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Monitoring and Measurement

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1 Monitoring and Measurement
Done by – Cynthia Mahofa

2 Definition Monitoring and Measuring systems –It involves the use of a computer or microprocessor- based device to monitor or measure physical variables over a period of time. They are not be mistaken for control systems – they use data to take actions that modify the environment, These type of systems only record data for the purpose of enabling users to identify trends in patterns of changing data.

3 Definitions Monitor Measure
A device or arrangement for observing, detecting, or recording the operation of a machine or system, especially an automatic control system. The extent, dimension or quantity, of something, ascertained especially by comparison with a standard.

This course involves the knowledge of sensors - input devices used to input data about the physical changes in the environment that has been monitored Types of sensors Temperature Pressure Humidity Moisture Light Sound Blood pressure pH scale ( acidity )


6 Medical APPLICATIONS Theses are used in intensive care units in hospitals Sensors are connected to the patient and then the computer Variables such as pulse rate, rate of breathing, blood pressure, body temperature, etc., are fed back to the computer Computer is constantly comparing the physical variables to the pre-set values The range is the limit of acceptability. Values outside the range sounds the alarm. Each patient has their own computer monitor networked to a central display system for observation, which are fitted with alarms . A control system would take action to restore the status quo

7 Weather monitoring The main function of the computer is to collect data from the sensors measuring these main variables; Wind speed – rotation of rotor generating pulses proportional to wind speed Wind direction – angle sensor Temperature – temperature sensor Barometer pressure – pressure sensor Rainfall – tipping mechanism Humidity – humidity sensor Sunshine – light sensor Data is collected and input in a database or spread sheet. Weather statistics are calculated and are used to observe trends such as global warming and also forecast weather reports.

8 Climate monitoring Climate is monitored over a long period of time.
Data collected over many decades can be used to plot graphs of different variables over time Example of what a climate graph looks like.

9 Monitoring the environment
It is used to warn the public of very high levels of pollutants such as the air quality using regards to the levels of nitrogen dioxide and other toxins. Noise levels are also monitored, and so are rivers by measuring the temperature, acidity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity (cloudiness of liquid caused by individual particles which are usually naked to the human eye) and water levels.

10 Scientific experiments
Many of the scientific experiments relate to chemical experiments which take place over a short or long period of time. Sensors provide more accuracy and enable automatic or immediate processing. Data collected can be imported into a spread sheet thus used to present graphs. Table of values and graphs can be imported into word- processing or desktop-publishing software for inclusion in a text report in the experiments findings.

11 #I hope you understood something
The end #I hope you understood something

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