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Islamic law Sharia means "the way“ in Arabic. Sharia means "the way“ in Arabic. Islam classically draws no distinction between religious & secular life.

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Presentation on theme: "Islamic law Sharia means "the way“ in Arabic. Sharia means "the way“ in Arabic. Islam classically draws no distinction between religious & secular life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islamic law Sharia means "the way“ in Arabic. Sharia means "the way“ in Arabic. Islam classically draws no distinction between religious & secular life. Islam classically draws no distinction between religious & secular life. Sharia is the legal framework that guides all aspects of Muslim life. Sharia is the legal framework that guides all aspects of Muslim life. Like all legal systems, Sharia is interpreted differently by different people in different times & places. Like all legal systems, Sharia is interpreted differently by different people in different times & places.

2 Interpretation of Sharia Offences & Punishment- there is debate over what the Quran approves & what practices were pulled from local customs that predate Islam. Offences & Punishment- there is debate over what the Quran approves & what practices were pulled from local customs that predate Islam. Some punishments are rarely used, but receive a large amount of media coverage (amputation, stoning, etc.) Some punishments are rarely used, but receive a large amount of media coverage (amputation, stoning, etc.) Apostasy– conversion to other religions is forbidden. Apostasy– conversion to other religions is forbidden.

3 Women Under Sharia Women are generally not allowed to be clerics or religious scholars. Women are generally not allowed to be clerics or religious scholars. Permission for a husband to beat disobedient wives is given in the Qur'an, but there is much dispute over meanings. Permission for a husband to beat disobedient wives is given in the Qur'an, but there is much dispute over meanings. Daraba = beat, chastise, abandon, make an example of, seduce. Daraba = beat, chastise, abandon, make an example of, seduce. Some view Islamic women as oppressed because of dress codes. Some view Islamic women as oppressed because of dress codes. Qur’an states that people should dress modestly out of reverence for God. Qur’an states that people should dress modestly out of reverence for God.

4 Jihad Jihad means “struggle” & is an effort to practice religion in the face of oppression & persecution. Jihad means “struggle” & is an effort to practice religion in the face of oppression & persecution. The effort may come in fighting the evil in your own heart, or in standing up to a tyrant. The effort may come in fighting the evil in your own heart, or in standing up to a tyrant. Military effort is included as an option, but only as a last resort & not "to spread Islam by the sword". Military effort is included as an option, but only as a last resort & not "to spread Islam by the sword". It is not the initiation of violence in the name of Islam as the stereotype suggests. It is not the initiation of violence in the name of Islam as the stereotype suggests.

5 Wahabism An extremely strict interpretation of Islam founded in the 18th century, practiced in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. An extremely strict interpretation of Islam founded in the 18th century, practiced in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. It is often discounted by Islamic scholars as radical or fundamentalist Islam. It is often discounted by Islamic scholars as radical or fundamentalist Islam. It is the form of Islam espoused by Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, & other extremist groups. It is the form of Islam espoused by Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, & other extremist groups.

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