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The First World War 100 Years On Year 8 Extended Homework.

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1 The First World War 100 Years On Year 8 Extended Homework

2 Background This year marks the 100 th Anniversary of the start of World War One. On 28th June 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand - heir to the throne of Austria Hungary - was assassinated in Sarajevo. This would lead to a series of events that would ultimately result in a world war.

3 Move forward four Years - 11th November 1918 8.5 million soldiers have died Over 20 million died because of the war 21 million people have been wounded 7.7 million are missing These people become known as the ‘lost generation.’

4 Task Choose one of the following real people to research and take on as a character. Write an autobiography of their life serving in the Great War. There are four chapters in total. Each of these should be at least one page of A4 long and should include clear evidence of your research.

5 Options Private Sidney LewisLt. Walter Tull Sepoy Khudadad Khan Mairi Chisholm Captain Albert Borella Remember! Each of these would have had a different life before the war, and different opinions based on their backgrounds Esther Barnett George Blackman Harry FarrSiegfried Sassoon

6 What is an Autobiography? When a person writes the story of his or her own life, the result is an autobiography. While a diary or journal is usually written very close to the time of the events it describes, an autobiography is usually written some time after. Did you know…? The word autobiography comes from three ancient Greek words: auto meaning ‘self ’ bios meaning ‘life’ and graphein meaning ‘to write’. So autobiography can roughly translate as ‘self-life writing’. Did you know…? The word autobiography comes from three ancient Greek words: auto meaning ‘self ’ bios meaning ‘life’ and graphein meaning ‘to write’. So autobiography can roughly translate as ‘self-life writing’.

7 Task Chapters to include: 1.What was life like before the war? 2.Why did you decide to join? 3.What was it like in the Trenches? 4.How do you feel about the war now it has ended – was the sacrifice made people like you worth it?* * If your chosen soldier died in World War One, you need to show what you think their opinion would have been and how different their life would have been after the war, compared to before.

8 Gifted and Talented Extension Despite it being 100 years since the beginning of World War One, Germany has decided that they will not mark this anniversary, or those who died, with any official events of remembrance Please read here and here for more

9 Gifted and Talented Activity This quote appears in a local news paper: “100 Years has passed since the beginning of World War One. The issues at the heart of the war no longer dominate European politics. The people who fought have all died. Many people today have never experienced the hardships of Total War. This anniversary should be the last of it’s kind. It is time for Britain to follow the example of the Germans and tone down our obsession with World War One” Write a letter of response to the newspaper giving your view on this issue. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

10 Deadline for completion: Please hand in your completed project to your Humanities teacher on Wednesday 21 st May

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