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1 Gene transcription,post- transcriptional processing & reverse transcription.

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2 1 Gene transcription,post- transcriptional processing & reverse transcription

3 2 1.Concept A. Enzymes involved in transcription a. RNA polymerase ( DNA-dependent RNA polymerase,DDRP )

4 3 require: (1) four NTP (2) Mg 2+ or Mn 2+ (3) DNA template (4) synthesis direction

5 4 Products: single strand RNA containing DNA heredity information

6 5 RNA pol in prokaryotes ( E.coli RNA polymerase ) * functions * constitute four subunites

7 6

8 7

9 8 core enzyme & holoenzyme RNA pol in eukaryotes

10 9

11 10 RNA pol in eukaryotes

12 11 Type I II III location nucleoli nucleoplasm ucleoplasm products 18s,5.8s, pre-mRNA, RNA,5sRNA 28s rRNA hnRNA U6 sensitivity none +++ + to a amantin

13 12

14 13 B. Process of transcription initiation, elongation, termination a. the initiation stage promoter * concept * characteristics

15 14

16 15 *Promoter of prokaryotes -10bp-------TATAAT (TATA box) (pribnow box) -35bp------- TTGACA

17 16

18 17 Promoter of eukaryote -25bp-------TATAAT (TATA box) (hogness box -40bp------- GCbox -110bp-----CAAT box

19 18 -110-40-25+1 CCAAT box GC box TATA box

20 19

21 20 GC or CAAT box both in sense or antisense strand all effective

22 21 antisense strand (template strand, (-)strand,) Sense strand (coding strand,(+)strand)

23 22


25 24 synthesis direction 5’ 3’ characteristic of transcription----- asymmetrical transcription

26 25

27 26 enhancer *concept * characteristics

28 27 cis -acting element *concept trans-acting element *concept

29 28

30 29 b.elongation stage the transcription products elongate along the 5’to 3’

31 30 the RNA pol moves along the 3’ to 5’ 50 nucleotides/second/per molecular enzyme

32 31 newly synthesis DNA-RNA hybridized strand is unsteadiness

33 32

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35 34

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37 36 C.termination * concept *the type of termination a.Rho(  )-dependent termination

38 37 *the structure of Rho factor *the functure of Oho factor

39 38

40 39

41 40 b.Rho(  )-independent termination the special region in the DNA template

42 41

43 42

44 43

45 44

46 45 B.inhibitors of transcription E.summarize a.RNA pol b.process

47 46

48 47

49 48 initiation elongation termination c. characteristics of transcription

50 49 d. the different of mRNA transcription in prokayotes & eukaryotes

51 50 Prokaryotes eukaryotes Policistronic transcript monocistronic transcrip Transcription coupled with translation seprate No processing processing Shorter half life longer half life

52 51 –transcriptional processing in eukaryotes 1.processing of mRNA (1) capping of mRNA

53 52 * The structure of cap m GpppG * The process of capping *the functure of cap

54 53

55 54 (2) Added poly A tail in mRNA 3’end * The structure of tail * The process *the functure of tail

56 55

57 56 (3) Splicing remove intron, join exon, mature mRNA

58 57

59 58

60 59 snRNA & snRNP exit RNA processing event

61 60 (4) RNA editing * concept * significant

62 61 2.processing of rRNA * quantity * type & arrangement * site * process of processing

63 62

64 63 Ribozyme discovery concept structure functure

65 64

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68 67 3. processing of tRNA * remove 5’end sequence * CCA is added in 3’end * multiple internal bases are modified

69 68

70 69 D. reverse transcription 1.retrovirus & reverse- transcriptase (1) History 1964 Temin

71 70

72 71 found RNA virus 1970 found reverse - transcriptase (2) The function of reverse - transcriptase

73 72 RNA as template Four dNTP Produce DNA containing RNA heredity information

74 73 reverse – transcriptase (RNA dependent DNA polymerase,RDDP) its function: RNA dependent DNA polymerase RNA hydrolyse DNA-dependent DNA synthetase

75 74

76 75 (2) Genome of ASV

77 76

78 77

79 78 (3) Life cycle of retrovirus two stage: * RNA reverse transcription DNA provirus intergrate into host cell

80 79 * DNA transcription mRNA Protein virus particles

81 80

82 81 2.oncogen& tumer suppressor gene (1) concept of oncogen & pro-oncogen

83 82 (2) proto-oncogen become oncogene *enhanced expression *mutatiom

84 83 (3) Products &function of pro-oncogene * grows factors *trans-membrane receptors *transducers in the cell *transcriptional factors

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