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Peripheral vascular diseases
Dr Seyed Mostafa Shiryazdi Associate professor of surgery
Section 1 Introduction Pain 1 intermittent pain
(1) physical activity : intermittent claudication, Cramping or fatigue of major muscle groups in one or both lower extremities that is reproducible upon walking a specific distance suggests intermittent claudication, and it is relieved by several minutes of rest.
(2) limbs position (3) change of tempreture 2 Continuous pain (rest pain, or pain at rest) (1) arterial pain at rest (2) venous pain at rest (3) inflammatory or ischemic pain at rest
Edema 1 venous edema 2 lymphedema Paresthesias 1 heaviness 2 abnormal sensation: numbess, tingling, burning, 3 lose of sensation
Change of skin temperature
Changes of skin color 1 normal and abnormal color 2 changes of color with pressure 3 changes of color in physical activity: 4 changes of color in different position : Buerger test
Changes of shape 1 shape changes of artery: 1) pulses decrease or disappear 2) murmur 3) form and texture 2 shape changes of vein
Mass 1 pulsatile mass 2 non-pulsatile mass Skin nutritional changes 1 nutritional dysfunction of skin 2 ulceration, and gangrene 3 limbs grow
Section 2 Thromboangiitis Obliterans ( Buerger Disease )
Thromboangiitis obliterans is a nonatherosclerotic, segmental, inflammatory, vasoocclusive disease that affects the small and medium-sized arteries and veins of the upper and lower extremities, cyclic upset. more common in males, aged years.
etiology unclear 1 external factors: tobacco, cold or humid weather, chronic trauma, infection 2 internal factors: immunologic dysfunction exposure to tobacco is essential for both initiation and progression of the disease.
Pathology 1 begin with artery, then vein, from distal to proximal.
2 segmental disease 3 in active stage, nonsuppurtive inflammation 4 in end stage, intraluminal thrombosis progressively organizes, new capillary formation, vascular fibrosis 5 ischemic change
Clinical findings 1 The hands and feet are usually cool.
2 skin is pale, or cyanosis. 3 Paresthesias. 4 pain in limbs, intermittent claudication 5 changes of nutritional dysfunction
6 impaired distal pulses in the presence of normal proximal pulses.
7 migratory superficial thrombophlebitis. 8 painful ulcerations and/or frank gangrene of the digits.
Clinical stage First stage: local ischemic stage
Second stage: nutritional ischemic stage Third stage: necrotic stage
Diagnosis 1 Age younger than 45 years, current (or recent) history of tobacco use 2 Presence of distal-extremity ischemia 3 History of migratory superficial thrombophlebitis 4 Impaired distal pulses. 5 Exclusion of autoimmune diseases, hypercoagulable states, and diabetes mellitus by laboratory tests
General examination 1 claudication distant and claudication time
2 skin temperature 3 Buerger test 4 tension relief test
Special examination 1 Doppler examination
2 arteriography: formation of distinctive small-vessel collaterals around areas of occlusion known as "corkscrew collaterals"
Differential diagnosis
1 Atherosclerosis obliterans 2 Takayasu’s arteritis 3 Diabetes mellitus
Treatment 1 General treatment
Absolute discontinuation of tobacco use is the only strategy proven to prevent the progression of Buerger disease. prevent trauma and thermal or chemical injury, avoidance of cold environments, drugs that lead to vasoconstriction Buerger exercise
2 Medication (1) Chinese traditional treatment (2) vasodilators, antiplatelet drugs, and anticoagulants (3) antibiotics to treat infected ulcers
3 hypertension oxygen treatment
4 surgical treatment to improve distal arterial flow (1) lumber sympathectomy (2) vascular reconstructive procedures: bypass transfer, thrombosis Others: Omental transfer Arteriovenous transfer 5 distal limb amputation for nonhealing ulcers, gangrene
图1 动脉旁路移植 bypass graft
Section 3 Arteriosclerosis obliterans
lower extremity atherosclerosis is a marker for systemic atherosclerotic disease, involving large and medium arteries, the iliac, femoral, popliteal, and/or infrapopliteal arteries advancing age, male sex
Etiology and pathology
risk factors: hypertension, abnormal serum lipid levels, cigarette smoking, impaired glucose tolerance, and obesity Mechanism Pathology: atherosclerotic plaque
Clinical manifestation and diagnosis
Early stage: intermittent claudication, Impaired distal pulses, changes of nutritional dysfunction, the limb is perfused via collateral pathways Late stage: rest pain Loss of pedal pulses is characteristic of disease of the distal popliteal artery or its trifurcation. the dorsalis pedis pulse, the posterior tibial pulse
1 general examination: ECG
2 noninvasive examination: Doppler 3 X-ray 4 arteriography, MRA (Magnetic resonance angiography), DSA
Differentiation of Arteriosclerosis obliterans and thromboangiitis Obliterans
age >45 <45 superficial thrombophlebitis no common Hypertension, coronary heart disease uncommon
Involving vessels large and medium arteries the small and medium-sized arteries and veins Change of other arteries common no Calcification of involving arteries Can be found arteriography Extensive irregular stenosis and segmental occlusion Segmental occlusion, others are normal
Treatment 1 nonoperative treatment 2 surgical treatment
(1) percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (2) endarterectomy (3) vascular bypass surgery
Section 4 Arterial embolism
acute arterial occlusion Etiology and pathology
Clinical Manifestation
Pain Paresthesias Paralysis Pulselessness Pallor, coolness Other general symptoms
Examination and diagnosis
1 skin temperature 2 Doppler examination 3 arteriography
Treatment The usual immediate management of acute arterial occlusion is immediate heparin anticoagulation and rapid surgical thromboembolectomy. 1 nonoperative treatment 2 surgical therapy: direct thromboembolectomy, Fogarty cancal thromboembolectomy
Complication of operation
the possibility of reperfusion complications such as compartment syndrome or myopathic-metabolic-nephrotic syndrome
Section 5 Introduction of venous diseases
the lower extremities: 1 superficial veins, include the lesser and greater saphenous veins and their tributaries. These include the lateral and medial femoral cutaneous branches, the external circumflex iliac vein, the superficial epigastric vein, and the internal pudendal vein
2 deep veins, include the anterior tibial, posterior tibial, peroneal, popliteal, deep femoral, superficial femoral, and iliac veins. 3 muscular vein 4 perforating or communicating veins
Dynamics of blood flow 1 muscular pump
2 negative pressure in thoracic cavity 3 valve function
Pathophysiology Most varicose disease is caused by elevated superficial venous pressures, but some people have an inborn weakness of vein walls
Section 6 Simple lower extremity varicose veins
normal veins have dilated under the influence of increased venous pressure. allow venous blood to escape from its normal flow path and flow in a retrograde direction down into an already congested leg.
Etiology and pathophysiology
Prolonged standing leads to increased hydrostatic pressures that can cause chronic venous distention and secondary valvular incompetence anywhere within the superficial venous system. If proximal junctional valves become incompetent, high pressure passes from the deep veins into the superficial veins and the condition rapidly progresses to become irreversible.
Clinical manifestation and diagnosis
Symptoms: uncomfortable, annoying, or cosmetically disfiguring, pain, soreness, burning, aching, throbbing, cramping, muscle fatigue Signs: dilated vessels, mild swelling. inflammatory dermatitis, recurrent or chronic cellulitis, cutaneous infarction, ulceration, and even malignant degeneration.
1 Trendelenburg test 2 Perthes test 3 Pratt test 4 others: Doppler, angiography
Differentiated diagnosis
1 primary lower extremity deep vein valve insufficiency 2 sequela of deep vein thrombosis 3 arteriovenous fistula
Treatment Treatment is indicated whenever venous reflux produces secondary skin or subcutaneous tissue changes, symptomatic varicose veins
1 Nonoperative treatment: compression stockings, keeping the legs elevated
2 Injection sclerotherapy 3 Operation: Vein ligation, stab evulsion technique, communicating veins ligation
complications 1 Superficial thrombophlebitis 2 ulceration
3 Varicose veins bleeding
Section 7 primary lower extremity deep vein valve insufficiency
Etiology and pathophysiology Congenital absence of or damage to venous valves in the superficial and communicating systems Clinical finding and diagnosis Mild, moderate, severe
Examination 1 angiography 2 venous pressure 3 noninvasive examination
Treatment Reconstruction of deep venous valves
Section 8 Deep venous thrombosis
formation of thrombi, ---chronic venous insufficiency Etiology and pathophysiology Virchow triad (venous stasis, hypercoagulability, endothelial trauma)
Clinical finding and types
1 upper extremity deep venous thrombosis 2 inferior vena cava or superior vena cava thrombosis 3 lower extremity deep venous thrombosis
Examination and diagnosis
Prevention and treatment 1 nonoperative treatment 2 operation Complications and sequela
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