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S PANISH O N W HEELS Time to exercise your mind!

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2 S PANISH O N W HEELS Time to exercise your mind!

3 M ISSION To Help Adults to discover the potential of their mains, learning other languages while they listen, speak, read and write. It was a five year study done on repeated "brain exercise" over six weeks. Overall the study concludes that keeping mentally active improves your memory and cognitive capacity. Keep an adult brain healthy and alert.

4 B ENEFITS Knowing two or more languages truly gives Adults so many advantages in life. More recent research in neurology has demonstrated that, while language learning is different in childhood than adulthood, it is because of developmental differences in the brain, “ important respects adults have superior language learning capabilities" (Walsh and Diller, 1978). The advantage for adults is that the neural cells responsible for higher-order linguistic processes such as understanding semantic relations and grammatical sensitivity develop with age. Especially in the areas of vocabulary and language structure, adults are actually better language learners than children.

5 W HY THEY NEED TO LEARN S PANISH OR I TALIAN Growing evidence points to greater education, and mentally stimulating occupations and activities providing a cognitive reserve that enables people with developing Alzheimer's to function normally for longer. There is also evidence that physical exercise and mental stimulation protect against the development of Alzheimer's, by preventing accumulation of beta- amyloidal. Physical exercise and mental stimulation also seem to help protect against age-related decline in cognitive function, possibly for similar reasons.

6 G OAL Spanish on wheels is a developmental program designed to help adults work on a different language skills, cognitive skills, social skills and physical development through age-appropriate lesson plans in Spanish. Our goal through Spanish on wheels is to have adults enjoy working on the aforementioned skills and become more aware of the importance of knowing two cultures, or being able to communicate with a wider variety of people. Our hope is that extending Spanish on wheels program to as many adults possible will instill in them the advantages in thinking skills among bilingual individuals.

7 P ROGRAM We bring Spanish and Italian to your group, recreation center, home office. Taught by our native Spanish and Italian language teachers. This program has been used in Spain (University of Salamanca) for all the immigration that need to learn Spanish as a second language since 1980. And in Italy since 1992.

8 C URRICULUM The curriculum is very flexible and lessons can be coordinated according to grade level/age group, skills (observation, concentration, cooperation, imagination, imitation, memory, physical expression, relaxation, self- discipline, etc.), and multiple intelligences (kinesthetic, linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, interpersonal and naturalistic)

9 M ORNING PROGRAMS E NROLL T ODAY ! Visit our Website Phone #1: 972-467-6873 Phone#2: 469-544-5724 E-mail. Monthly Tuition Thank you Miss Gabriela & Miss Carla

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