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Aviation Maintenance Management

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1 Aviation Maintenance Management
Quality Control Chapter 18

2 Quality Control Introduction Quality Control Organization
FAA and JAA Differences QC Inspector Qualifications Basic Inspection Policies Inspection stamp, Continuity of Inspection, Countermand of Inspector’s decisions, Buyback policy, Inspection of one’s own work, Completion of work Other QC Activities Nondestructive test and inspection, Calibration of tools and test equipment, Special reports to the regulatory authority, Required inspection items Summary

3 Introduction Quality Control (QC)
Looks specifically at maintenance practices and the actual conduct of the maintenance work. They are also responsible for special inspections and calibration of tools and test equipment.

4 Introduction The inspection function of an airline consists in part:
Inspections during routine maintenance General visual, checking and rechecking of own work, and “second pair of eyes” Conditional Inspection Bird strikes, hard landings, lightning strikes, flights through heavy turbulence, dragging of wing tips or engine pods Nondestructive test and inspections (NDT/NDI)

5 Quality Control Organization
Full-time and Part-time Inspectors “Dedicated Inspectors” Work for QC or QA not work center “Delegated Inspectors” Work center specific only Four Functions Aircraft, shop, materiel, and testing and calibration Hangar or on line; support and overhaul; incoming and outgoing components; NDT/NDI and test equipment and special tools (i.e. torque wrenches) – valid cal stickers – show last date cal and next due date

6 FAA & JAA Differences Joint Aviation Authority (JAA) is not a regulatory authority Airlines own country has final say EU is to establish European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to regulate EU aviation No separate QC and QA department Certified and trained mechanic can inspect own work if NOT safety or airworthiness Does not have free run – requirements the same just terminology and titles different

7 QC Inspector Qualifications
Valid mechanic’s license, 2 years experience Formal training on systems and equipment to be inspected Knowledge of airline and regulatory rules and procedures QC inspector course Duties and responsibilities in inspection procedures and techniques Corrosion – detection and control Nondestructive test and inspection if required for duties Airlines must keep record of authorized inspectors Status – dedicated or designated, items authorized Records must be available to regulatory personnel

8 Basic Inspection Policies
Use of Inspector stamp Numbered and controlled Continuity of inspections between work shifts Some require same inspector other allow cross crew inspectors Countermand of inspectors decision Only can be overridden by manager of QC, director of Maintenance Program Evaluation (pg. 180) or VP of M& E – responsibility now shifts to the airline not the inspector Re-inspection of rejected work Once item rejected must be re-inspected Inspection of one’s own work If second person required – can NOT do own work Completion of work Work is not done until inspected and approved

9 Other QC Activities Non destructive test and inspection
Calibration of tools and test equipment Special reports to the regulatory authority Required Inspection Items

10 Quality Control Introduction Quality Control Organization
FAA and JAA Differences QC Inspector Qualifications Basic Inspection Policies Inspection stamp, Continuity of Inspection, Countermand of Inspector’s decisions, Buyback policy, Inspection of one’s own work, Completion of work Other QC Activities Nondestructive test and inspection, Calibration of tools and test equipment, Special reports to the regulatory authority, Required inspection items Summary

11 Questions?

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