone”) behaviour support system in place Staff buy-in for implementing CICO CICO implementation a top priority Administrative support Time and money allocated

53 CICO Implementation Steps
Create a CICO team Identify and train CICO Coordinator Create a daily CICO card Develop a referral system Create a data system Create a plan to train teachers, students, and parents

54 1. Create a CICO team Representative team Access to resources
Teachers, staff, administrators Access to resources Meeting time at least every two weeks

55 2. Identify/train CICO Coordinator
Lead morning check-in & afternoon check-out Enter CICO data daily Organize and maintain records Process CICO nominations Create graphs for CICO meetings Gather supplemental information for CICO meetings Prioritize CICO students for team meetings

56 3. Create a daily CICO card
Identify the behavioural expectations for ratings Consistent with school-wide expectations Fixed or variable Positively stated Identify how often teachers rate the students’ behaviour Ensure the card is age-appropriate Ensure the card is teacher-friendly and easy to use Decide if a different card will be used for home notes

57 Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________
CICO Home Report Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________ ______ I met my goal today ______ I had a hard day One thing I did really well today was:_______________________ Something I will work on tomorrow is: _______________________ Comments: Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________ Comments:

58 4. Develop a simple referral system
Identify criteria for placing students on CICO Teacher nomination and/or Automatic referral (multiple behaviour incidents) Create a parental consent/notification form Create decision rules for CICO graduation

59 5. Create a data system Identify/create a computer program to enter and graph data (Excel works well) Identify: Who will enter data Who will create graphs for team meetings (excel works well) Create guidelines/timelines for: Sharing graphs with the whole staff Sharing graphs with parents

60 6. Create a plan to train teachers, students, and parents
Design lesson plans to train students Checking in and out with mentor and teacher Accepting feedback appropriately Create plan to train parents on how to provide feedback at home Positive or encouraging All staff taught rules for accepting, completing, and returning the card Positive first interaction Encouragement and precorrection Specific feedback (“parent safe”)

61 Monitoring progress with CICO

62 How to look at daily point data and make decisions
1. Is the student making point goals? 2. CONTINUE - REVISE - FADE ? 3. If REVISE, what changes need to be made? Are the points being given accurately? Is there day-to-day consistency? What are the actual point card patterns? What do we need to change?

63 Date November 1 Student Jake S. Teacher B. Bruce Be Safe Be Respectful
HAWK Report Date November 1 Student Jake S. Teacher B. Bruce 0 = Not Yet 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Your Personal Best Teacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Working in class Class NB Recess DC LA Lunch JE Total Points = Points Possible = Today ______84________% Goal _____80_________%

1. Is the student making point goals? 2. CONTINUE - REVISE - FADE ? 3. If REVISE, what changes need to be made?

65 “Poster Boy” Pierre Symptoms: Prescription:
Consistently making points (> 1 month) Prescription: Fade CICO Graduate Remove components Move to self-management system

1. Is the student making point goals? 2. CONTINUE - REVISE - FADE ? 3. If REVISE, what changes need to be made?

67 “Cold Turkey” Cole Symptoms: Prescription: Suddenly stops using card
Check fidelity Assess barriers to checking in/out Assess reinforcement system Change incentives? Increase frequency? Assess mentor-student relationship Assess home component

1. Is the student making point goals? 2. CONTINUE - REVISE - FADE ? 3. If REVISE, what changes need to be made?

69 “Check-In” Charlie “Check-Out” Chelsea
Symptoms: Regularly skips checking in or out Prescription: Assess barriers to checking in/out Re-teach and re-practice point card skills Provide additional check-in/out points


71 “Math Wiz” Matthew Symptoms: Prescription:
Fails to check out when day is blown Prescription: Provide additional check-out points Provide partial points Running total instead of yes/no points Assess home component Is it too punitive?

1. Is the student making point goals? 2. CONTINUE - REVISE - FADE ? 3. If REVISE, what changes need to be made?

73 “Missed the Bus” M’shell
Symptoms: Never made point goals Prescription: Check program fidelity Re-teach and re-practice point card skills e.g. teach how to accept critical feedback Assess reinforcement system Change incentives? Increase frequency? Assess mentor-student relationship Consider function-based support

1. Is the student making point goals? 2. CONTINUE - REVISE - FADE ? 3. If REVISE, what changes need to be made?

75 “Bad Hair Day” Betty Symptoms: Prescription:
Some good days, some bad days Prescription: Look at overall data for weekly patterns A day of the week? Go to the cards and assess daily patterns Time of day? Subjects? Individualize the plan e.g. cool-down routine, academic help, change in structure, etc.

76 Troubleshooting CICO

77 Potential Challenges Student won’t carry card
Assess student commitment Consider less obtrusive method Mentor provides card to teacher and picks up Student continues to receive feedback from teacher Student isn’t checking in or out Determine reason Identify a more preferred person as mentor Teacher Fidelity Assess teacher commitment/enthusiasm Re-teach Student as prompter Redesign card?

78 Modifying/Intensifying/Individualizing CICO
Peer Attention: Provide peer attention for meeting expectations Check out with friend Brief free time with friend at end of class Escape Academic Task: Provide relief from difficult tasks Breaks, shorten work requirement Access to assistance Preferred way to complete work (e.g., groups) Provide academic support Successful

79 Modifying/Intensifying/Individualizing CICO
Change feedback process More frequent check-ins More time with (preferred) mentor Pair attention with other incentives Add social skills instruction Group Middle of day Common curriculum Individual Tailored to individual needs


81 Fading CICO

82 What do we do when students are doing well on CICO?
CELEBRATE! (GRADUATE?) Options Gradually remove different components of CICO. Teach the student to self-monitor. Stop the intervention completely. How will this work?

83 Removing Components of CICO
Gradually decrease checks during the day (keep check in and out) Remove check in Remove check out Remove parent feedback Monitor behaviour for continued success Modify removal plan as needed Sometimes individualized, sometimes fixed

84 Self-Monitoring (Kauffman, 2007)
Phase 1: Train the student Teach the student how to evaluate her/his behaviour (with specific examples) Teach the student how to use the modified card Teach the student how to handle disagreements

85 Self-Monitoring (Kauffman, 2007)
Phase 2: Active Accuracy Checks Students rate their own behaviour Teachers also rate behaviour and check for accuracy (agreement) Students should receive praise and points for accuracy as well as positive behaviour

86 CICO Self-Monitoring Card
Name: ____________________________ Date: _____________ 3 = Great 2 = Okay 1 = Hard Time + = Accurate = Not accurate Safe Kind Responsible Homeroom English Math History Elective Today’s goal: Today’s total points: Today’s Accuracy Goal: Today’s Accuracy Total:

87 Self-Monitoring (Kauffman, 2007)
Phase 3: Periodic Accuracy Checks After meeting a criterion (e.g., 90% accuracy for two weeks), accuracy checks may be reduced to random teacher checks If the student continues to show appropriate behaviour, other features of the intervention may be faded

88 How do we learn more about CICO?

89 Resources: Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools second edition
Crone, Hawken and Horner

90 What we covered: Intro to three tier model
Focus on tier two – specifically CICO Questions??????????

91 Contact Information Nicci Beninger Don Chapman

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