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Do the quiz then decide… Did Jesus hear and speak God’s word? Like the prophets, did he have power to do miracles ? Like Elijah, did he bring people back.

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Presentation on theme: "Do the quiz then decide… Did Jesus hear and speak God’s word? Like the prophets, did he have power to do miracles ? Like Elijah, did he bring people back."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do the quiz then decide… Did Jesus hear and speak God’s word? Like the prophets, did he have power to do miracles ? Like Elijah, did he bring people back to faithfulness to the true God? Like Jeremiah, was he persecuted & rejected ? How? Like Amos, did he show justice/ fairness to all? How? Like Moses, did he lead to people to freedom? How? Was Jesus a prophet? 1.Explain 2 reasons with examples, why Jesus was a prophet, 2.How much of a prophet was Jesus, compared to the others? **Was he more than a prophet? How?

2 Jesus as a prophet To describe how Jesus was a prophet, with evidence (L4-5) To explain how Jesus was more than a prophet (L5) To evaluate what difference that makes to you (L5-6)

3 Was Jesus a Prophet ? THE POINTS 1.Jesus was a prophet because Jesus used God’s power to do miracles 2.Jesus was a prophet because Jesus heard & spoke God’s words 3.Jesus was a prophet because Jesus called people to faithfulness to God, like Elijah 4.Jesus was a prophet because he was persecuted and rejected, like Jeremiah 5.Jesus was a prophet because he called to justice, like Amos Give 3 PEE points to prove that Jesus was a prophet. 1.Write out the point. Jesus was a prophet because…. 2. Give the evidence – the relevant part of the quote A quote that shows this is “…” (Reference) 3. Explain how your evidence proves your point This quote shows that… This proves that …. THE EVIDENCE 1.Matthew 11:2-6 2.John 12:49-50 3.Matthew 5:17-20 4.Mark 15:16-20 5.Matthew 25:34-35

4 Was Jesus more than a prophet ? Which call outs were said by Jesus, which by Old Testament prophets? “Lord, heal this person” “Be healed” 1.In 2 columns write out the call-outs that a prophet would say, and those Jesus would say 2.Explain 2 ways that Jesus was more than a prophet. **What else did Jesus do that no prophet could do? Watch the video. “Pray to God, and He may forgive you your sins”. “Your sins are forgiven”. “Anyone who believes in Me will never die, but will have eternal life”. “Believe in the Lord your God, and He will give you life”. The Lord revealed it to me, I was told.. for Jesus knew what was in their hearts..

5 Because Jesus is Son of God, and more than a prophet, we can pray to him, as God. Write a prayer that shows how Jesus is more than a prophet. sacrifice love perfect life Forgiveness of sin All knowing powerful

6 More than a Prophet Matthew 11:5 The blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed (by healing) and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the poor have good news (the Gospel) preached to them. Matthew 5:17-20 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. John 12:49-50 For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it. THE POINTS Jesus was a prophet because Jesus used God’s power to do miracles Jesus was a prophet because Jesus heard & spoke God’s words Jesus was a prophet because Jesus called people to turn back to God.

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