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Temperature measurement. Importance of Temperature  To maintain the Ideal Homeostasis  The Rate of chemical reactions in body is regulated by the temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature measurement. Importance of Temperature  To maintain the Ideal Homeostasis  The Rate of chemical reactions in body is regulated by the temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature measurement

2 Importance of Temperature  To maintain the Ideal Homeostasis  The Rate of chemical reactions in body is regulated by the temperature  If temperature is too high or too low, body’s fluid balance is also affected

3 Types of Body Temperature 1. Core Temperature  Temperature of the deep tissues of the body  Remains relatively constant unless exposed to severe extremes in environmental temperature  Assessed by using a thermometer 2. Surface Temperature  Temperature of the skin  May vary a great deal in response to the environment  Assessed by touching the skin, or skin pads

4 Measuring Temperature  Measured using a thermometer  Fahrenheit or Celsius scale  Factors that may alter temp  Eating, drinking hot or cold liquids and/or smoking can alter oral temp  Make sure the patient has had nothing to eat, drink or smoke for at least 15 minutes prior to taking temp FoFo CoCo

5 Normal Variation In Body Temperature  Usually lower in morning after body has rested  Higher in evening after muscular activity and food intake with metabolism  Parts of the body where temp is measured can also lead to variations

6 Types of Thermometers  1. Glass thermometers  Consist of a slender glass tube containing mercury, which expands when exposed to heat  Not commonly used because of risk of mercury poisoning and trauma if the glass breaks

7 Types of Thermometers 2. Heat-sensitive patches  Patch placed on the skin  color changes on the patch indicate temperature readings

8 Types of Thermometers  3. Electronic thermometers  Register temp on a viewer in a few seconds  Used to take oral, rectal, axillary and/or groin temps  Disposable cover is placed over probe prior to use to prevent cross- contamination from patient to patient

9 Types of Thermometers  4.Tympanic thermometer  Special form of electronic thermometer; inserted into auditory canal  Disposable cover is placed over probe prior to use to prevent cross- contamination from patient to patient

10 Areas to measure from 1. Oral  Placed in the mouth under the tongue  Most common, convenient and comfortable method  Clinical thermometer left in place for 3 to 5 minutes

11 Areas to measure from 2. Rectal  Most accurate because it is an internal measurement  Clinical thermometer left in place for 3 to 5 minutes

12 Areas to measure from 3. Axillary or groin  Axillary is taken in armpit while upper arm is held close to body and thermometer is inserted between two folds of skin  Groin is taken between two folds of skin formed by the inner part of the thigh and lower abdomen  Less accurate because they are external temps  Clinical thermometer left in place for 10 minutes

13 Areas to measure from 4. Aural  Taken with a special thermometer that is place din the ear or auditory canal  Thermometer detects and measures the thermal, infrared energy radiating from blood vessels in the tympanic membrane  Since this provides a measurements of body core temp, there is no normal range for aural

14 Causes of high Body Temperature  Illness and infection  Exercise and/or excitement  High temperatures in the environment Causes of low Body Temperature  Starvation or fasting  Sleep  Decrease in muscle activity  Mouth breathing  Cold temperatures in the environment

15 Interpretation 1. Normal body temperature: 2. Fever (Hyperthermia): temp above the normal range 3. Hypothermia : Core body temperature less than 35 o C (below 95° F). 4. Hyperpyrexia : Body temp exceeds 40-41 o C (104-106°F) rectally

16 Body weight

17 Indications  Monitor treatment response and disease progression in:  Heart disease  Renal disease  Liver disease  Assess the nutritional status of the patient

18  Note that the weight of patient vary during the day  it is better to weigh the patient the same time each day and preferably with the same cloths (if possible)

19 Procedure  Explain procedure to the patient and take permission  Remove shoes, heavy objects and jacket  Balance the scale at zero( 0)level  Allow patient to climb the scale  On the weighing scale, balance scale while patient is on it  Read the patient’s weight from the weighing scale and record reading  Tell the patient their reading and thank him

20 Height

21 Indication  To assess the growth in children  To assess the nutritional state of patient (calculate the BMI)

22 Procedure  The adult weighing scale which has graduated height indices  Ask the patient to remove shoes, hat  Adjust scale –by forwarding headpiece up right  The patient stand facing you with his/her feet parallel, with heels and back of head touching the graduated measurement board /mark  Allow his/her arms to hang freely in a natural standing manner  Lower the head piece gently to make contact with the top of the head of the patient  Take reading and remove the lead piece  Allow pateint to get down, tell him his reading and thank him

23 Body Mass Index

24 How to calculate

25 BMI (Sedentary adults)  Underweight < 20  Healthy Weight20 - 24.9  Overweight25 – 29.9  Obese ( Class 1 )30 – 34.9  Obese ( Class 2 )35 – 40  Morbid Obesity> 40  Careful in athlete, elderly, and children (Why)

26 Summary  Measuring body temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Height and Weight  Simple, very useful basic information  Helps assessing health condition of patients  Should be performed accurately  Know and avoid common pitfalls

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