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Energy Efficiency with ABB i-bus® KNX
© STO/G - Slide 1
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX What does Energy Efficiency mean for us ?
Use energy only when really required -> e.g. by means of presence detectors Use only that amount of energy that is actually needed -> e.g. by constant light control Ensure energy is utilised with the highest possible efficiency factor -> e.g. by using electronic ballasts I think, no further comments are necessary to this page. It is self explaining. STO/G – Slide 2
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX DIN V 18599 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings
Joint elaboration of DIN standards' committees „Building Industry, HVAC and Lighting Engineering“ Guidelines for the calculation of the total energy required for the heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting in a building In Part 4 environmental factors are considered, e.g. “positive” natural light in winter as an additional heating source and in summer as a “negative” factor due to the additional energy required for cooling In the later slides examples for „how to save energy“ are presented. The basis for these calculated energy savings is DIN V and EN Therefore we should have a look at, well knowing that it applies for Germany resp. Europe only. Anyway, it is a neutral basis to compare “conventional” and “intelligent” systems concerning their energy efficiency. DIN V mainly takes into consideration the building itself, i.e. energy loss by the walls resp. energy incidence in summer by the windows. STO/G – Slide 3
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX DIN V 18599 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings
Overall consideration Part 1 Parameters Part 10 Cooling Part 7 Ventilation Part 6 Net Energy Part 3 Lighting Part 4 Warm water Part 8 Room balance Part 2 Heating Part 5 Self explaining. BHPP Part 9 STO/G – Slide 4 Source: Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik, Stuttgart
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX EN – Energy Performance of Buildings – Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building Management Elaborated in CEN TC 247 The basis for the energy efficiency evaluation of buildings in classes A to D according to the functionality of the employed building automation system Example for Class A: Individual room temperature control with communication between the controllers Variable boiler temperature depending on the load Constant light control / daylight control Presence detection for lighting Motorised blind operation Combined light / blind / HVAC control EN allows to classify buildings according to the „degree of sophistication“ of the used automation system. STO/G – Slide 5
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Lighting Control – Time Controlled
By means of time controlled switching (ON / OFF) of lighting in temporarily used rooms as well as in rooms with defined occupancy times up to 10% energy savings are possible in a reference building according to DIN V resp. EN in comparison to manual switching. Time control can be realised using time switches, the Application Unit ABZ/S2.1, as well as the integrated timer function of the touch panels. In an ABB i-bus® KNX installation the time controlled switching and dimming of any lighting can be realised without additional wiring expenditure. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 6
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Lighting Control – Presence Detection
Using automatic presence detection in corridors and in temporarily used rooms up to 20% energy savings are possible in a reference building according to DIN V resp. EN in comparison to manual switching (ON / OFF). Switching ON and OFF or sending values can also be controlled in combination to ambient light levels. Combining presence detection with time control allows: - a guaranteed basic illumination for well defined periods - different lighting control scenarios according to the time of day, e.g. presence dependant switching of the lighting for short periods at relatively low levels at certain times or higher light levels for longer periods, for example, during peak times. Additionally, the life expectancy of the lamps can be increased by dimming down to a basic brightness instead of switching OFF completely during active periods. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 7
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Lighting Control – Presence + Brightness
By combining presence detection and light control in accordance with outside light levels up to 40% energy savings are possible in a reference building according to DIN V resp. EN in comparison to manual switching (ON / OFF). For lighting control in combination with outside light levels the Brightness Sensor HS/S3.1 or the Weather Unit WZ/S1.1 in combination with the Weather Sensor WES/A1.1 can be used. Lighting control in combination with outside light levels is especially advantageous in conjunction with constant light in big production halls or gymnasiums. Self explaining. Maybe a short note, that this control is an “open loop” control. STO/G – Slide 8
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Lighting Control –– Constant Light Control
By combining constant light control and presence detection up to 50% energy savings are possible in a reference building according to DIN V resp. EN in comparison to manual switching (ON / OFF). These values have been confirmed with ABB's own theoretical calculations and measurements in different rooms Constant light control can be realised either using a combination of light sensor and constant light controller or with the integrated light controller in presence detectors Additionally, the life expectancy of the lamps is increased with controlled dimming. Self explaining. Maybe a short note, that this is a “closed loop” control STO/G – Slide 9
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Lighting Control – Constant Light Control
Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 10
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Shutter Control – Simple Sun Protection
By automatically moving down blinds in the event of direct solar radiation up to 13% energy savings for cooling are possible in a reference building according to DIN V resp. EN Sun Protection is a basic functionality that is an integral part of all ABB i-bus® KNX shutter actuators. As soon as certain light levels are exceeded the shutter actuator moves the blinds to a predefined height and turns the lamellas to a predefined position. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 11
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Shutter Control – Sun + Presence
By using a differentiated automation according to the occupancy of the room (occupied: sun protection, not occupied: heating-/cooling automatic) up to 13% energy savings for lighting and 21% energy savings for cooling are possible in a reference building according to DIN V respectively EN This functionality is also part of all ABB i-bus® KNX shutter actuators. If people are present the shutter actuator moves the blinds to a predefined height and turns the lamellas into a predefined position as soon as a certain brightness level is exceeded. In the case of an unoccupied room, the blinds are completely opened during the heating period to allow solar radiation to enter the room. During the cooling period in summer the blinds are closed fully. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 12
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Shutter Control – Sun Position + Presence
An increased comfort with the same or even higher savings can be achieved by using the Shutter Control Unit JSB/S 1.1 to maintain a maximal natural light level in the room while eliminating glare. All ABB i-bus® KNX shutter actuators are suited for the interoperation with the JSB/S 1.1. If the room is occupied the Shutter Control Unit controls the height of the blinds and the angle of the lamellas depending of the position of the sun. In the case of an unoccupied room, the blinds are completely opened during the heating period to allow solar radiation to enter the room. During the cooling period in summer the blinds are closed fully. Self explaining and a good occasion to explain a little bit the functionality of JSB/S1.1 STO/G – Slide 13
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Shutter Control with Shutter Control Unit JSB/S 1.1
Self explaining. By controlling the blinds depending on the position of the sun a maximal light incidence at minimum glare is achieved. STO/G – Slide 14
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX HVAC – Single Room Time / Temperature Profile
Using time control to preset the set points for heating and cooling according to a 'room time schedule' up to 10% energy savings are possible in a reference building according to DIN V respectively EN This is in comparison to temporarily used rooms as well as rooms with well defined occupancy times in which manual control of the heating and cooling (ON / OFF) takes place. Self explaining. Example for a Bathroom STO/G – Slide 15
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX HVAC – Set Point Control via Presence Detection
By controlling set points for heating and cooling in individual rooms using presence detection up to 25% energy savings are possible in a reference building according to DIN V respectively EN This is in comparison to temporarily used rooms as well as rooms with well defined occupancy times in which manual control of the heating and cooling (ON / OFF) takes place. It makes sense to combine the presence detection control with an underlying time and temperature profiles for the set points Should the room become occupied presence detectors will change the set point from „stand-by“ to occupied, i.e. „comfort“ Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 16
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX HVAC – Further Functions and Savings
Reducing heating or cooling if windows are opened Automatic opening of windows for “night cooling” respectively automatic ventilation via air ducts Integration of advanced heating / cooling automation into shutter control to maintain constant temperature Set point „heating“ < Set point heat-/cool-automation Set point „cooling“ > Set point heat-/cool-automation 26° Set point of cooling system 24° Set point of “shutter“ system 22° Set point of “shutter” system The last point describes a solution realised by a customer. Whereas the “normal” heat-/cool automation of the shutter actuator tries to get as much energy as possible into the room in winter time and to keep out of the room as much energy as possible in summer time, the “advanced” heat-/cool automation keeps in winter time the temperature within a certain range. Such especially in highly insulated buildings the temperature does not become to high. Just the contrary is done in summer. 20° Set point of heating system STO/G – Slide 17
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Integration and Interaction of Application Fields
Reducing heating or cooling if windows are opened Automatic opening of windows for “night cooling” respectively automatic ventilation via air ducts Integration of advanced heating / cooling automation into shutter control to maintain constant temperature Set point „heating“ < Set point heat-/cool-automation Set point „cooling“ > Set point heat-/cool-automation Combination of constant light control with shutter control in accordance with the sun’s position Reducing stand-by consumption by switching off consumers during night time respectively outside of working hours (especially IT-devices) By combining all efficiency measures energy savings of up to 50% for cooling purposes can be achieved Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 18
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Example: Amortisation of Constant Light Control
Seminar room of 100 m² with approx W of lighting (12 EVGs 2x58 W -> 1392 W) 41 weeks p.a. occupied for 5 h per day -> 2280 kWh (41 x 7 -> 287 x 5 -> 1435 x 1,4 -> 2009) At 15 ct/kWh the electricity costs are 342 € p.a. Using constant light control savings of 171 € p.a. (50%) are made. Investment for the KNX devices 1/40 Power Supply SV/S € 1/4 Light Controller LR/S € 1 Light Sensor LF/U € 1 Push Button Interface US/U € 3/4h Parameterisation and adjustment 38 € € The pay back period for the allocatable investment is around 1.7 years. Self explaining. * A prerequisite for constant light control is the utilisation of dimmable lighting in 1-10 V or DALI technology. Dimmable DALI lighting also offers additional cost saving benefits e.g. maintenance STO/G – Slide 19
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Example: Amortisation of Constant Light Control
Office space of 100 m² with approx W of lighting (12 EVGs 2x58 W -> 1392 W) 52 weeks p.a. occupied for 9h per day -> 3276 kWh (52 x 5 -> 260 x 9 -> 2340 x 1,4 -> 3276) At 15 ct/kWh the electricity costs are 491 € p.a. Using constant light control savings of 245 € p.a. (50%) are made. Investment for the KNX devices 1/40 Power Supply SV/S € 1/4 Light Controller LR/S € 1 Light Sensor LF/U € 1 Push Button Interface US/U € 3/4h Parameterisation and adjustment 38 € € The pay back period for the allocatable investment is approximately 1 year. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 20 * A prerequisite for constant light control is the utilisation of dimmable lighting in 1-10 or DALI technology. Dimmable DALI lighting also offers additional cost saving benefits e.g. maintenance
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Example: Heating with Time / Temperature Profiles
Office space of 100 m² according to WSVO 1994 (Heat Insulation Ordinance), i.e., 100 kWh per m² and year Calculated total consumption of 10,000 kWh p.a. At about 8 ct/kWh (oil) the energy costs are 800 € p.a. Using time / temperature profiles savings of 80 € p.a. (10%) are made. Investment for the KNX devices 1/40 Power Supply SV/S € 1/4 Electronic Actuator ES/S € 4 Valve Drives TSA/K 32 € 1 Room Thermostat RDF/A € 1/2h Parameterisation and Adjustment 25 € € The pay back period for the allocatable investment is approximately 5 years. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 21
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Example: Heating with Time / Temperature Profiles
Office space of 100 m² according to WSVO 1977 (Heat Insulation Ordinance), i.e., 250 kWh per m² and year Calculated total consumption of 25,000 kWh p.a. At about 8 ct/kWh (oil) the energy costs are 2000 € p.a. Using time / temperature profiles savings of 200 € p.a. (10%) are made. Investment for the KNX devices 1/40 Power Supply SV/S € 1/4 Electronic Actuator ES/S € 4 Valve Drives TSA/K 32 € 1 Room Thermostat RDF/A € 1/2h Parameterisation and Adjustment 25 € € The pay back period for the allocatable investment is approximately 2 years. Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 22
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Counter Check „Bathroom“ according to the „6% pro C° Rule“ Bathroom is used 7 days a week Room temperature from 6 to 8 am and from 21 to 23 pm 24°C, from 17 to 20 pm 20° C, otherwise 16° C Temperature 100 E 100U 100U 52U 52U 76U 52U 00:00 06:00 08:00 17:00 22 23 24:00 Time of Day U = 1 unit of employed power Without time / temperature profile: 2400 Uh With time / temperature profile : 1512 Uh Savings: 37 % 52Ux16h=832Uh 76Ux5h=380Uh 100Ux3h=300Uh Self explaining. U is just a unit to calculate the employed energy. 1 U might be 5W or 53W or whatever. In the example just the relation is relevant to calculate the savings. STO/G – Slide 23
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Counter Check „Public Room“ according to the „6% pro C° rule“ Room is used 9 hrs on 365 days Room temperature is decreased by 4 K if not used Temperature 100 U 76 U 76 U 00:00 08:00 17:00 24:00 Time of Day 76Ux8h=608Uh 100Ux9h=900Uh 76Ux7h=532Uh Without time / temperature profile: 2400 Uh With time / temperature profile: 2040 Uh Savings: 15 % Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 24
Energy Efficient Solutions with ABB i-bus® KNX Counter Check „Office Room“ according to the „6% pro C° rule“ Room is used 9 hrs on 5 days a week Room temperature is decreased by 4 K if not used Temperature 85 U 76 U Monday Friday Sunday Week Day 85Ux5d=425Uh 76Ux2d=152Ud Without time / temperature profile: 700 Ud With time / temperature profile: 577 Ud Savings: 17.5 % Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 25
Self explaining. STO/G – Slide 26
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