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Focus On Jesus Hebrews 12:2.

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1 Focus On Jesus Hebrews 12:2

2 Introduction I believe this is a lesson that we all need.
There is something here that we all can relate to in one way or another. There are a lot of distractions in our lives and it seems they multiply daily. All of those distractions can and do take our focus off of our Lord.

3 The Wrong Focus Most of us are concerned about prices going up while our paychecks seem to be going down. In fact, hundreds of people have lost their jobs and are looking to replace them. Some just get upset when their favorite show is cancelled. All these problems take attention away from the Lord Jesus.

4 Focus On Jesus If there is any hope, it is found in Jesus
If there is any truth, it is found in Jesus   If there is any life, it is found in Jesus What we need to realize is that when we die there is life after our death and we need to be prepared for it. We need to adjust our focus on Jesus

5 Focus On Jesus In some ways, even we have lost our focus by the things we do every week. Sometimes we are heard saying: we need to go to church, And we each mean something when we say such. Probably most of the meanings are scriptural and right with God.

6 Focus On Jesus But we must also examine ourselves to see if we are right with God and Jesus. 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Do you not know that Christ is in you? The same question can be asked today by all of our members. Rather than just go to church, we need to go to Jesus. Our focus should be to share fellowship with Him.

7 Focus On Jesus We don’t need to just partake of the Lord’s Supper, we need to commune with Jesus. It is easy to get caught up in a routine. Probably for many, they do not really reflect upon Jesus and what He did. They just do their little pinch and sip and feel they have done what God wants them to do. There was a reason Jesus died on the cross. We need to focus on that reason.

8 Focus On Jesus We don’t need just to sing songs;
we need to praise God for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank Christ for what He did. Glorify Him in our singing. Putting effort into singing our best whether we have decent voices or not. (I am proud of this congregation and what is put into the singing here. These few voices have more output than many larger congregations).

9 We are to sing with the understanding of what we sing.
Do not let the rhythm of music or the notes distract you from the message that is taught in the song. It is possible to sing “love one another” and not mean it. We need to know what we sing, and to whom we are singing it. Some songs are sung to God, some to each other.

10 Focus On Jesus It is evident from what we just said we can attend the worship of God and miss the blessings that we should receive if we fail to focus on Jesus. Yes, we need to attend the assembly, But we also need to pay attention to everything we are doing in the assembly.

11 Focus On Jesus When we focus on Jesus, it means that we will be serving other people. Because He commands it. Because we should want to. The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Galatia: “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13).

12 Focus on Jesus To focus on Jesus means we will work harder to assist others in various ways. WE CAN ENCOURAGE THEM WE CAN ASSIST THEM FINANCIALLY (if the need is there). WE CAN BE THERE WHEN THEY ARE DOWNTRODDEN, SORROWFUL, SAD, DESPONDANT, or any other problems people face each and every day.

13 Focus on Jesus One of the best things that we can do for others is to teach them about Jesus. Remember it is said in Acts that Philip preached “Jesus”. That is what we need to learn to do. Preach Jesus, and they will ask what they need to do to be saved. That is the formula used in Scripture.

14 Focus On Jesus Jesus came to the earth to serve,
“even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28), we are to be like Him and serve other people. More than any other factor, our judgment will be based on how we treat others. So learn to be a servant, like Jesus.

15 Focus On Jesus There are several passages that relate to the lesson given to His disciples about who is the greatest (Matthew 18; Luke 22). Jesus made it clear that those who are great are the ones who serve other people. It was the focus of Jesus to serve other people. That should be our focus also.

16 Focus On Jesus Self-serving people will go just so far in this world.
Selfishness is an eradicator of kindness and a positive attitude. Selfish people want others to serve them. I really believe that Jesus warns us not to serve that kind of person. Like the apostles, we need to chastise and warn them of their problem.

17 Focus On Jesus When we find people who are serving other people, we will find people who are kind and content. We will find people who have captured the true essence that belongs to Christ. 1 Peter tells us that Christ is our perfect example in living, suffering, dying, and serving. Be like Him.

18 Conclusion For the Christian, their whole life needs to be one that is totally, entirely focused on Jesus. Focused on Who He is, and What He is. Focused on doing what He said. Focused on supporting those who do what He said. Focused on helping others to do what He said. Are you focused?

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