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1 Introducing the working groups for 2014-2015. Simulation group Per Henrik Hogstad 2.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introducing the working groups for 2014-2015. Simulation group Per Henrik Hogstad 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introducing the working groups for 2014-2015

2 Simulation group Per Henrik Hogstad 2

3 Mathematics / Medicine SimReal+ Research - Interesting topics Interactive simulation 3

4 Mathematics University of Agder Per Henrik Hogstad Physics Statistics Computer Science Mathematics / Computer Science / Medicine SimReal+ 4

5 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Core interests and activities of this group: Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 5

6 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 6

7 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Learning difficult topics by simulation Connection simulation assessment (virtual laboratory) Connection simulation mathematical models Programming Coordination 7 Learning by interactivity

8 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 8

9 SimReal+ Interactive learning tool 9

10 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 10

11 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 11

12 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 12

13 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 13

14 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 14

15 SimReal+ Integration 15

16 SimReal+ Integration 16

17 SimReal+ Integration 17

18 SimReal+ Integration 18

19 SimReal+ Integration 19

20 SimReal+ Integration 20

21 SimReal+ Multiple Integration 21

22 SimReal+ Matrix 22

23 SimReal+ Vector Field 23

24 SimReal+ 3D Object 24

25 SimReal+ Vector Field 25

26 SimReal+ Statistics 26

27 SimReal+ Simulation 27

28 SimReal+ Semiconductor 28

29 SimReal+ Semiconductor 29

30 SimReal+ Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) 30

31 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 31

32 Mathematics / Medicine SimReal+ Interesting topics - Research Interactive simulation 32

33 -Control of the Linear Accelerator -Databases (patient/employee/activity) -Computations of patient positions Mathematics / Medicine 33

34 Mathematics / Medicine Mathematical processing of medical image information 34

35 Mathematics / Medicine Mathematical processing of medical image information Wavelet transformation 35

36 Mathematics / Medicine Mathematical processing of medical image information Wavelet transformation 36

37 Mathematics / Medicine Mathematical processing of medical image information Wavelet transformation 37

38 38 -Ultrasound Images -Egde Detection -Noise Removal -Egde Sharpening -Edge Detection Mathematics / Medicine Mathematical processing of medical image information Wavelet transformation 38

39 Mathematics / Medicine SimReal+ Ultrasound 39

40 Mathematics / Medicine SimReal+ Blood stream - Vectorfield 40

41 Simulation and animation in pure and applied mathematics Simulation Group Coordination of video lessons, video streaming, video simulations, interactive simulations, exercises and applications Coordination of simulations, modeling and assessments Use of digital tools as supplementary resources in mathematical teaching and learning Coordination of digital resource database Keyword: Simulation in difficult topics - Interesting topics 41

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