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Public libraries in India. ? Diametrically opposing views!

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1 Public libraries in India

2 ? Diametrically opposing views!

3 ▪ Public libraries are becoming redundant ▪ Reading habit is declining ▪ Internet can give everything ▪ Digital libraries are the future ▪ ….why do we need public libraries at all ?

4 ICT –based services are good enough!  The internet  Web 2.0 applications  Free and Open Source Softwares  e-resources  Digital library  Open access contents  Mobile technology  ……where is the place for public libraries ?

5 Expectations of users have changed Tech-savvy new generation demands  Quality  Speed  Ambience  …… public libraries unable to meet these …  …….seen as ”old fashioned” !!!!

6  Level of use is very low  More “non-users” than “users”  Not making the desired impact  Unable to prove that libraries are making impact  Libraries are too expensive to maintain  Libraries are not the exclusive source  Libraries are getting closed  Low profile institution  …….these are realities!

7 20 things to do before they (children) grow up (Timeout Bangalore) 4.Sign up for a library Register with Hippocampus or Easy Library or I-Cue for home delivery of books. ….did not mention public library!!

8  Lack of confidence in public libraries  Questionable competency levels of public library staff  Low profile of the public libraries  Apathy of library “bosses”  Role and contributions not appreciated  Low priority  Not many takers for library services  …. these have to change!

9  In a knowledge economy, public libraries have an important role to play  The correlation between libraries and scholarship, education and literacy is well established  Citizens like public libraries  …any attempt to close down public libraries have met with anger and protests!

10 The vast majority of our population does not have access to institutional libraries, and for them the only source for accessing information and knowledge resources is public libraries. …… don’t underestimate this role

11  As long as writing, publishing and thirst for knowledge continues, public libraries will continue!  Public libraries have an important role to play in society  …. it is difficult to visualise a society without public libraries!!

12  “ We must reinvigorate knowledge sharing units like public libraries and create knowledge hubs in every village…”  Statements by the Prime Minister on 12 Jan 2005, while announcing the plan to set up National Knowledge Commission

13  “ Public libraries are an extremely important element of the foundation of a knowledge economy…”.  Statements by the Prime Minister on 2 Aug 2005, while launching the National Knowledge Commission

14 1911the Baroda movement 1934Ranganathan’s entry on the public library scene 1948Enactment of the first library legislation 1951Establishment of DPL 1972Establishment of RRRLF 2005Setting up of the National Knowledge Commission ( and its recommendations on libraries)

15  Set up a National Commission on Libraries  Prepare a National Census of all Libraries  Revamp Library and Information Science education, training and research facilities  Re-assess staffing of libraries  Set up a Central Library Fund  Modernise Libraries  Encourage greater community participation in library management  Promote Information communication technology (ICT) applications in libraries  Facilitate donation and maintenance of private collections  Encourage public-private partnership in development of library and information services

16 Strategy for implementing the recommendations …submitted in 2009.

17 First to set up a National Mission on Libraries and later upgrade it to the National Commission on Libraries

18  Initial focus on public libraries  Eventually, all library systems

19 Restructure and strengthen RRRLF, to initiate implementation of the recommendations in the interim.

20 Restructured RRRLF ▪ New staffing structure and more staff ▪ Larger presence in Delhi ▪ More field offices ▪ More funding

21  Modernisation and ICT application in a phased way  Access to e-resources  Massive skill and competency development programme  Media campaign to promote public libraries and reading habit  Detailed survey of public libraries  Public libraries as Knowledge centres  ….all these will be initiated this year or early next year

22  Manpower to implement the changes?  Funding to sustain the initiative  Centre – state arrangement  Managing the change In the last three d

23  Challenges are many  Opportunity is great In the last three d

24 Thank you In the last three d

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