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Stubbornsoft.  Dizypro Gurukool is windows based campus management software. Provides Authentication facility for different users to ensure high level.

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Presentation on theme: "Stubbornsoft.  Dizypro Gurukool is windows based campus management software. Provides Authentication facility for different users to ensure high level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stubbornsoft

2  Dizypro Gurukool is windows based campus management software. Provides Authentication facility for different users to ensure high level of security.  Has inbuilt database back up facility for safety and reliability.  Change is always difficult for any human being. Digital Engineers will help you a lot for easy change from manual to computerized one.  Minimize hand written work from admission to alumni formation; academic to non-academic.  It helps you to minimize your repeated works and take care of the complete functionality of your school.  Proper time scheduling (Time table) saves much of your time during summer vacation for creative activities and plans for next academic session.  It is a huge time saver and really facilitates proper communication among the management, staff and the parents.  Multi Branch Support


4 ACADEMIC :  Admission/Registration  Student Administration  Attendance  Examination and result analysis  Time scheduling/Time table generation  Library management  Promotion and alumni

5 ADMINISTRATIVE  School fee management  Staff administration and payroll  Asset management  Hostel management  Transport management & utilities  Front office

6  School Configuration like year, Branch, Education board working days etc.  Staff Gate pass  Student Gate pass  Permissions  Appointments  Visitors  Applications  Registrations  Admissions  Allotments  Lost and found  Petty cash  In coming calls

7  Out going calls  Fees collections  Fees defaulters  Fees Status  Advertisement for Recruitments  Applications  Teacher demo  Appointment  Transfer Certificate Application  Conduct Certificate  Clearance Certificate  Record Sheet  Transfers

8 This module contains :  Personal Information  Parent's information  Other general information  Wide searching facility within the student database  Health record maintenance  Achievements  Grading  Fee payment status and many more  Different types of reports can be automatically generated within the module.








16 FEATURES :  User can define all types of exam to be conducted in the school  Different grades and weight ages can be set according to the needs.  Simplified mark entry system for entering the marks from answer sheet either by selecting a particular student or by a particular subject in a class.  Different weight age can be set for different examination as far as aggregate marks / grade is concerned.  Consolidated mark sheet can be generated for view and edit.  One can calculate class average, percentile grade etc. using the criteria the school adopts.  Parents can do the online evaluation of the marks obtained by the child.  Print option is available for different forms and colors.  Parents can make continues evaluation through out the session displaying all exams, class tests, unit tests, etc. conducted in the school.

17 Reports  Report Card and Mark Analysis reports can be instantly generated with very minimum entries ascribed to the task, providing stress-free solution to teachers and management.  Class-Wise/ Section wise Rank/ Grade list Preparation option  Rank/Grade list can be prepared for selection subject / subjects  Exam-wise Subject average for Class/ Division  Exam-wise/Academic Year-wise Performance of students  Student list for Below Class Average/Above Class Average/Given Value  Student list entire School/Class/Division with User defined columns  Graphical representation for Comparison Reports  Single-User/Multi-user Environment  Provision for Mobile Messaging  Rank Card Printing to a specific format can be customized.  Easy to use Promotion Entry option  Help option for each Screen.




21 Main Features of School Timetable  Combined Teachers ( 2 Teachers in same class ) Second Language ( Telugu/ Hindi) Extra Curricular Activity Periods (Art / Craft)  Combined Classes ( One Teacher in Two or More Classes) 9th A Hindi period is combined with 9th B & 9th C  Combined Subjects ( Higher Secondary Classes) E.g.12A (1st Group-Maths) with 12B (2nd Group-Biology) with 12C (3rd Group- History)  Uniform Period allotments for all the classes or some specific classes. E.g. Subjects like Mass Drill, Prayer etc.  Uniform Class teacher's period allotments. E.g. Class teachers should be allotted in 1st or 2nd periods.  The Feature Substitutions helps you solve everyday problems with substitutions of teachers on leave. Teachers Substitution Period allotment included.  Conditional period allotments for Games. E.g. P.T. Periods should not be allotted in 4th or 5th periods.  Conditional Periods of allotments for Principal/Vice Principal. E.g. Should be free in 1st and 5th periods.

22  Fixed Period allotment details. E.g. Practical Periods for Higher Secondary Classes Fixed based on Availability of the lab.  Part time Teachers Period Entries. E.g. Part time teacher for subjects like Yoga / Dance etc.  Two different Sets of Work Allotments E.g. Std 1 to 5 - 7 Periods Per Day & Std 6 to 12 - 8 Periods Per Day  Different Combination of Timetable with same set of work Allotment and conditions.  Checking of total Working Hours per week details for the teachers.  The free periods equally distributed / allotted in both the Sessions.  Leisure Periods timetable for all the teachers.  Takes care of extra period allotments / duplicate periods

23  Stores the timetable for later use.  Divisions - Unlimited  Teachers - Maximum of 999 [ Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine]  Subjects - Maximum of 999 [ Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine]  One time investment.

24 Reports :  Class-Period Checklist - Work Allotment Details  Work Allotment Details checklist - For Teachers  Allotment Difference Checklist  Free Teachers list for a specific day  Free Teachers list for a specific day and period  Free Teachers list for Day - Period - Subject  Engaged Teachers list for Day - Period - Subject  Teachers Address Details

25 Reports :  Class Division List  Class Teachers list  Teachers Timetable / Class Timetable  Teacher / Class Timetable for Principal / Head Master Room  Week timetable for all teachers  Week timetable for all classes  Week timetable for free teachers.

26  Library provides a proper master setup for all types of rule sets. Proper integration with students and staff database.  Easy and fast issue and return procedure. Daily reports related to issue and return.  Advanced searching facility for the media search through another name, publisher name year of publishing, key word, contents or title of the media. 25 different types of reports – All reports can be automatically generated  Library Attendance  Information about specimen copies, Reference Books and Teaching Aids.  Information of Misplaced Books and Condemned Books  Information of Competitive exams, students who are participating and Result Analysis.





31  Once database is promoted to the next academic session class roll number can be assigned automatically.  Once a student has taken transfer certificate from the school automatic alumni will be created with necessary number of fields information.  User has the facility to update the alumni information time to time.  10 different types of reports can be generated in this module.

32 Features  Fees categorization is possible.  Student categorization is possible.  Fees entered for a class / month can be Copied to same class different month or different class or to next academic year.  Fees-wise deductions can be given during fees collection.  Easy to use Promotion Entry option.  Single-User / Multi-user Environment.  Help option for each Screen.

33 Reports  Fees collection summary report can be generated for All Fees category / specific fees category / specified period / combination of the said  Fees collection details report can be generated for All Fees category / specific fees category / All fees heads / specific fees head / specified period / combination of the said  Pending fees list can be generated for Fees category-wise / class-wise / division-wise / month- wise  Deduction given details report can be generated for specified periods / fees head-wise / class- wise / division-wise  Student list can be generated for entire School / Class / Division with User defined columns


35 FEATURES  General Information.  Career Information.  Educational Information.  Pay information.  User defined salary structure and salary generation.  Variable earnings and variable deductions and bank loan facility can be given time to time.  Automatic generation of all forms related provision fund and T.D.S calculation.  Payment slip can be generated and printed for individual staff.

36  This Module Provides :  Item Details  Details of the source  Purchasing date, rate and bill no.  Stock in hand  Qty of material consumed  Depreciation values  Weekly / Monthly analysis of items consumed  Time to time rate variation analysis  Graphical analysis of items consumed and its variation in the rates  30 different types of reports related to the module.

37  It can creates new routes.  It will provide different stops under each route Bus facility can be provided at the starting of the session or in between.  Bus facility can also be terminated in between and also provides facility to change of route and transfer of route.  Complete bus, driver/cleaner details  Service details  Spare parts details  Alerts  Diesel details  Mileage details  Students and staff who are using bus details.




41  It provides fast and efficient way to mark attendance which saves time and overhead in marking and calculating attendance.  You can view and print reports to view class wise, student wise or school wise attendance for particular day or duration.  Graphical representation of students present or absent on particular day can be viewed or printed.  Anecdotes can be added for student absent or late.  Compulsory attendance limit can be set for class or school. In case students are not able to fulfill the criteria then warning message is displayed.

42  You can also print letters to students who are absent, informing them, action that will be taken for their irregularity.  You can edit attendance whenever required.  Grace attendance can be given incase student's attendance is short. An anecdote is added showing that grace is given who allotted that.  You have access old attendance.  Manual and help is provided for Attendance management system. In case you require we provide helpdesk from telephone and internet.  Attendance Manager suits to the need of every school.

43  School website is more of dynamic than static.  The website concentrates more on parents to view their children’s marks lists, timetables, dairy, teacher’s comments etc.  It helps parents to know about fee, exam timetables and pay the fee online etc.  Parent can view only his/her child’s information only.  Staff can know the holidays, payrolls, principal’s comments etc.  Staff/student or parent can comment, suggest or complaint.  Even principal can send messages individually either to staff or student.  Static data such as photos, videos are changeable.  It also helps a candidate (student/staff) to know his/her application status.


45 Thank You

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