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A Phase II Randomised Clinical Trial of Mirena® ± Metformin ± Weight Loss in Patients with Early Stage Cancer of the Endometrium Study Chair: Andreas Obermair.

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Presentation on theme: "A Phase II Randomised Clinical Trial of Mirena® ± Metformin ± Weight Loss in Patients with Early Stage Cancer of the Endometrium Study Chair: Andreas Obermair."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Phase II Randomised Clinical Trial of Mirena® ± Metformin ± Weight Loss in Patients with Early Stage Cancer of the Endometrium Study Chair: Andreas Obermair Trial Manager: Fiona Menzies Trial Coordinator: Kerry Millgate

2 Background Endometrial cancer common in AUS  Becoming increasingly common in young women still desiring fertility  Becoming common in elderly patients suffering from significant medical co-morbidities (increased surgical risks)  Problem area: Super obese patients  Surgical complications high  Conversion to open surgery high  Hospital stay + Costs significant

3 Adverse events are common Morbidly obese woman EAC FIGO g1, no myoinvasion Respiratory failure secondary to pneumonia Unplanned ICU admission on day 5; Requires ventilation, imaging, i.v. ABs

4 Treatment alternative is availabale Progestins offered on case-to-case basis (Mirena ± oral progestins)

5 Study Objectives  Primary: To determine the efficacy of Mirena IUD ± Metformin ± Weight Loss to achieve a pathological complete response (pCR) in endometrial cancer at 6 months from study treatment start.  Secondary: Endometrial cancer biomarkers will be assessed at different time points to enhance our understanding of the molecular processes and to predict a treatment response.

6 Study Endpoints  Primary: Pathological Complete Response  Secondary: To predict the response to treatment through clinical, blood and tissue molecular biomarkers and to increase our molecular understanding of the biological pathogenesis of “early” EAC.

7 Schema of patient flow through study Mirena ± Metformin ± Weight Loss

8 feMME Trial - Eligibility Target: 95 ± 75 patients with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia or grade 1 EAC Eligibility:  Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia with atypia OR  Grade 1 EAC – avoid enrolling patients with advanced disease who need expedited surgery  Patients at high surgical risks or wish to retain fertility  BMI > 30 kg/m2  CT scan: absence of extrauterine disease  MRI: Myometrial invasion <50%  Serum CA125 ≤30 U/mL

9 Contact Andreas Obermair: Acknowledgements: QUT (M Janda), ANZGOG (RAC, Val Gebski) Endorsed by ANZGOG and ASGO National Ethics Application (covers NSW, VIC) QCGC will facilitate HREC applications in other states

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