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2 Bubble # 4 Unpacking Standards ISAT Standards #10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 17.

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2 2 Bubble # 4 Unpacking Standards ISAT Standards #10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 17

3 3 Read through 1st Implementation boxes only for standards 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 Self assess by comparing 1st Implementation to where you are at right now

4 4 Unpacking Standards Common Core Standards for ELA and Math Maine Learning Results

5 5 Common Core Standards for ELA and Math Include link to Common Core Standards

6 6 Maine Learning Results

7 Unpacking Standard 1)Underline nouns = Students will “know” Circle the significant verbs = “Students will be able to ….” **Keys: -don’t add EXTRA requirements -don’t IGNORE expectations ***Why is that essential???? (scaffolding of levels) Run through example using document camera

8 8 Standard: Know- Do- Copy this slide to Scoring Guide slide

9 9 Individual/group work on unpacking standards vertical grouping Work Time

10 10 End of Wednesday *Review CDD *Add to Parking Lot *Tools used so far

11 11 Thursday Morning *Go over feed back from Parking Lot *Overview of Thursdays schedule *Review of CDD


13 13 Bubble # 4 Unpacking Standards ISAT Standards #10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 17

14 Scoring Guides/Rubrics Define the specifics of what a student will know or be able to do (learning traits) Describe the growth in acquisition of these learning traits –4 point scale –Progress descriptors (emerging, developing, proficient, advanced)

15 Scoring Guides/Rubrics 1)Unpacked standards “know” and “to do” become the traits 2)Proficient is the ‘lowest level” of achievement acceptable Continuous growth along continuum Measurable Keys/Questions: -purpose? -hard work, but ….. -does it get easier? -don’t always ‘re-invent’ -effectiveness increases with ‘sharing’

16 16 Standard: Know- Do- Copy the slide that you used for unpacking standards to this slide

17 17 Scoring Guide Template 17

18 18 Demonstrate the process to create a scoring guide using the document camera



21 Scoring Guides/Rubrics Work Time - Unpacked standards “know” and “to do” become the traits - Proficient is the ‘lowest level” of achievement acceptable - Continuous growth along continuum - Measurable

22 Capacity Matrix

23 * Allows for student independence * Enables kids to move at their own pace * Kids know when they have demonstrated mastery * Used as a recording and reporting tool * Kids can check and adjust their learning * Helps to drive assessments * Allows for student voice and choice

24 24 Capacity matrix for students

25 25 PUT IN SLIDE Example of behavioral capacity matrix from South Carolina 25

26 26 PUT IN SLIDE Example of unit lesson capacity matrix from South Carolina 26

27 Capacity matrix for an entire levels worth of standards

28 Capacity matrix for individual standards

29 How to... *Start with a blank matrix *Determine the purpose of capacity matrix *Copy and paste the learning target and/or traits *Fill in the continuum from emerging to advanced *Shade and/or add evidence ideas

30 30 Demonstart process with document camera use SOP or unpacked standard to fill in information

31 Go to work ….. Create a Capacity Matrix for either your SOP you created or the standard you unpacked

32 Lunch Break Thursday 1) review of tools used 2) CDD 3) add to Parking Lot

33 How do we make these ‘work’? Capacity Matrix Scoring Guide Table Talk: –What are these tools? –How might they be developed?

34 Table talk What is the difference between a capacity matrix and a scoring guide or rubric? What are the strengths/weaknesses of scoring guides vs rubric?

35 35 Self Assess Read ISAT standards 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 Circle where you think you are located on the implementation continuum

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