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Scientific Classification

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1 Scientific Classification
Objective 3.03 Discuss floriculture and landscape plants.

2 Scientific Classification of Plants
Taxonomy- the science of classifying and identifying organisms such as plants

3 Scientific Classification
Scientific names are necessary because the same common name is used for different plants in different areas of the world Latin is the language used for scientific classification

4 Scientific Classification
Carlos Linnaeus Swedish botanist Developed the binomial system of naming plants using two Latin words to indicate the genus and the species

5 Scientific Classification
Scientific Name First word=genus First letter is capitalized Second word=species If there are additional words after the species, they indicate the variety or cultivar Variety is var. Cultivated variety is cv

6 Scientific Classification
Plants in the same genus have similar characteristics Plants in the same species consistently produce plants of the same types

7 Scientific Classification
Family Phylum Kingdom Species Genus Order Class

8 4 Most Important Divisions of the Plant Kingdom
Thallophytes: algae, fungi, and lichens Bryophytes: true mosses and liverworts Pteriophytes: ferns, horsetails, and club mosses Spermatophytes: seed-bearing or flowering plants Gymnosperms: seeds are not in an ovary (cone) Angiosperm: seeds enclosed in an ovary (flowering plants)

9 Activity Choose 2 plants we have covered so far during Plant ID
Find out their Scientific Classification Find the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species Do the plants you chose have anything in common? CWHW Portfolio #3

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