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Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Peter NOVOTNY Early Stage Researcher 3.2, Work Package 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Peter NOVOTNY Early Stage Researcher 3.2, Work Package 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Peter NOVOTNY Early Stage Researcher 3.2, Work Package 3

2 ESR3.2, WP3 /  Contract start date: 1 st April 2014  PACMAN subject: Seismic sensor development and vibration characterisation  PhD title: Measurement of sub-nanometer displacements for mechanical positioning  PhD Institution: University of Savoy  Secondments: LAPP (7M), DMP (3M) CERN SupervisorAndrea Gaddi Academic supervisorBernard Caron, Laurent Brunetti Industry supervisorsIgnacio Zuzuarregui Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 2  Basic facts

3 Background / Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 3 Master’s thesis Work during my studies: Database developer System engineer Signal processing in low coherence interferometry Before PACMAN: Monte Carlo simulations in electron microscopy

4 PhD thesis /  Title: Measurement of sub-nanometer displacements for mechanical positioning.  Objective: To improve seismic sensor resolution in useful bandwidth  Start date: 1 st April 2014  Credits required / Already obtained: 36/26  12 credits have to be from university  University courses will be taken following semesters  Status:  Investigating possibilities of sensor improvement.  Characterisation and summary of State Of The Art (SOTA) sensors. Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 4 University of Savoy, Annecy, France

5 Project / Seismic sensor development and vibration characterisation Why seismic sensors in PACMAN? Ground is shaking all the time even if we don’t see or feel it. Place in PACMAN Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 5 Micro seismic peak Cultural noise Nano- meters!

6 Project / Vibration characterisation of PACMAN bench  When measuring beam position with nm resolution we need to know how a ground motion propagates through the bench and influence our measurements.  Therefore we want to measure ground motion at different positions of the bench. Place in PACMAN Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 6 Seismic sensors

7 Project / Medium-term objectives  Characterize the seismic sensors available on the market and those developed by laboratories  compare their sensitivity, self-noise and bandwidth.  Identify the sensor to be developed inside the PACMAN project.  Manufacturing and characterization of the developed sensor.  Integration within the PACMAN bench. Objectives 7 Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 Main objective: To improve existing sensor or develop a new one according to PACMAN's specific requirements.

8 Project / Tasks description Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 8 Definition of the requirements Investigation of different technologies and SOTA CLIC BDS requirements Improve/build prototype to answer the requirements CLIC QD0 requirements PACMAN requirements Comparison of SOTA and sensors developed at LAPP Choice of a sensor for PACMAN Definition of procedure for sensors characterization BDS = Beam Delivery System QD0 = Final focus quadrupole

9 Project / Four phases: 1.Training and familiarization  With whole project, seismic sensors, data acquisition and processing. 2.Validation and characterization of the SOTA (current)  Measurements of sensor parameters.  Investigation of various development possibilities.  Electronics, mechanics, transducers, low noise data acquisition,… 3.Upgrade or new sensor development.  Evaluation and comparison with industrial SOTA sensors. 4.Integration to PACMAN bench and industrialization. Methodology followed Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 9

10 Project / Requirements to PACMAN sensor parameters  Bandwidth = 0.1Hz – ≈200 Hz  Resolution ≤ 0.1nm (rms@1Hz)  Stray magnetic fields resistance  Dynamic range ≥ 80dB  Weight < few kg & compact size Requirements Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 10

11 State of the art / Different types of sensors for different use: Natural ground motion measurement (tides, micro seism) Building, structural monitoring Earthquakes and moonquakes monitoring Oil and gas exploration Particle accelerators … Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 11 Geophones Seismometers Piezoelectric accelerometers MEMS accelerometers Force balanced optical accelerometers

12 State of the art / Main parameters considered: self-noise, sensitivity & bandwidth. Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 12 Limitations for PACMAN Seismometers Noise Sensitivity ×Bandwidth PZT Accelerometers Bandwidth Sensitivity ×Noise at low frequencies Geophones Noise ×Sensitivity ×Bandwidth MEMS accelerometers Bandwidth Sensitivity ×Noise Most interesting candidate Force Balanced optical accelerometers Bandwidth Sensitivity ≈Noise

13 Research gap /  High resolution seismic sensor for required bandwidth.  Theoretical vs. measured noise values for various transducers.  Different interferometers for seismic sensors:  Their implementation possibilities.  Pros, cons and limitations. Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 13

14 Project / Procedure for sensor’s self-noise measurement: Results Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 14 Familiarization with acquisition HW and SW Actual measurement and data acquisition Calculation of Power Spectral Density (PSD) Comparison with theory & values measured by LAPP If match Finished Detecting problem

15 Project / Results Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 15 Measuring and processing chain for sensor characterization. PSD

16 Project / Results Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 16 Ground motion displacement PSD Main problem is background signal!

17 Project / Results Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 17 Measuring noise with background signal Mass locking vs. corrected difference

18 Project / Results Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 18 Self-noise - theory vs. real measurement.

19 Project / Investigation of improvement possibilities:  Modification of PZT dimensions to increase sensitivity.  Using MBQ as seismic mass.  Molecular Electronic Transducers (MET).  Noise reduction in MEMS accelerometers. Results Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 19 Linear Encoder Interferometer  Implementation of interferometer, Fibre Bragg Grating or linear optical encoder.  Expensive, complex but very good resolution.

20 Training / Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 20 Secondment at LAPP, France. 7 months. Measurement and characterization of seismic sensors. Low noise data acquisition. Seismic data processing. Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules Desarrollos Mecánicos de Precisión Secondment at DMP, Spain 3 months - currently ongoing. Training in high precision mechanics. High precision assembly, measurement and adjustment techniques.

21 Training / Network wide activities: Team building Metrology training CATIA Smarteam basics Training on FSI Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 21 Academic training lecture: LHC Beam instrumentation Webinars: Vibration transducers by Data acquisition + vibrations measurement by Transferable skills: Making presentations French language course Communication for CERN Guides Safety awareness

22 Networking Opportunities / - seismological laboratory in Grenoble, FR:  Introduced basics of seismological activities and measurements.  Offered measurement of sensor parameters for results comparison. Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 22 - Producer of interferometric seismometers, Austin, USA: Provided sensors evaluation kits in exchange for testing. Promising candidate.

23 Conferences & workshops: CLIC workshop, 26-30.1.2015 Attended topics related to measurements of ground motion and sensor development. Outreach & Dissemination / Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 23 PACMAN workshop, 02-04.02.2015 Presentation of my subject. Discussions with experts. Dissemination: Introducing PACMAN project to ISTerre laboratory (FR) and Silicon Audio company (USA) Outreach: Became an official CERN guide

24 Impact /  CERN is a great place to improve knowledge of various technologies involved in particle accelerators.  Gaining practical experiences in measurement, data acquisition and processing.  Improving chances to became a researcher in field of particle accelerators or similar.  Professional contacts and friendships. Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 24

25 Midterm Review 28-29/05/2015 Thank you for your attention

26 Project/ Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 26 Dumped harmonic oscillator  Sensor working principle Characterized by parameters like: Bandwidth Sensitivity Resolution Dynamic range Ground motion

27 Project /  Requirements to PACMAN sensor parameters  Bandwidth = 0.1Hz – ≈200 Hz  Below 0.1Hz – orbit feedback.  High frequencies attenuated.  Resolution ≤ 0.1nm (rms@1Hz)  Which means high sensitivity and low self-noise.  Derived from required stability for BDS which is ≤ 1nm@1Hz rms.  Needed for preservation of low beam emittance (spread).  Stray magnetic fields resistance  Different mg. field on the ground and on the magnets.  Radiation resistance (for BDS).  Dynamic range ≥ 80dB  From 0.1nm to 1µm <- given by GM at different accelerators sites.  Weight < few kg & compact size  to fit inside the PACMAN bench Requirements Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 27

28 Transducers Types of transducers:  Resistive  Capacitive  Piezoelectric, piezo-rezistive  LVDT - Linear Variable Differential Transformer  Optical (Interferometers, encoders)  Elmg. – coil + magnet  Eddy current  … Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 28

29 Power Spectral Density (PSD) of ground motion PSD to RMS Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 29 Ground Motion in frequency domain RMS of ground motion

30 Noise sources Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 30 Sources of noise in seismic sensors: Thermomechanical (Brownian) noise Molecular collisions with mass Thermoelectrical (Johnson) noise Random thermal excitation of charge carriers Other semiconductor electronic noise Schottky noise Flicker 1/f noise Discretisation noise ADC converters

31 Theoretical nosie comparison Peter NOVOTNY, ESR3.2 PACMAN Mid-term review 28-29/05/2015 31 Producer Model name Noise [um*s -2 /Hz 1/2 ] Endevco 86 0.52 @0.5Hz, 0.39 @1Hz, 0.11 @10Hz,0.04 @100Hz bb rms 1um*s -2 Endevco 87 3.4 @0.1Hz, 0.9 @1Hz, 0.25 @10Hz, 0.1 @100Hz bb rms <4um*s -2 Wilcoxon 731A0.3 @2Hz, 0.1 @10Hz, 0.04 @100Hz DYTRAN 3191A13.0 @1Hz, 1.5 @10Hz, 6.0 @100Hz MMF KB12VD0.6 @1Hz Brüel & Kjær 834014.7 @0.1Hz, 14.7 @55Hz, 0.5@300Hz Kinemetrics ES-U20.6 DJB Instruments IEPE A/1800480@1Hz, 230 @10Hz, 2.5 @100Hz PCB 393B310.6 @1Hz, 0.1 @10Hz, 0.04 @100Hz COLIBRYS SF1600S.A3 in 0.1-100Hz BW REF TEK 131A-02/BH2 Sercel DSU3-4280.4 (10 – 200Hz) Metrozet TSA-100Srms 0.22@1Hz, rms 0.2@10Hz, rms 0.7@100Hz0.22@1Hz0.2@10Hz ULN PE accl. -6 @0.1Hz, 0.55@0.5Hz, 0.37 @1Hz, 0.07@10Hz, 0.03@100Hz

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