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Islam “ February 7, 2014 Objectives: Students will be able to explain the main beliefs of Islam and Christianity. Question: What is the significance.

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2 Islam “

3 February 7, 2014 Objectives: Students will be able to explain the main beliefs of Islam and Christianity. Question: What is the significance of the yin and yang in Taoism? Agenda: Notes on Islam and Christianity- worksheets

4 Basics There are 529,109,000 Muslims from areas around the Middle East and Arabia. The largest location of Muslims is in Indonesia. The religion was founded in 610 AD.

5 Founder The Islamic religion was founded by Mohammed The Angel Gabriel appeared to him on Mt. Hira and asked him to be Prophet of God.

6 Islam  An Abrahamic Religion  Muslims are strict monotheists.  They believe in the Judeo- Christian God, which they call Allah.  Muslims believe that the Torah and the Bible, like the Qur’an, is the word of God.

7 The Origins of the Qur’an  Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in 610.  622  Muhammed flees Mecca for Medina. * The beginning of the Muslim calendar (1 A.H.)  Muhammad’s revelations were compiled into the Qur’an after his death.

8 The Qur’an  Muslims believe it contains the word of God.  114 suras ( 29 chapters).  In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful.  Written in Arabic.


10 1. The Shahada 1 1  The testimony.  The declaration of faith: There is no god worthy of worship except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger [or Prophet]. There is no god worthy of worship except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger [or Prophet].

11 2. The Salat 2 2  The mandatory prayers performed 5 times a day: * dawn * noon * late afternoon * sunset * before going to bed  Wash before praying.  Face Mecca and use a prayer rug.

12 2. The Salat 2 2  The mandatory prayers performed 5 times a day: * dawn * noon * late afternoon * sunset * before going to bed  Wash before praying.  Face Mecca and use a prayer rug.

13 2. The Salat 2 2  The call to prayer by the muezzin in the minaret.  Pray in the mosque on Friday.

14 3. The Zakat 3 3  Almsgiving (charitable donations).  Muslims believe that all things belong to God.  Zakat means both “purification” and “growth.”  About 2.5% of your income.

15 4. The Sawm 4 4  Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.  Considered a method of self- purification.  No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan.

16 Eid Mubarak End of the Ramadan holiday.

17 5. The Hajj 5 5  The pilgrimage to Mecca.  Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.  2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year.

18 5. The Hajj 5 5  Those who complete the pilgrimage can add the title hajji to their name.

19 The Mosque  The Muslim place of worship.

20 The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem Mount Moriah Rock where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

21 Other Islamic Religious Practices  Up to four wives allowed at once.  No alcohol or pork.  No gambling.  Sharia  body of Islamic law to regulate daily living.  Three holiest cities in Islam: * Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.

22 Denominations -Sunni -Shi’a -Sufism

23 Sunni Largest Group in Islam Believe that the successor of the Caliph (leader of Islamic nation) should be elected by the people Abu Bakr succeeded Muhammad by an election, Sunnis were happy

24 Shi’a Shiites believe that Muhammad should have been succeeded by his cousin, Ali ibn Abu Talib They think that the Caliph should only be a descendant of Muhammad

25 Sufism Mystical form of Islam Focus on the internal more spiritual aspects of Islam Perfecting one’s faith, and subduing ego

26 Supreme Being Members of the Islamic religion pray to Allah. Various Branches: Sufi: mystical branch; emphasized immediate sense experience with Allah, somewhat pantheistic. Shiites: 1/5 of Islams belong to this group who believe that Husein, Mohammed’s grandson, is a savior who died for mans sins. Sunnites: very orthodox, at first translated literally, later reason interceded.

27 Final 3 What is Sawm?

28 Historical Leaders Mohammed Husein Abu Bakr Omar Othman Ali

29 Sacred Writings The Qur’an “the recitation” is the sacred text of Islam and the highest authority in both religious and legal matters. Muslims believe the Qur'an to be a flawless record of the Angel Gabriel's revelations to Muhammad from 610 until his death in 632 AD. It is also believed to be a perfect copy of a heavenly Qur'an that has existed eternally.

30 Holy Places Mecca is the center of the Islamic world and the birthplace of both the Prophet Muhammad and the religion he founded. Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, “Adobe of Peace”

31 Essential Beliefs/Key Ideas A single, indivisible God. (God, the Creator, is just, omnipotent and merciful) The Angels The divine scriptures, which include the Torah, the Psalms, the rest of the bible, and the Qur’an. The messengers of God, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. The Day of Judgment, when people will be judged upon the basis of their deeds while on Earth and will either obtain reward of Heaven or punishment in Hell. The supremacy of God’s will.

32 Key Leaders Cliph Ayatollah (Grand) Grand Mufti Imam Mawlana Muezzin Mujtahid Sahib

33 5 Pillars of Islam Shahadah- There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. Salat- Prayer 5 times each day facing Mecca. Zakat- charity, generosity in almsgiving for poor and unfortunate. Hajj- Pilgrimage, at least one to Mecca in a lifetime. Sawm- particularly during the holy month of Ramadan

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