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Native Perennials W. John Hayden Department of Biology University of Richmond Monarda fistulosa.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Perennials W. John Hayden Department of Biology University of Richmond Monarda fistulosa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Perennials W. John Hayden Department of Biology University of Richmond Monarda fistulosa

2 Some definitions... Native plant: a natural element of the local flora indigenous present and self-sustaining through natural processes, independent of human intervention (locally: present before colonization by Europeans) Caltha palustris

3 Some definitions... Wildflower: showy plants that reproduce spontaneously in the wild includes native plants and species from other regions that have become “naturalized” Duchesnia indica, naturalized from India Fragaria virginiana, native to Virginia (and most of the US and southern Canada)

4 Some definitions... Alien (exotic, introduced): non-native plant, originating from elsewhere Lonicera japonica, naturalized alien/exotic from Japan; an “invasive exotic”

5 Why cultivate native plants? inherent beauty, aesthetic qualities unique forms not found in common/familiar garden plants Gentiana sp.- bottle gentianDicentra cucullaria - Dutchman’s britches

6 Why cultivate native plants? mitigates (incrementally) human footprint on landscape help to support local natural communities of organisms feed butterflies, hummingbirds, etc.

7 Why cultivate native plants? counteracts homogenization of developed landscapes provides regionally unique sense of place Mertensia virginica - Virginia bluebells


9 For the purist: Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora maps species ranges in Virginia

10 Native perennials - sun Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae) Yarrow

11 Native perennials - sun Amsonia tabernaemontana (Apocynaceae)

12 Native perennials - sun Asclepias incarnata Apocynaceae/Asclepiadaceae Swamp milkweed

13 Native perennials - sun Asclepias tuberosus Apocynaceae/Asclepiadaceae Butterfly weed

14 Native perennials - shade Chrysogonum virginianum Asteraceae Green and gold

15 Native perennials - sun Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ Asteraceae ?????????

16 Native perennials - sun Echinacea purpurea Asteraceae Purple coneflower

17 Native perennials Eupatorium coelestinum (Ageratina coelestina) Asteraceae Wild ageratum

18 Native perennials Eupatorium fistulosum - Asteraceae - Joe-Pye weed

19 Native perennials - sun Helianthus salicifolius - Asteraceae - Willow-leaf sunflower???

20 Native perennials - sun Heterotheca mariana - Asteraceae - ??????

21 Native perennials - sun Iris cristata Iridaceae Crested iris

22 Native perennials - sun Iris fulva - Iridaceae - Copper iris

23 Native perennials - sun Packera aquatica (Senecio aquatica) Asteraceae ??? Ragwort???

24 Native perennials - sun Passiflora incarnata Passifloraceae Passion flower, maypops

25 Native perennials - sun Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’ Polemoniaceae Garden phlox

26 Native perennials - sun Physostegia virginiana Lamiaceae/Labiatae Obedience plant

27 Native perennials - sun Rudbeckia fulgida Asteraceae ????????

28 Native perennials - sun Silphium compositum Asteraceae Compass plant

29 Native perennials - sun Stokesia laevis Asteraceae Stoke’s aster

30 Native perennials - sun Tradescantia virginiana, Tradescantia X andersoniana Commelinaceae Spiderwort cv ‘Sweet Kate’cv ‘Osprey’

31 Native perennials - sun Iris prismatica Iridaceae Blue flag iris Iris versicolor Iridaceae Blue flag iris

32 Native perennials - sun Lobelia cardinalis Campanulaceae/Lobeliaceae Cardinal flower

33 Native perennials - sun Orontium aquaticum Araceae Golden club

34 Native perennials - sun/shade Saururus cernuus - Saururaceae - Lizard’s tail

35 Native perennials - woodland Arisaema triphyllum (Araceae) Jack-in-the-pulpit

36 Native perennials - woodland Asarum canadense (Aristolochiaceae) Wild ginger

37 Native perennials - shade, woodland Cimicifuga racemosa Ranunculaceae ?????

38 Native perennials - woodland Claytonia virginica Portulacaceae Spring beauty

39 Native perennials - shade Geranium maculatum Geraniaceae Wild geranium

40 Native perennials - woodland Hexastylis virginica - Aristolochiaceae - Wild ginger

41 Native perennials - woodland Podophyllum peltatum Berberidaceae Mayapple

42 Native perennials - woodland Sanguinaria canadensis Papaveraceae Bloodroot

43 Native perennials - woodland Tiarella cordifolia Saxifragaceae Foam flower

44 Native perennials - partial shade Viola pedata Violaceae Bird’s foot violet

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